Show THECOUNTYNEWS GATHERED BY OUR ALERT CORRESPONDENTS COR-RESPONDENTS Th 10 t hk n aei I Er ien Ih I wnlt nOnl1 hnt The Tim itepiitlre II Ion in tvett ta j llAMA KAM Utah Dec I II WIi PIITOII Treat llin Owen Lnlbr to Mr Hngltion nt thli plan cow burled Kutmilry IV cimber Tth at the Kama cemetery II K Led photographer hat inn 1 I tnlid hlmtelf In Knmaijuil between Dr Lawier lllce and C aefenters linll fur nien on Milt Ilnl llodfon aiiittant choc leather wai tuddenlv called to tier home at Plain City un arounl of the death of her brother Our steam rAwmlll tltualed I here on Main treet nan tundra < good run the lull two week and heavy thlpmentu ol lumber han litll 1 made to the Park The following drummrtt weir tree t i with their vallHt on our streets lately I MaxOttcnuclincr Mr llnrny nd Mr I hlmmoni They were fuettt At Carlen tfri hotel Ward M Pack and wife ha ijonMo lilt take 10 Attend theIr fir jyhter 1 Ib a who tin hat An attach phuld May Pack chow teaching Klioolit Hnytivlllcwat alioienl for Tonight At duck we noticed II four hore last hooked on a We bobtled which was loaded heavily with tao log and tnomonttrr log dragging behind linking for the iiawmlll alto icverii t other large learnt join returning irom J the Park Title look like butlne not wllhttandlng the cold mowy weather woalhO O KDITOK TiMtH The following lion I Imaginary Journey written by one ol I the Indent In the Kama Khool MY TRICAKOtMllTIIS stint stATic t I walked don n tu Wnnthlp and then I rude on the Union Pacific to Orfden and f had A Kood limo down there And the ia mtttldlJtiirmJ California on the Centr TPacific 1 looked l out of the i rf window Into the Ilutnbolt river Finally we rritchcil Sacramento the capital of California ami then went went to Sin I Francltco I watched eome itcamUiatf and ilil i com In Then I left I San Irancioumit got on tht Southern Pa clllc anti went down through loner Coll t fornla Ainl then crowd the Colorado river Into Arlionn then chanced cart ant rode on the Tu < x Pacific It It I Blojiped 1 At UIIIII and went around 1 fountry and had II cry ruoiltlmo there HHw n herd ol wild Texlcnn cattle allli iiorgi bill I didnt ICe Iluffilo Dill I rodo n linear to 1otililana then went oiilh to New Orleans went la thi if lUil of Loililana which li Ilarlon Itougit i hud a good time there I then of walked to the MlMlnlipl twain thu J river on n plunk and vliltcd Jnckton i the capital of Mliitulppi 1 went right l un to Mobile I saw n wagon going to Tnlhihni Fin but I Hunt toiith And canto to what they tall the Iloridn KCVKJ 1 taw n man divine down Alter iponjff j I didnt walk buck I jot on n flilp nt Cape 8alI0 nllil rod up to SiivAiinahi gotolfand IAW a Iray steer aol jumped oii hli buck and he took me right through to Alubaum ail I rtuchdl Montgoinery I III mlcty ADI got lilY dinner Then I iiitlotho txntolllce They atked llllu where 1 nni going I told them that I wnnted to go to Atlanta UIIIO they l > nt me In a mull tack And I went rlgh throuiih And inner tllI i anything on thit trip I rOole on hori b elc throughhouth Carolina North Carolina nnd VirgInIa t 1 stopped nt Maryland anti at the While I lltmifl nt Wn hlngton the capital of the United Stale AW Ciroer Clexcland hell the hlggeit man I ever ivUit i tley told me to pim on AI they didnt Allow Any of Gooey Army around thereto there-to I wet on like a gentleman to Ihllu ilelphln tho Urgtit city ot IVnnnl valnh itopprd thor to think how 1 could get bark 1 got on the ItaHlmoru A Ohio K It and went to Albany Y then I got on the Chkago brunch and want 10 aachnoelh did notitop there but went right on through Vermont Ver-mont and New Ilampihire tu Maine thou I got qn lIlt Canadian Tactile It It and ronclnM Hope In liritial Columbia nlkednmi lIopo to Waihlnxton men coda from Kenllle attn branch of the Northern Iaclfie It It