Show I i I I FJIEE FAnE TO TEXAS I I Oo With Ilnilerholmi Perionally Conducted Con-ducted Excursions to Chetttrville i Texas Over the Great Rock I Island Route fall Till Fee ihip Ilafst I full and leariall Ing Country lh JvrIdNu Orion for Irtlltuirul n > r ilal advantage are that the land l tin higher than any ether similar tract if lonllolt siiHrk dmlbasw so tirretiary vilth nlolol In that district Isantl will cmto4 tmrroro than the rcntyoti are now paying III html iroJuctlrowlli nolrrl flIj J tCn ratlou nmlid inrdauddcllKhtlulclhuala lixurrii I 4 o 11 iiiaur Ino towns and two railroad vii tin tract others near by I I r > < II uuo UaiM for Ibo nxlucllou 01 Lorn I eIlo Mur lane Alfalfa 01 every kind of frills Rod vntrUlio We have thouuntsif acres of inr mar III11191 n Itiai In tint tract to select from DOW vrhlih will noon U taken up This meant a lioina ana ronifottobo fortune to tile I reAder It lu mil mvcslliatc Write taut I HtlII ld n the lIm 01 your friends who went alimcof tlelrown IA4o ibo bluanis lutl and high mm of tbo cor til lo < ilo 10 berhol at district ot Ibo Unit Coast country and ou wl 1 rere t Hie inoecuot Jour morn I rothcrout nelgubors I = Semi for title partophle 1 altlod of tilt 1 trw Ilml WI raaiM etc LOW I rrlre Ia jr trrint IMVT rate excursions mr lantu running Den you waul to got When you write give our addrx In full Aadimi ruiviuix 1cm LOLOMZI Ill I-ll > lAuderflul o IIII 31gr 110 mI iiti JiI I Ulallo llldic Chicago I Dreams of wealth don com true u often as work for It dow Tho blrncit price paid for a modern painting wan JUOCOO for Millets An gelui The largest l bronze statue ti that of Peter the Ireat at Bt Petersburg Weight 1000 tons In India every resident must under Vennty of Far rave nu name written up at the entrance ot his bouse Australia has a population of lOll than 5000000 but economists declare It could support 100000000 wltb ease The largest bell In Japan that In the Umplo at Kioto Is twentyfour feet high and sixteen feet In diameter ICTUS the rim a 1111111110 n Highest of all in LeAvening rower Latest LS Govt Report FD V oVal Baldns I I U f I PowderS I ABJSOJLKUIEHY PURTE dloo lienanl stion I The readers ot this paper will 14 pleated to learn that heii IS t at leant rne dreadrd ill ten M that seUnre linn been site tn euro In al Its Salomon unit that U Catarrh limit I s Culnrrli Cure lathe la-the only Hi > lllr cure now known tn the medical rntl < rnll > fattrrh being a onnttltuiu nil dlaenso n iulren a con rtltullonal ii itinl Halls Catarrh Cure It I taken Internally nrlltm directly upon the blood and inucoun nirfnres oft of-t he iyitm thereby destroying the foundation of the itlaekro and KMnK the pnllent slrensth by bulldlni up the constitution con-stitution and assisting nature n filling Its work The proprietors have so much Itor Its rurnllte I poners tint I they tiffrrOne Hundred Oillars fur any eaM that It falls lo cure lend for list ot teitlnmnltli Adlren F J CIIKVCV A CO Toledo O gold by 1rulIlIlI 7tc Hall rurally Illt Me 1 mm Now I iilll erring i Ovrrronta and Inter oV11II will be In faahlon They tan Iw dltruriled I teen I I iwrorll whlltl truvcllnif In tile attain inatcii train ul tlio Chicago Milwau ken A ht alit Italluii For tolld comfort for s > < cJ and for barely nu ollur line ran oouipare with tilts great ulhvuj of tha West I Inqullt III file Mitlil I There In I and them nlniiya has Iiien Inequality thu world In aplto of lilt striving of KencrouaheartH und 111 lyht enril mlnda for oiuallt At4 ugh equality linn never crated to nhoiv itself it-self und I vffvc rfc within thedllfir I Pat order and In modern time to iharaitrrlroat least iunrllcmlly that Illdo comr Old lto order which vvo call irooil Miclet rlvlllzatlon la I still rm bruited anil cmlunii red by Ineiiualltr t J f d J ta Ono need not allcuo iDsUnceti the urn abundant every ones experience and oUervntlon nud theater vv ho dread or effect to dread the dead level of rijiml hy are quit