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Show Dr. J. J. CHAMBERS, Physician I re the their nflignatioa. should tike with ; issue of Ronds to redeem j outstanding And 'treasury greeiibat-k- s that will ctir him or rid the eotpBi'ini'y and Surgeon. oies ha not be taken senou.Ijr in of hi prsenee. aril it U not generally beLeivd . that tie thought it would be. He hid to Office first door south of Coa!- The popularity of rhamberlam , .e'himr. and he .1 remnmej 1 viile House. Coalville, Utah. Coukh Remedy and the high esteem m j not ,0no the Republic Inch it I held leads u. to believe it to to them a peg say be an article of great worth and nier.t. hi(h to hang tariff legislation bv We have th. pleasure of giving the JAMES E. HOSMER. M. L.,; a" increase of revenue of three prominent citizens o j PhjsicUu and burge:i. called at the tnte flench. Cal., in the use of the If end tjaarautiue Pltjs't iaa. 1 I hod an (tty de an hv eater juse, rejaest. I remedy. Mr. A. V'. Trudell sav. confnreine with President Cleveland Coal vile. have always received prompt relief when Uw ww.k nJ ever t,tlce b tong,w1 uf It: o'!! e ata.. ilo extent w 'ir. I ue l C hadiber.ain a Cough Ueniedy.' c at W, ai. (f ltee and rsl have isen wagging as tv the jie f Mr. James Orchard an fegtdrTf" ,)f llleioI11v,eme. It wh M ted that Chamberlain'S Cough Remedy (,m.tnu ,lt Uye ,.u U e Muilr, cured my coid. ,,r. J. M. llafcher j ,cltet has no better foundation t'uu C H. For three year I have used says: lure, L. Cliituiberlaiu' Cough Ren eiy in in orije. SURVEYOR, Ti.e houe cannot get regularly !un family and it result have atwava e until the CONYSTANCER committees NOTARY AID bisiiie FUBLIC to alisfartorv.1 For sale by Juhu Hoyden A Son. anuouticea, and Syeaktr Reed hav..t Ami-reti- COALVILLE TIMES, r hi (mi ritBAT, Hum TUiZZ PUBLISHING COMPANY. F. PINNED. M and Manmrr - Edit.)- Tmu of Suborlplkn. So, Yer . . . ... "Six Mouths . I Shu. fopt; uree Mosth con-Jgre- s, , 1 00 oo .... LO hmf-giv- en h-- tU Something Pretty? tx: , W cUlt Oil To See V Advvrtlomg Kut 1 arJV.iITT ZEJj. -s I ma Hm-h- ' . " 'TT' t it Art ....: . ,' , euliinm .a t wlutnn toon tkal ka I I" I s I ! HV U ( It AM VI m) : w i OH a l .1 on 2! mt m M 7 12 to, fM I , j 0.1; UW fr drat f hn iMIa. Mucenttor curb bmr4Unt per Ml rtu rle -- Ttw-i t to 7194, (mt.rii I I ff j luer Irictlf adVrel ni b Ctahrttlt. cmA Csis Factor. htttofer t (!. Ha nyt:I w . 1 j RHEAD. U-c- 0 1, WASlIIS'tiTOy said when LETTER. 13. JSD5. that AiE.T would be. OFFICIAL DIRECTORY. ... Mowna Swretsrr h- - iuntlcv TKKMroB r. .w tt. , . attorney (slebtSrtt C. C. RithAKl . A A Merritt - J. W, Judd . S. (I A MurMiAl Oltloa ltrgttf laul Offlce ... &Mrlrrlavd Jutlrt, Irt IHutruH . . , Jnd IMamrt Jiutlte, Tbuman A. K AmKaiiI Attorney Byron (iron .Frsnk Hsrrl, H W smith ...O W BurtWi ...W. H. Ktu t. Ju;Ue, iib huariet M, Brigham coc.vrr. frobale Judge t'lerk .... .. XeeoriltT-- Itry . . .. , Awrweand t'ulleeh Bhernf .. Tmuiirvr (toner hurseyur A Mutiny Mu mien . . . .. ..It. f. Sortbcutt ,J. B hlmo .... J J. Jenkins . ... j. .. 'vv ..... . ....J. Harrlugiou H . K U. Juhu Hel-- h, Henry Uinta Archibald. . M Ueuditf a Boon Ur. H. Uhead Towr.aend Pack and - IITV. .... .... . Alexander W right . . John Harbin J H, Salmon Tbomaa Ball ... .. . . John KnhliiMtti , B. WtlUna A. Buchanan WlUlamJ. Wright illrat, ii. t onncllmcn W. E t tia.s-l- , William J. Pvnilna, Samuel Clark and It, W itda. frectuot JuMltw ... AS IMICSAS BHVTE. 'arrested Wednesday and brought Indore Justice Wilkin on ihe charge of assaulting and beating his Bill James was He was fined fit) and costs, amounting in all to f30.05, in default of which he waa committed to jail. from the evidence of Mrs. James, it appears that Bill came home drank aad attacked her while in bed." Flic says he tried lo choke tree, dragged her out anJ pushed her over. Hut hand and arms ' were covered with bruitom, and she ways her lardy b;ars the saint e idenee of hit mother. violence. We do not know what the provocation was, bat we do know that there it aoth-in- g which onea mother could do that will justify a eon in laying violent hands upon her. We know that nothing above the lowest order of brutes would attack an old and feelds woman 73 years of age, and iuflict injuries