Show X The SaJt Lake Tribune tlS C painters Remove Pickets From Nellis AF Rase Intrrmountain News NujrpeU Force Crash Wyoming Kills Idahoan Four Others jir Reno Teller Face's Sentence and a Salt Lake City painting and (decorating firm which the union charged failed to meet union contrart pro- union Y 29 19V1 JL RptcUl to Th Trlfoun THE WORKSHOP Sponsored arship Daily session and Special to The Tribune PROVO — Final week of the Jointly '‘by several education mission dining the fust week and'financed by Utah w'eie focused on operations of FROVO — Site for a Utah workshop on economic ed group at Utah "County Welfare - Depart- busine will re- business enterprise institution ucatlon “now in progress-toent sume included headquarters ha been activity Monday morning Featured speakers Young University Biigham 2G4 W 3rd North Monday will foeu attention on in Knigiit Hall Dr AvSmith Dr Avard Rigby principal of purchased at R Baker direcPond dean of the college of Piovo Harold Utah Utah's economic problems of training ‘NEV-rurr-Flc- University srhool and Dr Edward J Al- tor announced Friday len associate director of the Architects now are working Joint council oh economic educa- on the plans and specifications Mr Baker said tion New york — — Welfare Building Slated at Provo F ocuses on Utah Ecoiioinic'WorlvsIioii j in effect in the Las vision Vega aiea VEGAS It was announced that the weie removed from firm the AAA Master DecoratNellis Air Force Base Saturday ing Co had agreed to pay after settlement of a week long fringe benefits called for by the humanities and social sciences strike by the AFL Painters painters uifon contrart and to During the past week leath- is director Union Aum-wers ‘and school administrator Educators attending the clinic The walkout stemmed from a use of spray guns on certain from nearly every section of the state participated in the clinic received board and room schol dispute between the painters types of buildings - LAS PrM By gator unmarried His mother FFDFRAL WYO — An Air Mrs Lucille Oldham lives at Force crew of four who died Memphis Tcnn Friday when a C119 crashed on the 6tde of a knoll a scant 150 18 yards from a ranch house and hurst Into flames was identified Saturday CARSON CITY NEV (UP) The twin engine craft bound from Offut Air Force Base at — Dennis C Conyers Reno teller accused Omaha to Mountain Home Air the Force Base in Idiho plunged to of embezzling $500 from NeBank of National First 4 earth about pjn on the King in Reno will appear Merritt ranch 5 miles southwest vada 17 for sentencing by Aug ®f here R Ross Mountain Home Air Force Federal Judge John Conyers pleaded guilty beBase identified the victims as: fore Ross Friday and was reCapt Eugene Mcllroy 28 leased pending sentencing wife His Riverside Calif pilot Margaret lives at the Mountain Jtrtr Snnriay ’ SHOP IN AIR -- CONDITIONED COMFORT fft f AI 'r Crabh Kills 3 Home base CASPER WYO (jF)— Three Capt Emory E Long 32 copilot Roswell Ga His wife Al- persons were killed early Saturthea also lives at the Idaho day in a head on crash on US base 87 about 13 miles east of Casper St Sgt Alfred M Williams Tie victims were John H 28 engineer Jerome Idaho His Balderston 39 Banff BC Mrs wife Beverijv lives at the base Ionna Martin Balderston 33 The fourth crewman was (Tiis wife and Richmond Elmer Identified as 1st Lt Cook 23 Mulberry Kan Thomas D Oldham 25 navi- In serious condition in Natrona County Memorial Hosi pital In Casper are William Cook 23 brother of Richard ' son of Cook and the 4 year-ol- 255 P later Death Strikes Pioneer 84 Of Wyoming - Special to The Tribune months Funeral services will be held 10 a m Monday at St 1 : -- Pat- r rick's Catholic Church In Interment will be in the Kemmcrer Cemetery Kern-mere- Mrs Qtiealy who was born 17 1870 In Omaha Neb came to Wyoming with her late husband Patrick J In Jan 1890— This started a cycle of her life Skier Drowns that won her prominence in the state of her adoption and far NAMPA IDAHO— Investigation was completed Saturday in beyond its borders After living several years In the drowning of a 19 year old Rock Springs the Quealys water skier Friday night In