Show ASSES THE CENTURY MAID tlemseiatuta l Mullljr l all A lOn Otto nat Tn On Runday Kept 12 the hells of the city of Fond du lno rung out all hall l11 ion the Arrival of Mrs Klhubelti iirrnnt Illarkbiirn It the centennial mnler ar of her birth Kmyhody know her nail esteetaaj her highly In the fountain cIt > Not only Is I Mm lllactcburn 100 years oM but ahe li nound of heart lgor tlue of Intellect and remarkably well ireiMrved bodll She Is I yet able to love ibnut the bouse and dooryard naeslsted and n lialfdoien yeara ago I MilS K I I11ACKI1UIIN he would walk n mile and not mind It hilts appreciate n good IIIlIIf antI a hearty joke and cannot only group ono of the latter when offered but CAD per ctrnlo one wlUi a Igor and appro rIatrneM that are not altogether Iho monopoly of youth Itarrly iletpond enl clue keeps up n line of correspond core with n few friend nail never write a letter that Is not full of vitality vi-tality soul and good cheer Mrs llackburn has now livIng four ehll drcn icventren grandchildren and nineteen greatgrandchlldrvn |