Show 7b nIrr IlKSKFSK 1oc2 1093 I I Ethos Twain I was pleufd to hear from your tijtn eurrcelondrnl j In relation to the proposed summit Kiinty ireamery tauiof I the I opinion that nearly all kinds nf huil i niJiuntcrptlie can be overdone In dltcuoinj thlt matter woou ht tolxi careful the star Iait winter I gate lecture on the subject In the meetiiiKhoiue here and ailvmatej that Coalville can the only proper place for I oho e < tablithmentofnn all the year ronnu nuccetiful creamery Pome t aid Why not huoonu lute aim I had heard thai one wni to be I b lilt I nl llflt llle and also 0110111 Itoa I noon concluded ll thlngi nhouM happen loll that way farewell tu III cens for that kinI of bulne + In thin Onlllll11 leant fur u long Ulna lo Mill Majoritiei rnleun true which dorm not ilinlfy they ore ulwiin right My letter of lIelHllwr l iith hit year mUlit heap ortiino tu repuhllth for thv beneflt of the creatnT i < oplv One live btttinen ullthe year rutus4 runnliu frenintry It i worth n great deal titan tu tho patron nmlpeoplenvnerilly than n luimlwr nf Idle 1 one < half the time I rould tell ynn of three that hale not uccwilwl In Utah Wauw they ueto not In their right I pace I urn net rtrnll to date that If e locate 1 unv oher lilac than on CugUllli Main trtet It will Iw a blnnilei hum n4m lothlnV n ire mi < ry will do In iiiyont Mh wnv place intend It rhoiild be III the way ofcuolmdy I npeclull the truvelliij public Con |