moved to Kemmerer where Mr Lake Lowell Willard Little son of Mr and Quealv opened coal fields and founded the town Until her hus- Mrs Ralph Little drowned band's death in 1930 they while trying to retrieve a ski worked together in various busi- after his motor boat had broken down ness ventures After his death Mrs Quealy became an Individual business woman and an aettve participant in Wyoming politics Lee Contends Utah in Top Fiscal Status 'SHE HAD HELD executive positions in many corporations was vice president of the First National Bank of Kemmerer President of the Medicine Bow Special to The Tribune and La Barge oil companies and Grand County — "We MOAB until recently served as a dihave for all essential provided of rector the Western Oil Refinservices and financed the greating Co Until a few year ago Mrs est construction program In state history on the one hand Quealy operated a large cattle and sheep ranch north of Rawl- yet have kept our budgets balins She was also a member of anced stayed out of debt and held taxes down better than 43 the State Board of Education of the 48 states” Gov J BrackFrom 1972 to 1943 she was en Lee declared here Saturday Democratic women’s The governor was addressing chairman a meeting with- Republican deleand party leaders from From 1913 to 1953 she served gates southeastern counties of the as Democratic national Utah pot-son- s alty- “ Wyoming’s coveted LLD degree SuriivorJUvirwRide her son Patrick major of Kemmoier two grandsons two granddaughters eight great grandsons and one great granddaughter ASTOUNDING! COftBILGSS AU TRANSISTOR HEARING AID COME rP EARLY FOR BEST Jr-idcr- stry to locate in Utah the 'x is r - ' k(ft NitHfi nln aaotm ntst non audivox mumc tc wn$oe t Salt lake Hearing Center 909 K11 Ogd IM Rlrfg 421 Judge lldg Satr taka City ot allergy ointment tor rough dry acatlng Itching or Wping II 'i n on any part ol tha body you hava giver up In despair thinking no product will relieve tha Itching ot your Irritated akin gal H 4 M OINT-tCi- ? TODAY No product 1 lo it Yo ir rtugglat haa this eT-- n marvelr-uH 4 M O ntmant I’o w II q'cid y refund ycur money if vou ora not ple-fs- d with raaul'a It la r legagnt to ua edrlesa ond ek n ri nr fa-- your kma aoka get H 4 M 0’’’TtENT J! 4 M LoborrCortea $4495 $1095 $1 095 $2250 $12995 $5993 $27995 Reg $5995 $3995 Reg $3495 $2495 Desk End Trundle Beds Reg $89 95 CLEARANCE SUMMER FURNITURE De Luxe Aluminum Chair Reg $1995 De lux Aluminum Patio Rocker Reg $1995 Saran Web Aluminum " $49 95 Reg $6995 $17995 Chest of Drawers ft -- 4 Chair Reg $1695 Saran Web 3 a A Reg r£ Pi£y $1495 Alumi $3995 Canvas Suntan Cot — Colors t $1495 ' num Glider Reg $3495 Aluminum Saran Web Chaise Reg $3995 Aluminum Patio Contour Recliner VrJli j $1095 $1995 $2495 $2495 Reg $14 95 uc r i EASIEST TERMS tl Fi liitl Ilian CARPETS I ' ttcj- BR0ADL00M REMNANTS DURING THIS SALE-a- nd De Luxe Carpet Cushion at No fcxtro Co st 9 4x12 12x119 12x129 Green 12x12 Gray 12x13 4 12x136 '‘$13995 $15995 Tree Bark Tweed WiltPn : Nutria Tweed Tweed Beige Green Cotton 12x14 Beige Wilton Char Gray Tweed f 7 12x1$ 12x152 Champagne Gray Quartz 12x16 10 Nutra 12x17 Cocoa Cotton FREE $209 95 $129 95 $225 00 $14995' ’ PARKING $26995 $22995 $26995 lof Axmimt Pil lrr Nylon Rayon Sandalwood or Nutria Tufted Mohawk Mardt Gra Tria Bark All Wool Rock Cray Ripplewcavr Reg £1195 Reg $11 95 Reg $1195 Reg $1195 Reg $12 50 $239 95 $298 50 7 $159 50 $17995 $22995 $9950 Dp 5 - trrVrrS495 $495 $695 $795 Contemporary Aarntnittf Pastel floral Turquoite Aminiterf Rose $995 v r 27x54 eulr THROW 60 v w RUGS y9S IMtS SMALLER CARPET REMNANTS Reduced up to mwm $795 $ 795 Nutria Axmmjtaf Green Tweed Cray loop All Wool r t $16995-$1599- $395 $495 $6 95 Of $239 95 Coc5a hr Corel Twd Velvet $8 95 $9850 $9850 $12995 $8995 HnJ J6 9S $298 50 12x14 12x143 12x145 Grn $1095 $995 $995 $21950' $22995 $12995 $17995 " $899 Charcoal Wilton 'tffYS'Nytan Radfl' $9 95 SPECIAL Binding 9x12 raw typa $13995 love Seat $1500 TO $25j 00 Choice $495 TO $7 95 I:1 $6950 Vi OFF Dresser and Mirror to v $129 95 Slumberon Mattress Top Quality Tuftless Full Size 4 Only Regular National Price Genuine Mattress