Show iri s WVTOVJTT HM itear I ova ItMOtlK osenotessrl J 11annvetu1leev I hoSt I The flat week IIf fonjrtnli usually mote 1Ila In Itpllcallog l the tr lIllJf I thing i thus IK the proluetlon oladual work and thlt year It I nn lIt < Ilon Una of lie molt rerliln Indication It that the filter men In lie resale although 1 al-though hollered to be In niiiajorlly will not act together but will art with their repilrethe partleuuun i everything colt tho litter question and they ate not likely Id be put to the tett of showIng show-Ing how they would act upon that Neither Itepubllcani Drinoirati nor Iopulltti have pot adopted programs lu I what dull lac dune about reorgtnli Ing the t rnatelihni h HID Utter lure lei tded lo vote together until they set what the ulhcri propoe but It It probable I prob-able that the Kenubllrana will In th end get control Il hat I been hinted amp am-p < nblllty tint mme olthe Remocratlc riutnri thj wlb the Itepnbllrant In houlder tin reipontihlllllci of this leiilon stand I ready to ultuthe Ilepiibll rant Ilio vote necettary lo tail a majority ma-jority ol the innate but that while of ourt pottlblo It not probable ThaI Th-aI quite at many Republican lenalori rho with the Iteinocratt I to retalneon I ml at them are lleiaocrali who with to I iiirremlir the cuntrul lo the Hepubll cant linjlun1snher to this uoyenunntu leiinind that Ilio VennuiUn illpiitu la I iilbinltlwl arbitration it I now on Chit way here I It It I laid tu bun I a refusal and according lo rxtracti from the KnglMi palm cabled curt tord Salle burp theaduilnlttratlonli merely l lulling about enfiinlnx tho Monroa doctrine K lie really thlnkt 1010 It wholly w-holly inltlnformvd I man Cangrrii II I radically unanlmuiitim Ilion quo + tuna tun-a wlUxLlm n UlurunnJ l K laird I + TaiSImn act the Duff theory be will bud lilniiell compelled tu eal iron or Unlit Juefore he gels thruuitli with tint 11110111 1arly llnoi In control would melt away like mow should It rome ton ncillon ul f Idcklny l llio iidiiilnlitratlon eveN tu the extent of a detlaratlonof war lu Itt vlforti tu maintain tine Stun nor iloclrlne That Amerlriiiilim Jliuuliin If you ileate It hat 1111111I1 ha bill 011111 HJ lltlcal party wiiilhown In thu bllltaml I reinlatloni lntrolucc l huh heel In the leiute Senitor fall of Florida D I ollehel a rrrclldluli fur the rwojiiltlon odlniluUiii roolnllonlil at IflllgiT enti and followed It lip with > litchi that ores iamewbat mnger Ihati time retolulhin Senator Allen 1 of Nebruika fl P1 niCcriM n rctolutloii pnnldlim the rttPoiiltlon of Cuba at nn Indepeml lit nallnn nnd for the nnnrxulon at neiitlil to our mfelyln I tint > III war and the iwmi nii > iu and iietvfiily ol I our coniiivrcn In Iltllll of 1 wnir IIf all Clue Itlamli In tloo pnulmlty 10 Our alaat U j aUo rwilllrmliix the Monn dec trine Senator la < vv al Mumai biuieti mid Ciillom ol I Ml nol < llqmbllrinii lioili Introilutwd rinoliilloni nolllyln I tlm world uf tin Inienllon of tlm inlled Mate tu itnnd by the Mturue 1 dortrlne No dir at tha Monroe doctrine joe thvic rvMilutluiK lire In nicurd sllh the pirii 1 I lest nlrsauI Ulllcll Mil that M bung ago m lost July Ihcndmlnlltratlon tli 1 nlOed to the Kutfrnmnt I ol lirwti tlrltaln Itt Intention In Maintain the MunriH doculue In the V < n aiiela Uiuit ilary iqtinbule Hut thu Culun ritoc nllloii teiolulhiiia are lu direct oppntt tlonU > the ir < Mldnt I I who dualrui till Iti country tu remain siUctly neutral TM mloptlon by the unalv 01 a teats lulloH oHiieil t by h naU > r Morvun III Uabauni proldliu that the iortlon of tine prvildeuta me > t0 rilatlni to the payment by the United l Mate of ilalnu arlilu out of the luring Sun aiunlrueri ihuuid be referred 1 to tic comiuittrv 01 oieliin rolatlhiit nllli Inttrticllont 10 exnmlnv Into the quettlon ol llabilil and tbaaiuonnt theri < o and In report by bill or atherwlt1 while erffClly proitr unit In order will pnilubl not be piwvunt l nitti cither fur the prvil il nt the llrltlih Auibatxtdor ar Ilio i ratadlan claimant Senator Morgan Uclialrman of bat eomiultlw and fur I characlerlilng Iliat olnluiani largely lags uwn the lloor of the unto HI the hut Mmion the rlrltith AnilMiaador hat lately in anolHinil i oinnmnlcatlou tiny I lurihlt musts I Lou Mr liter 1 genIsnt I nu i I th e eh Hi 1 the ilitk I i iln t > ink k I 1 Irllt lUvlumla l m Mt a till I Irtilim i > tali t at Wing 1 it nrr I r til nuiyrmiional llnauda filiation It I ion1 I cornet 111 retuumondatlon but the I lswef bxid i tit 111I awl retire the I orttiunilliu treeiibaeki and trMnry 1 dotes lim not IM Uken rerlonly In nn reN ant I III 1 l < not nnilly b lie > rJ that he tbonht It would to lie hid p wnmiiwd Fut Ihlnill aliil 11 au I brterniliMil But loallow the ItepHblliaiH 19 mv bill I he had jinn them a I t iimi vi huh to hang tariff Iwllitlon 10 < > i womnifHK < to liwrra III revel peaker Itrnl called nt the U HIM Its hy rglleat l and hid an Mien I1 I conference flth Irusldeist CIVrltn l this upuk and ever ulrw the ttm an of Ik ilh 1 tli iCHilpi hare tomi wnj lin at M the 1 uhj ct of thett < > r nr It It believe ID bars been tbe Moiiro daotrlii tort l i 1 the heilal l hat nu toiler foundation than c n let lira The hniiMi cannot lJiI re nlarly luw n tu liinmei until the rooiniliu a v Mniiouticeil and speaker Kwd lutt i I rill when that would lie |