Show THE DA1HY PROUCT ti n r II Irtfitlnc llnl Tien tin 1n Ir l narOnul 10 II ItO Below we iriiil a roiniiiimcatioii h froth 1rot F 1 II t Unftvld of the irl < Miltnm1 College at Iojatl whUh contain write I valuable irate to nil tntoretted in thin I Important question IAMIAIl Utah lice H ISU5 I HIIITIiK Titian Atthe ntu t of trot Mill and the Imitation of the colilor I will make fen ctmmwntionOalrylnrfai a profitable Jlne of bu lne < for our funntt and IjOw they iliouM handle it t < > KHIIW the Kmitwt idmnture therefrom I bate never flItlloUlllllllt county me bad I the pkattire nl talking with or to her llOOlI i yet I lute traveled quite n lltll through Utah and have yet failed to MI a district that would nut compare fajorably with the bet ddry district of the eait lain 1 fully con lnccd therefore that If our jiooplw will but InlelllK ntljr study the bunineu WI nin produce am eood iMitter and 1 chee e ai may ba mach anywheie In America furthermore I tliluk we un produce them ntliclet ai cheaply Nye vhetpvr tlmn call be done In the content mate Our nveraje coil hart > ear for feeding our bent of fourteen oiwri < harming market prloi for the feed itatt MhMtirl lUtlon ptittthe average nut at k 35 n cur MlntievjU it T7SSaml New York ut tlr Our average food wit fur one pound of duller fat I lfl pound of huller wan 10 cent Our lint cow produced pro-duced for Trent Tlio avuajeioit lit Minnesota will 1J I rontt fur into muni nf butter fat nll1 the loot row produced It for JIIlv cents ltd thin nppiuent that owing to the chpapncM ai well am I to the great nutritive value uf our foil 1 I den cured at they call only Iw In our clituutewehonen nilrclJr 1 < lailvinU < cover c-over oiircaittrn ncliliWi I henna Ixdovenior llminl uf 151 It 1 ronfln nay tome yonn ago that fir ocr ltteiit > flereir he hat bean People may that ilalrylnj can going tu U > overdone but there teemi toUl a lhel ilenunil fonlalry prodiicti ret though 1 prciluc Ion lion Inrrrnwl inure tlmn a hunilml tutu The only I iiverproiluitlutt h i one of jour Hnllt k JUtt U which very few want tobuyuiil lower tlU want N vat A liomiclof poor hUller will lut tnoor tierce tlmo ai long m a Kiuml of 1 oo1 1 hither Thn nn luiprovnl quality mUll xn ciihiritil roniumpllmi Utah ham ai > ct scanrly cartel to IjiilW fmlorlm Iowa whldi in area le l connlilerably iniiillor than Utah ban over JOO cuIIIIrl Ontario Cni ln hut over WM cluiir f iclurlti I ilo not know of iiinrp than twenty fictorlei Uuh henillhiK from 1500 to 2000 poumli milt up Onothirtl of theme are In Cnchu valley nod thvro U room for thrum or four more The lint > e < uliltatn incien In the dairy 1 biitliRii I 11 proper kliul of persona 11 the heart of it on the farm i a prrtou vrho h rnthniUitlc In the work I know of nothliiK Utter able to create thin ens thuilam than a careful perusal of the reports of tho nieetliiK of the various Mate ilryConenlionith dairy Iran I i and n iourw At the AiirlcuUurnlCollei Snomll we aunt gnusl cow Theme are msrly alane found slalcil with the rljht kind of I a limn but uo it tea l hint nl liiiHirtnnr I nidi to drawn a OW nnintlion < Our poorest i < ow lam Mar pirnluceil 1 171 pound of Imtter our I l st5 IMIIIIII At 2l cents aiKiuml the formrr gave tin fllZd or about tU < nn the rail of her teed the latter gun 173 1 sir nlmiit Ml over the ionfofher feed 1 Viewed from tint profit itunil IMlnt thrivfnii the heat asuw unit tvjtul iiH411 llic K UitniiIUI hi I iiiirily much lens troiibh to care for tutu cows than for llvciind thuone will take niiiill lee l room In the ulnW When HU roinlilrr that Ilmere arc ninny henln that do not u niu inuiu lirA UK poundtol butter n ytatrin fact I have tract Ihoiu oho tlmiiiiht their sawn were doing hell If I they nerng ilnii niiuti whiii ni con alder thin MTV lIe nut turprlfed to bear inch dairyman I I My there ii