to Reg $1995 All-Foa- Some Exceptional Your $4995 ’ $8995 CUT U Twin Bed Dresser Set Reg $17995 Stand— Assorted Styles ' me Gold $149 95 $22850 Odd Beds— Many Style Values Your Choice Nile or Step Table $14995 Open Stock limed Oak Bedroom $2995 to $7500 $1995 ‘Group of Table lamps Reg $2500 $995 Upholstered Arm Platform Rockers With Wide Selection of Cover and T Colcrsr Reg ”'$5995 $2995 Heywood Wakefield Birch living Room Table CUT ’ to Vi French Provincial Occasional Tables CUT Vi to V 9995- - Double Dresser Set With Stand Walnut $12995 $19650 w $7995 Red Linen Tub Chair Reg $11500 c Champagne Double Dresser Set Modern Styling Includes Chest Reg $379 9$ $27995 Fruitwood MahoganyDouble Dresser Set' Grey De Luxe Recliner Chair Reg Maple Arm Club Chair Reg $5995 Wagon Seat Cocktail Table Reg $1995 $25995 $19995 Reg Chairs Upholstered Cricket Chairs Reg $3495 De luxe Foam Rubber lounge Rocker Reg $15995 Gold FiresidejChair— 1 Only Reg $11950 Champagne Mahogany Double Dresser Set Includes Bookcase Bed and Stand Reg $29995 Blush Pink $8995 i Pair Rose Regency Fireside Reg $36000 Pair Value 995 Maple lamp : $28995 Chairs Print Sofa Reg $13995 Print linen Sofa Bed Reg $17995 Bedroom Set Provincial Dresser Mirror and Panel Bed Plu $19995 Matching Open-Ar- Provincial Bedroom Set 9 Drawer Dresser - Mirror- - and Panel Bed Reg $21995 $18995 Reg 1 With $38995 CLEARANCE MAPLE SHOP BEDROOMS Chest Reg $29995 Chair Group All Style Occasional Tables Extra Fine Table and Floor lamps c Dinette Regi $30400 I) to ITCHING SKIN t HkSJtrw nicumnai ON ‘N hi platform for ECZEIIA & (pucusvoe 'J left $15995 TTTHt gov- ) A 7-P- $21995 large Group Occasional Chair Value to $5995 De luxe Group Occasional Chair Value to $10000 $4995 Quality Wood Grain Table De luxe Chairs Reg $ 1 3995 $ 1 O ernor added SATD $995 Ti SELECTION s erated theJndustrial growlhef the state Cm Copper Blacktone xv r 1 luxe ’ $27995 Beige Reg - 2 Pair Right and Reg $16900 Best Six 1 Kroehler De lux Sofa and Foam Rubber Cushion Reg Dinette c Roie $25995 Reg $6995 De "I have met with enough in dust rial Including those connected wllh the slate's new uranium prdduclng and process ing industry to i ealire the value they place on sound operation of government in the states where they locate’’ he said The consistent position the state government has taken for the past eight years on fiscal and tax matters has been a decided inducement for new indu- and Ui $7995 and continue his (policies of honesty efficiency and economy in government — “policies which aecel 1 Pink Reg 7-P- c SAVE 4-65- 01 Chrome Dinette Set c $12995 Jet Tone T Kroehler Sofa— Foam Foam Rubber Love Seat Sofa Bed $13995 He attributed the slate' favorable ftm al position to the policies of hi administration HE mi Reg $14995 $19995 luxe Modern Rubber $8995 Dinette in c n Last year she - was one of five nationally prominent to be awarded the Unlvrr-- 5-- Chrome Grey - - of Reg Reg state commit-teewoma- Pink $11995 XX Hideaway Bed Sofa Sleep Two De Chrome Set large end d ROCK SPRINGS WYO July 28— Mrs Susan Jane Quealey 84 well known pioneer woman active for many years in Wyoming died early Friday at a Salt Lake City hospital after a lingering Illness She had been a patient there for the past five at DC LIVING ROOM Reg DINING AND DINETTE Charcoal PARIS IDAHO— A 7 year-olboy drowned Saturday in Bear Lake afternoon despite rescue by his mother and resuscitation efforts by Bear Lake County sheriffs office The tragedy was the first drowning on the Idaho side of the lake this year Doctors pronounced Randall Hodges riendabout J5 30 t nu lie was a sorf of Mr'and Mrs John Hodges Taris Idaho County Sheriff O E (Mac) Monson who directed rescue efforts said the hoy wa play- ing with a brother near the ‘‘causeway’’ channel for the Bear River Sheriff Monson said the lad was playing on the shore when he stepped off Into deep water EM PH SO STATE the Balderston Lake Claims SHOPMONDAY 9:30 am TiJ 9 pm - 9x12 5 COTTON LOOP RUGS Ckeice of Colors $3S3 Linoleum Remnants Reduced up to 50 Park Your Car Wherever Yqy Will Axelrod's Will Foot the Bill 255 SO STATE Shop Monday 9:30 PH am to IM 9 pm i t ie |