to 1ortUnd unit l Han Franclico The ptoplu all Mid Tlieoe ii l that Utah bum to lie the I nut day on 1118 Cenlwl PtclHc U hen I AcheU U duu IjaiDi d off the can and got on the Union Pacific and cent I I right I to Jark City and had to walk home Did nut icu Ui Dm North CentrAl and the Itoeky MMintKin iutt > tint tk < > next Iripltnki I nil iittlieiiu Nun icy trtj i i 111101 I nnd I ni urn All glad 1 i SUIIHJLBUI I I tEIIA i 1tuA Utah Dec 121M I KMtonTmn I Oar batlncM hoflic are tepatliig fur the holiday I Italph Maxwell went In Park City on Tnaday on tratlnctr bent A M lem and 0 7 Ljori went In j leek City on lVeineoln on ipeclal but Ineir Ineirtorn torn 10 the wife of Albert Mllii I < ei I tllnbr I1lh n on Mother And child I I i doing well II the fine weather kri1 on ai It hat for the lain the dii ilelghlng will It I plnyd out around here The mall bag reni lied Peoa onTuerday night ml ion the execlel mall the I train not < onneclin with our carrier on iII i time II It Wrlpht nnd Mr I C F tVrigIit went lo Park City on WtilneMU to make iouue parrhnte In the rioret tin that way rirua alto wete ieiorttd an Icing l tick tact I week are now rapidly lmpro leg ha heilth much to the delight of f their riendi A F Maxwell hat gone to Park City llco work during the winter The gentleman gentle-man li reliable and will glie the belt of ralliltction to hit employeri M II Itleniard went to fall Uke lat wk 10 10 ionic carpenter work on a contract he had procured Mr lllratArd luriiKl home on Tiietdir of thl week Morgan Moore rerreientlng THE TlMim walu faoll Tmla > au1 111 for Kainan on tlnttda yT The gentleman made Jour rorropondcnt u plentant call Several new ibrttuer liner Aihlnl their names I lo the lIen here thin I week I for THE TIMK all of w hlch Indlcnto that I your valuable paper II I appreciated May It live long And iirotper lInen to the wile ol Arthur Maxwell on Vnember Pth a KID Ioa liitlll I on the Increase and Utah heat crop hat been ihowlngup < tulle lively In thin direction of late Next Orr Wllklni now make hi weekly trIpe h Park City on Widneidnjn In Head ol Saturday nt heretofore Mr VIIWnjMlo Simile a large bg iiejIn the way drljilllll of YriW prodnctf The ton vl Mr Itoo had A sleIgh tally mnfhed l up and A liorie badlr hurl A few lay ago from An accidental uptet of the idelgh on a deep hill between here and Park City Fortunately the young rhap was not hurt but he had a narrow etrape all time mimic Ai coot AI the telephone company locatei the line which It h I now teen In Tilt TIME that they propoto to do hortly thecitlreim hero will begin to tiring the hole along the line nnd erect them nnd not Ixlore Hut I yet fear that It It only nnother flaili In the pan nmrthat the lino M 111 bcdehied for tome time May toy fun Iw not allied hs ileoutly tot to wlihed II li whlnptrrd certain ianthes are looking l toward l the iurchailii of Ik ito and llho bulIoIlnl of a large aimucmunt hall In P oa Khoiild thIs lit done It would ben til to make the hall Urge enough for nil klndi ol imuieinenti erect H largo stage un which our home talent and thoiv who lone thli way to prmnt their playn may bate ample room and Inducement to appear before the lootllghli It will pay and bo a credit to the town benldei If It 1m I neat and romforuhle Althednyi moutihus mil jean pal by it ailmonlihei in that that we are 1 nearing our latter end and crnei a with that Father Tlmo would not haiteii on K toil n with that MV could rvnen our boyhood nnd girlhood for oue yeari to come butt tutu liagnlnit un und Ill have to hake thlngiM they coino or HcK thu bucket and ihaku off Ihl mop ml roll nhlch wonro ull loith 10 do whntueroiir1 hl may bo Ii lIfe WH feel that wndetlre 10 live IK long al we tan oIlier rnlleand will stIck to It to the hut ooire weal or woe ilckneri or health for lIfe li i dear tooth