such a were In svi-deuce in this case, even if sire were not his own mother. And this Is not the first time that this same character has been found guilty of this offense. He served a term in jail lost iniumer for beating this eld lly. Other evidences of hia depravity were brought out in the trial. His mother testified tiiat he frequently applied vile epithets and abusive, filthy names to her; that instead of being a comfort and a Juy to her in her old addeding yean, he, by hia abuse, is hastening her foot steps to the brink of a grave w hose cold - anlertbo es -- j LAND DECISIONS. ranlihuS by W. I. Hsrlaa, Lang tornry, WtihlafU, 1). C. Ail allegations in an affidavit of contest will not be held insufficient if the charges therein, taken together, tet forth a state of facts that warrant cancella- a welcouie reiitiiig pliu emti Hce the care and troubles of s joyless the world of the intention of the United State to stand by the Men rue doctrine, life; that Inst end ofproIJing her with So far Is the Monroe doctrine goes these the lew necessities that "at her age are resolutions are in accord with the s w Rich selfishnede lie in save as his takes from that long required, her ail she has, and forces her upon the ago At last July the administration signified to the government of ireat charity of the county. Britain it intention tonmintain the If it ir ere not for the fact that impris- Monroe doctrine in the Venezuela r onment is no punishment for this creaequaWs, ,Bnt the Cuban recogture, the sentence would be far too nition resolutions ore in direct opposito the preside rt, who desires this light ; in fact the full, penalty for such tion mes-ag- e, UXSkBKT LAMP. Reclamation is an accomplished fact where the water in sufficient volume has been brought on the land and so deposed as to render it available for distribution when needed. M'.VKKAI. Land chiefly valuable for phosphate deposit's is mineral in character. When legal location - for n mining made on land returned been claim has as agricultural, the return of the surveyor general is overcome, and the bor-de-n of proof shift to the party attacking the wining claim. A mining claim is not legally "known to exist" from the location thereof if the claim are nut specifically marked on the ground ami due notice of the location given. A HOI SEHOLD TREASURE. D. W. Fuller of Canajoharie," '. Y., says that he always keep Dr. King's New Discovery in the house and bis family has always found the very liest results follow its use; that he would not be without it, if procurable. (. A. Dykeman, druggist, Catskill, N. Y. says that Dr. Kings New Discovery is lindonbtedlv the best cough remedy; that he has ued it in his family f r eight years, and it has never failed to do all that is claimed for it. Why not try a remedy so long tried and tested. Triul bottle bee at John Borden A Son's drug store. Regular size 50c and STORE : Utah. : : Ueneral Dealer in All Kinds of Ever Brought Hurrah For L Santa Claus! Want If You School Books, Note Books, Paper, Envelopes, MAGGIE SALMON S and see the BEAUTIFUL CHRISTMAS PRESENTS. Just Call at Tablets, Blanks, Pens, ' wi nnliQthlt dolls, Pencils, Ink, Rulers, UTAH HEALTH ACCIDENT INSURANCE. to the hiunr'l of i5 nk. v hen unalits hurl whVntallv v.,u WILL TAX, if areaiuiletitnilj k:!VJ. st Mu from work so A.vn 10 AHSOU IE PKOTECrniMo life upon pav in HHP'vrship .V due, of SI. OO per mouth Cl Always On Hand at the MINE TGH ati.l - LIFE INSURANCE. . Ahofo'tieft Klilr of Life IusmtiUh t . - & liA. J Awe- uf tli'ALlt.Ri r"nw ai month tor utDituT fediifrtH IHHM) hU) Lnw pall uv UMGof puin, 1 I jauiu4 or JhOf n IOOO tl IIHHI t kn iMfidont 'rtU 4! pr HATS lr You cannot hi- - nil your I.iwme an k or Diucblt ft hj Ac lout THP IXTI MPhura.l Velvets, w jouav1 hi u i (ID IILITX MITfJL u1 .itlv Ace 1. hvlit I ss.ct HuUh !,-- -o A,1-- f i i V"- ul , 'U m the Initi it -- ttfIu liH- - :hs reiimPfl ra-- h ,1. v'ite with tito-, cUf.Mnia ami 'ilawui-- l, whhh. Mnl,tfwith an unulr Kffcre Fun tan, I svther niake lie evztihun'i ,m a olun xuu'niuw of the wthliiv of u j.r.,1, i!.ou to It- Utih .'t 'ff ff 't II ti.tttl . U. f .i je ,. 