right III aaintf that even In a iKilltlcal druiocraiy there la I na much Inrquullly aa anvvrhrre Hut thltilomnot I prove lItll at the are right In admiring I It that It U not J rand r-and ttuplL Inequality still peraltta but an does theft KO toes miinirr RO aloes haUI kodonlmont all the alna unit thopmenthat ever were Inequality IK 1 In fact tile Mini of thrift In tha body of this death they fetter und corrupt forever Aaloncnswo have Iniqunllty we hall love Iho sins and ahnmei which Spring from It niul vv hit h live on from inferior Jo aupnrlor Iew I vices I llourUli life trivial clual to efluill but thu virtues The junl like it 111111 ISO 6Az nbat > bethinks be-thinks Ut tho I OII le 11001 I Atandw tetuatis 1 I holulfral tier 1IhI 10 69 110 Ii gouit Ludcoa with lite inulul A Ifearly 11alrerne To tot 111111 laid twore bl 11 and IrRU1111111Y i a 1 fill Irailen4vd liy Iho shationatleps HQIONCII foneral Dowl IW ties I o r of llof an at alyop If twill undporlarrof fyr 1he 011KNI llttlt In I I thdisrour muffilft1111 lit I rn Wilout r r i 4yorv Bla 111lr eunifil In Is I IA tit I1II it alit CIS I 10 IvIlOIIIII I noted by the llitior 111her hllsv 604 Isiketl 01 Tim14 111lollo141but two 6 r fli H6lovilsir fortmoldhoSiSA botl ars beso 1114 toll I I ISO S11111val Wh The rmalleat perfect watch ever made It I owned by n lluulan prim CM I It web first placed an oxqnlillo cold I call covered with the must uilnutr I but literally perfect atleau sconeii lit rnaiiielt then at tho prlncctk desire I the > orka were remorcil unit placed In aide B aplendltl diamond scares Wo aitha of an Inch In diameter 1 Iliadra to 111airepmedy but II Ill 11 0 Ill C 10 4 plat Is 11 hh v AbVl 116999918M I To PrvnL Tffitdlnrs How do vou nrold tardlnetV allied ona first A tcacherof another tile other I day Yoo tlllly tied Olla In nU lsi month obkorvrit tile questioner This la my plan tXelollllril II aH and It worka well 1ncli niornlnir vvo Klva mottors Now wo liavo about fifteen und nt tile openlui exercise each child recitals its innny 01 our mot toes na ho ran The children are In rested and come curly to cnpago lu hla pail of tile program All our mot does are short Uoluir nothing It dolnir 1 1 111 U I tha lonKekt ono I now think ol My I ono tardiness vvut cnu ed 1 by sick nms llm little chat came lu at 10 oclock to T I IveIst then end for our loolr How to Hpent lata bucrtMlully on limited Jlriclnln lt rll tlralu and Muck UarLetn Matlnf Iree Louutuck flushes A Luuiiaay Hla to lIuloIlu laau 111 As A OliO Art older II Intel hills 10llrer 10 Itam III Ir a good time And luujcr to eool I air III Letiful aii vir II I CIonII Mix three heaping Inbletpoonfuta of Crated II rhoeolate nflh enough water lo beat It to a smooth paste taking rare that no limirit remain Put It Into s eliovlale pot and set It Into a kettle of toiling water Iour In ono pint ot new milk and Ono pint ot cream or n quart = ot new milk wlih the whllet ol one or two ef well 1 beaten Mir the chocolate > choco-late pante Into the acnldlii milk unit still let It toll two nr three minute then stir In tha beaten whites and servo It hot LbMMift rrI t0L lsIutM9rr1rr I = III ISSVI VanIuIf1AiII1ot iate ilia 401tta 01l0Inl01 of ilia holding of betattiess I 14al milie The I ri an Inl attention of oar regulates h failed lu tue mltro In thin platirrFitte tar tu Trout It afrairm a proud on < ir tonlty to HO tire a bonw In tW anlni < fin f-in ronluat Head It for rllltlr In formation lbalowtragolapporuffor train eight two humlred ITIIIIII JlrK lineaill1 rIU INsboard u rf a = lir ri1 aTbTbAX1 The nhtrnmn who lies In wait for trout unit liimllr uti It li n ttolle In tttlfhl for mauy inuvnt Could I not let along xillrautl 1608 Cur for Consumption It alnap cares Itrv I It C Ilea ITOK Nfollmin ilats Lie t Ti 111 f4tarietar I nllllllall1 turning with the 011 let III dullAtI D Ildsvotio It Hie llxliy It I Lullltiitlli S nn Id we UutMl > kt > 0 IrWJ tolay Seas it IssiowGloatillod sni rwCMUna T