The little onei me counting thcdaja and will from liow on until ChrUtmai and are lWiulatlll on what presets and good 1 thing are In iloru lor them I tnut that Santa Claui will vlshn all and make the hrarti ol the lltllo ones glad 1 on Chrltmni morning The poor liuuld tue l remembered tim that day and thow who nru aide ihould uontrlbulu to wnrdi l their comfort nnd ice thai the children ol the poor are prox Ided for that tnoy may not feel l kllghted or that they had teen orgotten I would luggeit that a < uinmlttve take thIn in hand and pi vide he l < tin 1 old toil young Do ton advert jour biiiincw my Irltnd No time ae too dull Uwild you make jour hunineii more lively Why lurtalnl Vhnt H iiie lion to st rue un friend udMirllx uuil In 1 lln I oile ki u nhut iii Inue to mil v > n > utti a eli l < > buy ind 1 in irk my word for II 1 it I illl ii thu futn iimnt mentyoaftrrinnde II will not lolneay thai tho ienil < IIIDW ou ate In blne and that If they are In want nnllilng they will goto tun fur II IHintlfllne xnythlngnlllic kind lor tiny will locik litjtliei > nt I to ee what and chore they Len meta totemIc and they will dte i vot buy imnlee IIIIY want rrrdll and the adtrrlltrr gel the manner Poe I The P < IM ronlh llemh Canal and Irrigation Ir-rigation Company hal made an uttetr mentiil Ill ulIlIl tier huie 1 of the 1ald 1 up dock nl the company for the pur poe I of tmylni the WAlermnrter for hll ervlcc for the year And l to pav I tlmol her IndebtiHlrirn of the company hum the I I yecr HlifJ Thl afienuieiit Ainounli I t only ticcnt lee arm for all land iivtucd by the company and I li I con I treda very lIihI ieiiment The1 I linitd ndirectors ore In Iw I congralu Uleil lor tie at 1 nnitnir In whlrli the I bu lne > nf i In I ompany lice tueutt l roil1 I iliirlid dirit 1 the yenr Jtirt before the rlonol the ceMent for Irrigniion the liter wa r cue In the river that the I canal could not be iupplled with nil the water that ua > ne ded 1 hut that wntnot I the inlluf tin Umrd an they did the In ft they uuld lute ipply tbt owner of hind with wnler and uiulya few inlfered fur time unlit nl it nt the rlnrcnl the raion ninl I whUlnouM not b Iuelied ac Hated abot 1111 C 1 Via OAKLK1 OAKLKV UlahI > ec 12 IKS I KbiiimTixro John Maxwell In I preparing tao build anew 1 A-new hoo oil hit farm tllllhrall of here fdelRhlng will coon IH I eoniellilngol the pail II we dont loon get more mow Oakley w ill hne n Chrlitinut tree on ChllIma eve A goo < time liexpectid I 1 by all Len Frntltr Jr had the mlitortnne to have a cow itrlkchlni in the face with her horn Inflicting a tcry tcere wound If thus 11lIlAnl wenther keeps up all winter hay will be 10 china that anyone can get It or hauling away isa thin artnert lime nn abundance fur thli tlaae ol the year Morgan Moore ol I Coalvllln it I hi > < working for TncTiMti and l looking ft limo cah He says the editor hut beguV In polo jtjiiripaloaiiiltijt to beth hi oe clad for tho prcvenl cold I Heathr Tho Oakley ichool Literary Society held n public debate on Tuewlay evenIng even-Ing which Cap vnmy Intvre ilng to the audience Th 1ullon tens Iteaolved TlmUlenerol IrantWuta 1Ilhr lien eral Than leneral Ue H 1 WANHIItr WANfinr Utah 1KC 121 le 1r KmioHTiun j New lie inn arc ncaric here lIsts week and 0 are egg The roller mill hat been itopiied for a few IAY but mow running again John Honellilof Bait lake hn been hero I for a couple ol dajri In I the Inteienj of the Herald N 1 John HoNclli cat the ipeaker bundaj altcriioon In tIme wonhlp meeting attaIn the evening at the mntual Y IIIITKIIIK HoTT MUt Utah Dec 12 JVM KUITOHTlUIIHl J W lee Ulki of gmulrg eat to leata dentlilry Mr tf A Wllklnoll 01 Mill Crick ii 1 hero vliitliig friend Our train ailed l to make connection with the east 011 Vedneiday with Ihe mall mallWo Wo Are pleated to report that John