7 Vo., JJi't 1 t 5 " ) nihauff I ffiirtnieot, foV Imj j .7'J . Stiff y.o t 4 Hit, f tili. Tlmvk ritHosLoc al Agt. M. IMu , '-- ', f. y j , $2.00 LumPj Stove, 1.25 j , ns. J. ' Coalville PATRONIZE HOMEINDDSTRY TIMES, $2 per Weber Coal Dept. O. S. M. Co Year. I, JO. , j ' IF, INSURED, Hotice. presi-(lentTt- lHO. Iu connection with Ti Till and Trade-crett. eat bufMoeas conaucted Ou Omcfi can aecTir rk obtA for Moor oaTt U. and all Pat. I at eta- - i S. FaTtT orinet j ihome J ua .. um inucih m remote Iron Uastwogioa. wnn wertp-- J j or photo. Send model, drawing not. free of J tloa. We edrise, U patentable or leaeoired. 3 till patent etnarre. Out fee not due Obtain Patenta with How to maepHLittn the ountne U. 3. end foreign aaoe Addresa. J that the old Indy mn- -t lie protected very harshrylriticued him. Mr, Mor- PACIFIC HOTEL, ECHO. from him, Lt certain iU he will abme gan isnt one of those who turn the Board by d.ty, week or mouth. rates to W k'ain w hen he is released and op- other cheeky he alwav s strikes bock. and l Special i Bresideut Cleveland's message a Good accom parties. fishing portunity presents. Hard lalior and a flat failure, so fur as leicg a factor in modatiotis for transients. and water diet might do him Congressional financial legslation is conS JOS. STORKK, Prop . and.l this ioilrlLe citizens in cerned, His recommendation for the )! Bisque inches Walk-iYillllll- ah k aiul miiiliV to worn s WILL WAY HXl ft,r fimrra' WILL PAX. if von lic a haiol i.rfootor both feotnr Niiti ban,l. Wt3 to 4.IS LACES, ETC. lately leuty-tw- you are (SIO a week, when PAT WILL - j Postoffice Building, - the chi'.dtens hearts o Anilinnmr purchasing. - make CnllTroniw 9nnfin Slates, Fishing Tackle, or anything in that line, give me a call before . - l long, only 25 cents. 23Eadie.v Toilet Cases, Gents Shaving. Sets, Childrens Silver Sets, Stery Books, Packet Knives, etc., etc. Every purchaser of $3.50 worth of goods will receive a beautiful OUUVCUiI OpUUlI with the pieture of Columbus and Worlds Pair engraved thereon, A. complete line of Millinery, Sailor and .ing hats just received. A fiue line of Winter Underwear, Hosiery, Fascinators, Hoods, Shawls, Babies Coats, Cloaks and Bonnets. 4 Ladies Union Suits for this month will be cut down to 75c Childrens Uniou Suits that sold for 65c and 75c, cut to 50c Childrens Wool Coats, with braid and Angora fur,, J1.75 & $2 Fascinators, all colors, for this month, cut down to 25c. & $1 JLadies wishing to get a winter cape please call and learn my prices. I will furnish them direct from the east at prices that deiy any in the town. Respectfully, MAGGIE SALMON . Erasers, . PEOA, to Town, AND- -- 10 to remain strictly neutral. merciful, and ten country The adoption by the senate of a resoyean at hard lahor would nearer serve lution offered by Feustor Morgan of the ends of justice' Alabama providing that the portion of , But, as before stated, he rather seems the presidents message relating to the te enjoy confinement in jail where he it payment by the United Slates of claims arising out of the Bering Sea Lftf, arid it was S?iilid'brTdrrrctritfilcmiitfi EMSSrK-EuRHOADE- Sr probably the knowledge of this and the foreign relations, with examine into the question of liability expense he will be to the city that t caused Justice Wilkins to make his fine and the amount thereof, and to report by bill or otherwise, while perfectly so light. and in order, will probably not We have no patience, no pity, no nee proper be plaant news either for the for such n monster fora strong, able- British Ambassador or the STOItr.lt, bodied pertain who could strike and Canadiab claimants. Senator Morgan is chairman of for that committee, and abuse an old woman of 73, and that woChoicest Meats in the County, man his own mother, must be a monster characterizing those claims as largely and prices as low as the lowest. -- and wbat wouid be the proper punish- - bogus,;t upon the floor of the senate at k.,ion7the Prilih AuT,ador e ar at a loss to know. Certain has raerA, in an offioal communication it is and see the largest assortment of WILL PVV. aevordin 109 -- Co-O- p PBOA, Christmas 0. F. LYONS, Novelties Summit Co., tern. bouu-dar- crimes would be POSTOFK fit VCTICE AND SKtTLEMRXT. Settlement on a tract covered by the no right entry of another confer the record entryman or the U. S. A charge of abandonment against