Show R v Till TRAMP IINrtIlfuIw Mm peering at Bie r 1 from Ihe shrubbery t wan frightened I ran i ny hut II 0 ani b there wai anything Jlerce or woroe ntioul bin bearded mm tace I waa nt orally a Umld boy but I wn mnrtled la we a i ranjcr on be ground albino ear home for at coot gate I father hut I polled a olin m irked Jrlfale mid we lived there Ii Kdiic water hy I fi pen with in e elul eneM that bad nude mI ohy of all Mranger Wltm I loll father whet I had xen lie frowned dci taring that It must Ion turn tramp who had ventured lobule I Ihe grounds antI I know he Initrm ted the girilemr to look out for the man Ior n ray or two I wan continual on lie waith for the unknon anti Ihoo KTplna nothing more of him my fear wore elf Amnng my father boat I wa a flat Imllnmed punt hat lay I on the bore nt high Bier mark I hail ollen been ruth toned about playing rntiml the water wa-ter but nnc day I tentureil lo launch the punt and padd about near the hnri IhoI I know not how Ihll paddl illpped front my bands but It lid a > and In reaching for III I plunged headlong Into Ihe Muter I could 1 not i wim and I certainly cer-tainly wan In I danger of drowning but I alma efent I reallml my peril I flt Hirnng hand grasp I me and I WM brought swiftly and laftl tn lhi > shore When I rubbMl Ihe water from my rW I found that I had been Mvnl by Ihe tcry man I bad teen peering from the shrubbery lie wni lltlghlng down nt me nnd lilt face fur ill of tin beard ninth and uulrlmmed WAI a pletuat one KO you thought you would take a palm ib my hot hi aahl 1 anti lull tolie wan quite as phtaianl an lila face I HMII I wu soared ami I bunt Into team when lo ray further niuiiemwit 1 tin roughl to console mil hush me In n ruII inaniur that wan full I of gantlenew Almnrt before I rallied It hI had III tlripping arm about my dripping body anti hi wag talking tome In a way thai nooihrd my fear and quieted my I net vc t did not run from him an I had done tie first time fur I came to think that Ihligintl man who haINd mo from the niter rough and poorly elathed though he was could not mean me linriu The sun too warm and I ml then on Ihe rocki with him white he I nskiil me a hundred < questions about inyml md my home tlefoie we parted hit mad me promise that I would not till my father who bad rescued me from Ihe water made mi promise that I would not My that any one had reaoued me That he mitt non lila trim far living my life ale suld he had no home and ho wa I r 1IATTUNO MADLY OS Till JUAS3 laving ntarabouli for a time but If I told tie wm there my father would hiv him driven away I llcuitmbcr I woo no more than n chllil and knew vrry little or the world no It li I not so atrango that I gno my 1 liromlie to this man with he kindly fate and nuulcal voice I hnd never told my father a lie In all my tile and I wondered 1 how 1 wai going to avoid It In hIs cone I did nol giro my father much lima to qneitlon me but I told my atory with a ruth of word confined anti Inartlcu Jatc but with A iklll that nurprlted iniK11 I led I him lo believe ttint I hail ncrambl1 to the ihoro unaided I and el I did not pay AI much In to many warilt It wan a deception end my hart wan heavy for I felt that It WII nearly It I not quite ai bad an a lie Hut I bad kept my pronilw I to the alranger who had lAved mj life After that I aaw him often antI we came to have regular limo of meeting each day Ho had traveled the world nest and lie dellghtad to alt In Ibo Bhrltfr of tho ahrubbvr and tell me laos of till ndventur In many lands tthlle I llitened broalhleaely to hIs faa ilimtlns ilorlea At that time I did nut think how alrnnge a man ho wnll although al-though I did lametlmra wonder why he lingered there oven though he wai a tramp with no home tInny tlmea I aikod him who he was but he would amllo and ahnke lila head saying Hint I might call him Jim and that wa the only name he gate me lie laid hot lie had once been honored hon-ored and rei > cted had a goad home aol family but ono false atop had brought him to aliame and a prlwn cell mid hat when he bail wrved hla time lie wont far awn reiolvlng never again to iliatne his family by hIs lire ncr He mutt kept lila vow through 31 lie many yours but lila one tnlwtrp had killed the ambltlou within him and he niter rote In life I pitied him between ui then grew a uirong month of ynipalhjr Young though I wan I MM In thin man one that might have been noble and honored F hon-ored but for that ala step and my lieart wai full of ilncereit charity Uetcral tltnc 1 urged him to let me LRL 1 tell my rather of hli plight fir I won ear ihil when father knew the wholn truth and undenlnod < that Jim hid 01vN Hly Mr lie wMlrt RlTC tbetta work and a chance Us maM an honor nble place for hlmeelf In I the world Hat alt t MM rb lml lImit If any effect on the man hi would nil conient lu anything of the non And then It cane about that one day my father chanced upon in SO we were talking together I may never forget the look of aatonlahmenl dlamay and nxer lint rented 00 hla atom fan an he uw ua sittIng aide by aide In the hilfi of lira ahriina that hung over the ihore rorki both munching cooklea for I had Iii on bringing lunchci to Jim for a long lime I My father wna furloun he aeemed Irmpted to iprlng upon my itrange companion Jim saId not a word In de rente of lilmeelf but pnlled hli hit low over hli eye and akulkeil away like a I whipped dog I Jnther demumlcl to kmutmw iboul tho man and hole lucntlnnlng mile me tell many Ihlnga Hint 1 lid not wont to nil Iheee thing did not tend to noften my fnlhera temjier In the lea lIt l-It won the very neit day that ray fn I Iber bought bit > eiioiv il Ing a fence looking creatnro with re > l < llah eyea aol i gleaming teeth lie declared be would won each lramp I that they could 1101 linger about hut grounds I I Prom the Drat I was afraid of the dot for Hie animal growled and llekril Ita chop whenever I was near looking at i i me us If It longed 10 Dy at my throat I Inileed the ereattire wna to fierce that j It woe neemry that It ahould lie chained for a limo III It came to know who wm Ita tniieter Ior annie ilnyn I wai kept CAM to the home and I know I wan walchod a great deal I but I uw nothing of Jim and 1 n lonely feeling came over ma for I fill lint I might am him again and a itring attachment ttw the tramp bad grnwn within my brout On the fourth day alter the purehaM of the dog my father became worried about the creature for III lay growling anil whining at Ike mil nt lIe ebaln Ito eyes glowing like coal while a fringe of froth clung around III loan ole The heist la I ilek my father declared de-clared I dont like bbs action lie may Le going mad Iliad heard of mad loge and when I nenftn loot nt the nnlraal nail It ilralned in chain with Ita rod eyes Hied on my face while chirp ilH broke from Ita throat I ran away nile nllh terror It mult be that mihow at fear ailJe1 1 lo the nireeneut of the animal IOT Of I Ir = ln ol howl a ludilen I hwiril n drepthroaled I Ixhlml me antI one look over my boulder t dir ihowed me the dog In hot pureult n bit of the broken chain dangling from III Iron collar The terror of that moment nearly overcame me but I managed to keep lo cia feet running fornrd blindly and ilirlektng nt the top of my vole A horrid choking come Into lilY throat and I ilaggireil ai I ran eipMtlnn at nyiinom nl tOil titliii > ot > onauiilMlUi of Ilia mad dog tearing I at my quivering noah I heard the dog eloae Ijohlnd m1 itemed to feel l In fetid breath on the back of my neck I Mumbled aol fell1 dual na I went dawn I saw a man IMP I out of the bushes and go pant me to meet my canine jmnu r It WM but agllmpM that gllmiM wsa enough for In toe man I reeognlied I Jim Iii Iramp In hli hand aumelhlng bright flaahed Scrambling lo a altllhg pwltire I aftw man and dog meet In mortal combat Tho mad animal leipetl itralght at Jim throat but the banns arm pro tectnl l that point and the gleaming teeth cloned on that Then began inch a terrible itniKitlo ai I hope never acnln lo wltneM The tramp truck the dog with II Ito knife In hli hand and blood flowed 1 upon the gran Ilul ho I creature woo not to be boaten off and It again leapetl at JIma throat Tho iharp yelping ol tIme dog mingled with the hoarse breath of the man and I heard the crunching of the braiti teeth tearing through drill to tho bone Again and again the animal leaped Tho man grew weaker and both man and dog were binpittrred with blood At lout the ponlfttent beait orcrtluvw my herolo defender and I saw them battling bat-tling madly on the groin the dripping knlfo Ixlng plunged again and again to the hilt Then I coercd my rye with my hands and pow no more till I felt myiflt caught up In m > fatheri strong IIrm lnlhrr hnd lern It nil He van nhllo anil ihaklng ai he pauaed to look al both man and brael now utretchet illent nnd motlnnleu on the blooil lalnisl gram Dead both dead he muttereil hoanety Why ihould he do thli lo onto my bny It II the trump the trompwhom drato from the groundi Then ho bent itlll nearer to look itralght Intnthat benriloilbloolatnlnei torn > One moment ho aUred antI thei he reeled bieknard dropping DIll like an luanlmniH thing antI claspIng hit haiuli lo lila hind ai he ihrleketl Merciful lleatrn It li I Jntneanay brother Jamea |