Show lobe nf Ilm Ills < < > rn Imp Clfteliml Leader Small fry economist econo-mist who jump at tOn lulon anil are Inclined to look at tho dark aide nf thlngi my that the greateat corn crop coon gran u li I not goIng tn pay I the firmer ot Ihe United Stale an well ao the ihort crop of teat year The fortify for-tify thli rloomy nswrtlon by atatlitle which bow that the blrgeit nt all big crops If lold at the prices now ruling and Illiely to rule woulil bring tea I money to the men who grew the corn than they would have received If Iho small crop of 1S3I hall boon mrkoted nt the quotation current u year ago In the large cltle In other word the fall In price U I laid to more than offset tho Increase of n billion Imihols or more In the yield Thin In noiiMnno Not moro than 20 pir cant of a large corn crop In hue United StnlM li I cter moved out of the counties In which the nraln Is I grown Iarm anlmuli cat It where It la produced |