homestead entry must fall where the entryman is residing upon the land when the notice of contest is served. from presi-deut- to the Coalville ! tion. if ting wnr ta Go 1 1 The first week of Congress more useful in indicating the tren I of things than (or the production of actual work, and thia year ! no exception. One uf the most certain indications is that the silver men in the senate, although believed to be in n majority, will not act together, but will net with their respective parties, upon everything except tiie silver tuetion, and they are not likely to he put to the test of showing how they would act upon that. Neither Republicans, Democrats, nor iopuhsts have yet adopted a program as to what shall be done about reorganising the senate, although the latter have decided to vote together until they see what the others propose, but it is probable that the Republican will in the end get control. It has been hinted as a possibility that some of the Democratic wish the Republican to shoulder th responsibilities of the fession stand ready to give the Republicans the vote necessary to make majority of the oenutc, but that white, of course, possible is not probable There are quite a many Republican senators who wish the IVmocrsts to retain control as there are Iemocrats who wish to surrender the control to the Republicans. Knglsnd'ssnswcr tothis government's demand that the Venezuelan dispute lie submitted to arbitration it now on the wsv here. It i said to be a refusal, and, according to extracts from the English papers cabled over, Lord Salie- bury thinks theadminiatrationis merely bluffing about enforcing the . Monroe doctrine. If he really thinks so bo is is badly misinformed-man,-ongrepractically unanimous on this question, as will be .shown later on, .And if Lord, balinburv acts on the bluff theory be will find himself compelled to eat crow or fight before be get through with this business. Party lines in congress would molt away like enow should it come to a question of hacking the administration, even to the extent of a declaration of war, in its effort to maintain the Mon roe doctrlno. That Americanism jingoism, .if you please is uot couflned .to any one political party waslhown by the bill and resolutions introduced this week in the senate. Senator Call of Florida (D ) offered a resolution for the recognition of the Cuban revolutionists as belligcr euts, and followed it up w ith a speech that was somewhat stronger than the resolution. Senator Allen of Nebrusks (P.) offered providing for the recognition of Cuba as nn independent nation, and for the annexation, "as essential to our safety in times of war and the convenience and necessity of our Commerce in timee of pence," of ail the islands in close proximity to our coasts; also reaffirming the Monroe dec trine. Senator Lodge of Maaachusets ud Cullom'of Illinois (Republicans) Then FDR j uvenile Instructor. Young Woman's Journal. diseases, Br.ghta Disease o; the . Contnbu'oi .u most on the is dangerous, Kidieys count of its subtle and invidious nanne. An oilier (.'hurt Literature hsttalty it firru!y fixed before iu piei- erne tv even suspected by its victim. A yr.UAM BUS tK. For this reason it is important that the tiestiilent be commenced on the appe.i' Notary Pu title, Hentr. nce of the firt symptoms; even then it PnotNi KJMuftti i 4Umm !& requires careful 'treatment to Slav us -. Rams the in back, irregular,priigresties in the urine, swelling of tlie liml.s , or abdomen should le the subject of in-- : stunt investigation and the proper rem- edv immediately applied. Dr. J, H McLeans fjver and Kidney Balm lias ' prove', in thousands of severe cases its etficai v in curing this terrible diseue. Price fl ner bottle. Of a COALVILLE. FRIDAY. DEC. 0f Course Y ou Do! n-- mod C.A.SNOW&CO.j ! pmTfTOT'cC Opt WehwfWCTQW: C. our - line oL - - DRY GOODS, GROCERIES, HARDWARE, NOTIONS, SHOES, ETC.' ' We vvlll carry a stock oT MACHINE EXTRAS which we Lave ordered direct from the factory for all kinds of mowers and binders that are used in this section of the country. We also carry wagons, mowers, binders and hay rakes, and many other things. Call and get onr prices before purchas, . ing elsewhere, as we defy com petition". ? C. Wr&'ROBT. YOUNG, Wanahip |