ua oc J Ibillernion Iii dll of fish lying stout Ilitin tAIl In reality Hi the other v nr Ihoa Media Com 1Iln 11 Impasse IN Atilt year I 46 Sir IL There It I line cvnioatlen with the new wuiiiaii iTOJo tin louitu J chojrou will Le a luau lliriard table reroml hanJ for sale iheap Al toy In or T Ire It L AKl tll I H lilh Ht Oroalia Not llomiinr line teen ee uitly donned ast the ITI ring ot fiction and love = 1 14 1Z 11 I I y I P I E ell rJ if KNOWLEDGE Brlnp comfort Improvement net tends to inrtonal enjoyment when rlglitly uvO llio many who lives bettor bet-tor than othcn anil cniorJUamora wIUs JQ less expenditure liy moro promptly adapting I tho wotWs but irotlncU will t to tho ncedi of physical bclnj attest thovaluo to health of the pure liquid I laxative iirtuclplc embraced In Uio rcmcily Pyrup of Firs I I rerl tit excellence l ofs duo to presenting I In the form mint acceptable and pleat ant tn tho taste tho refreshing and truly T 1 beneficial properties of n pntfirct lax atlvo eircctually cleAnsIng the system I illiwllliiB CoIdN headaches mid fevers ant I IIl ac f t and permanently curing conitlpatlon U has given Mltifactlon 1 to millions and 11 el fteII r r met nlth tho approval of tho medical I prolcMlnn licraUM It acts on the Kid Liver arid Itowels without weak iicyii II oYt call IIK them lldll It It perfectly free from < vcryol > lectlonablotub Ume Syrup of rict Is for salts liy all dro3 > rup II I plils In Mo 1I1 Fife 1 bottles I but It I Is manufactured man-ufactured by tho California Fig Syrup Co only whoM name Is printed enemy I I package RIM tho Africa Hyrup of rigs and being well Informed you will not J ttlolc I accept I any substitute it l offered I I AWMER500199NUBLE MR I DUNTINC FL6EJ I f 01 ft 1IovfJrJ t 4 I I Futis 1 I Iln rL 11 I 0io StAkil TON I I I AI TO 111111111UTIt it 4411411 I AlRIN411911PUA IttALAr IRIIUAICA I I RtXNAASKIPr Itupcom 0 NSION I 111atol IRAN cf FAan as t ii I k Pro mfIo tll r i 1m I Its A14 PailuLitaunsWat elly su ON r rlr 1 3111 I I111917 ressug II am 01110011 < 6 LFtM attest Cbilft 444 + 0444 + 04444044404040044 + 46 + eOte 14141464444i4 14644444004414141 at n Lou of opportunity I If us greatest lost Think of suffering with J < 5 10 15 rdEURALGA I n Years Years Years i When tho opportunity llei tn o bottlo of ST JACOBS OIL u cures I f 404446406644041461 401111111111o to 0 6644444444446 + 4 + 4 + + + 6440414941044144011 to I P I je N 9 I THE LAND OF TIM Z11 2S QCAa QVQaNISQa Ala Qa 1WJ R ri rrb lI I IM RED APPLE R Z S arsapan r P r 01 i a S enSB I 11j C I I Ili ISul L4 I 1 1 1iff a4 1 IM COl Is 0 i I or ISroHMlTtoy r inlln > IB I U Tommy C t f9j 5 I S3 I IIII VV MIKHOUUI 017 31iitJ 0 til Miuitrr U l rt 1mrJ uw M AT T H ImoT IUIIM Vl L U mutual Uv or P1 Any sarsaparilla is sarsaparilla True So nny 9f 1O4Ke > uJooklJIJlCtle IJ Iii I 16 tea is lea So any Hour is flour But grades difler J 1 I fi > 3 You want the best Its so with sarsaparilla There Yj Zacliary I Lindsey 6 arc grades You want the best Ii jou understood J I I tw At sarsaparilla as well as you do tea and flour it A I I Whole Tt RUBBER GOODS J would be easy to determine Hut jou dont How cl Jr I sale I W I should jou is bJ Dealers tend for atslotuat Dnstaa NU TO When you arc joing to buy a commodity 9 I 16 whose value you dont know you pick out an old 9 Omaha STOVE REPAIR Works fijj cstnbliihcd house to trade with and trust their c f Iou lIpl rr 0 differtl0tiIT0 a drU II till P4p 10161omol41401 Jrja experience and reputation Do so when buying 9j I C I W N U OMA1I 17 1805 g5 sarsaparilla When writing to ndm users t mention I I J j Ayers Sarsaparilla has been on the market I tills jmpir P fifty years Your grandfather used Ayers It is a 70 to W I r5 reputable medicine There arc many sarsaparillas C C1 q h s Wtf 921 But only one Ayers IT CURES A II lkol JuiihDrraia > Al I rMUiltHud A Use 16 In o11u Sr1uT ru suits a 1 ffr3ffj73F 3ffJF pitgrev L4Zuo1J014ZSL0A 4 J 0 SMHKI SMSH r I I I I 1 Id 11L If MM 46 |