i no mono In thubuilnvH Hut they immure nut zom far enough hack the link U I In them admit nut III theliuiinexii rininJnno 11WM to June 11805 neroM of milk butter chevie and veal cahfi < 016 I uorth from fourteen ctm nml n heifer which hitter mllkeil hut ilx month I Thlinni Mithoitt nckonlng the tUm milk fed to hog which would Increme tho mini iwarlv lltK It coil 3ir at inurkct price to feed the roan Thee inn n isretit many people in Ilio dote nho loultl look oiler hheeoao far R yemur for the illllcrencv Ilnlrjlmt hni neeriitlnlned the great oil gucceki from a itfite or national tiimlpolnt without n large meniureol I Mperatlbn When butler or cliff so It I made In small dalrlea it IXMOICI nearly ni crent Mirlely In flavor color etc ni ° there tune dalrlen It nlM rwiuIrM a complete ret I of uppuntti at each dairy I stitch tlmuli ninall in thn aggregate amounti In a large num Vvry Ire flllenll iHcaim of the relstlto 111114111114I sit I liandlliiK the product rlfell but 1 IndllTenml itlenllon ami ill In i tvlilom 1 that lnt lllent rare he l brought mnu WiililUan in In niamifuiturr All f = I tbtM polar II > ui ni way ln rcmwlul I In lbHtor > If it rerritua mir inppoii I > VIlW ban bled nu lutre acale the runt i I nf liuimiln luriUK 19 Iou Lvrrl tutu 1 Vtdilenc may be pr nklUII mid killed TLxeso Itbitrrmploye 1 at iliat tin fruducl unr by of the IMMI niul iinifotni In qmllty Flier are vorioat teeth > l of starling a Uour hut I think one uf tint heat 11 I that thine stun nupply he milk own the i factory mil I penman ti run It The profit uu the limlfM then fn lo the milk privliirwri TlioMplutl trek hi > uld be divided Into CM ti 25 bare mid It It prefer iMi If 1011101 to limit the him that niiy Ire 1 oottl br one per I MnThe The tint lain to determine 10 the number of row that imv he premised Ito I-to apply milk Three liunlre coon w hlcti ihoiild furnlli WH pounds of I milk In the ait recjte nails should l he I i guurante II more all the better lie expense nf haiiilllnx will he pro > or lonately leas l The relorilun of the tile i for the factory he I Important It nliuuM lu1 central In relation totnemllk unpl > My to la I dnlnrd lurnlliwl with a plentiful nupply of cure cold water and lt I to eany rat n < Te 4 > hv true road Tha iliin nf the f t tory the nice and there fore I In a Urge mcatiut the runt alll depend on the kind of work 14 IM I dnn the amount uf milk to to I hour ikl I anti I wlilher a iliwi f utory a crenier > or acomhlimtlun of these In t deilre1 The latter for our market I think I In best A Imlldiiif large emm ugh to handle 1200 SIIIII1o uf milk liquid he built for about 11300 to 1iOU The appar lu for a 1 combined factory uf tin tlie mentioneil H III nut from MAOO 10 nlv J dell < eted Kthe pupilyof milk warranli the I election of n factor it would In aloe for I a cnmmltttN tll 111 l eome 2wa1 hctorlci and nluil ly tne plan anti equipment If what can wanted uai elciirly lutrl I would be wlllliiit lo give any Informalloii limy power I At a rule It 1 It licit to limo nothing do with hone dairy supply alIII who will erect a factory I and equip It and then tieneitlly charge about doubewhat It it vurth Klnnlly i i engage owe IKTIJII who thoroughly 1 unJemtandi tint builmitt to operate the i I i factory und do nut dlicharne him Mil i euan at tome ton jrffuharn thlnki he h n learnt all itbout the bounces after I I working in the factory for a month or I I two anti viiroricAftJ tuck nicthoJ will deitroy the ureateit altantjjot that will nccruo from the factory vII a good 1 und uniform pro < luct Unfirtu njUlytlioiuijwl careful men who take aninturitt and pride In their work alI very rare Indeed and hero Ii an oppor > tunlt for employmunt name of our bright > oung men So lnj < ar1 need apply F II IINCIKIII DairyliiK and Animal llutbandry Utah Agricultural College ljjin Utah |