I Ktonelirakrrt fiimily are linprolnj rapidly from their lllnci > HlncB writing rtie foregoIng relative to John Ptoncbrnkert amity hli eldest ion John Is I taken town 1Ilih the four The funeral ol Mrs CarrieHtonehraker I eva largely attended on Friday afternoon after-noon fne speaker were Ire IV W I Cluir Ainu iidroli anJXV ItIuiuh The wurdk that ell from tho lip ol the rpeakenon thule ociailon nero quIte contoling to the Ixreaved huihund nd children SIre the noble iplrlf of Mn Ulonebrakcr took flight there hat been nnnther one iomedon n n ilh thin terrible l dlteaic The doctnri lay that thou germs ol the malady hate stautet from II he teull I water tiled by tho family In art In every inilanco where II that broke on tin other fainllien of our town they h i attrlbutid It to tItle lourie Now Illht dC > < lon know thli would < l II not be a I great favor and guard to the public health U they would only prove thli > > y nnnlyili of Ihe water and warn the pair lila publIcly I OW IIK1CII I VViiUATfJi Utah ntt 1218Wt KMIOK TIMIU Mn I ia Hall made bull net trip < 0 Kvmmton Ihe I hut il f Ihv we kIt I k-It haxlon uf r Ipton toe hfn i7iulmutt nriind I tm I hum < Iuday I T 1 II I Iron nriMd t here hvm i vii < > ilje M M lldu ImilgliiK UMr awl l 5 0 7fjo JlhenitliMil t new iot the death fll tljiflr l oiher iffe Air 4 IFUio aim here on gamlay J KOulhlitrwatan Hanilon W0 isMtoronrruhn Mr and Ole Ilhedail JT Hodfon left ho IIn Tiietdav fo f Plnln City to attend the funeral of their departml brother AII l Clark and lilt brother two boy 1 Bl f Upton are out 1111 the lillla here itayjn al a deicrttd cnbln trapping wfld iirlmalt al whlih occupation they Intend to ipend the winter They due I already lecnredilx eoyuUi three wild call line lynx and ten ral tone two of wlituh are i rcs Iou JIt IIKNI In 10 HrxirK Itnh fee 12 liW KmtonTiMi Win lilchini made a bllilnetn trip to Park City during the week Iheilidricttchool puplla are gelling BJ rogram ready for Clirlttmai VrriMenUlnn and J Fliher ol Coal vl igite Intereitlng dlrcotupei to the I Ha > pl here tin Sumlay tail gillie Shill who hat been working ol f hare At the Hopkln coal mine Coalville wioJiomeJurngllie week wIth II 1m1 cold coldTic TUYL MI I A Itave a baket patlv announce for Friday evening The at roctatlon I taking thliitepnt the ing geillon of their president Mm Agnei Jonet to male meant or liooki WII fa MOIIIIAN MORIIAV Utah Dec 12IMS UniToxTiiirii i Mri Dr Yltick ol f Coalville Ihl Mor Ran a vliit Uii week John Fxljlniton hat opened A birber limp In the hotel olllce MartIn Ulack left for Cattle Cork lash i week to intend the winter Mill Deitle Lawion of Coalville wai vltltlns Morgan the pint week Peter Parklnion was In Itock Spilnp tIe put week buttling for bnilneii Wadiwortli blo omeil out with n Hcuiter and It I now waiting for mow t JiSfHCwBcli fi charge 91 J bite 7qtl wjtie Jlanajer KdclFngton la I lnTOf like Davi l Moore ot CuaUlllewai In the my A few tlan ago looking up A carload ii I bull lIme Wlckcl of the bridge oiitlll cent 10 Ulntnh lait Sunday to take a letwjn In i the Swcdlih language I Mill Annie Tucker late manager ol Ihe Farmer lUihange IIAI retlgned and taken up her rmidtnro In Coahllle Tiie drenmaklng parlor lately eon ducted I by Ito Muses Amanda and GeorgIan Smith have been rernoed llo Littleton I Aunt Jane Wllllumi hai been very lick the pail week but Improving I omue now and we hope noun tnoee heraronnd right I The bras nnd string bandi will live n grand I ball next Friday night December SJih All ore Invited and l A big crowd 1 and good 11111I0 Injured l Potter Crltrhley and lolinnion the alleged cattle thlovei were bound over to the Krund Jury The Morgan ofllcin think they havu the right men Mrs John Harrington will short In about week to join her huh 1I1111I Connetlcut Her I many rlendi In Mor I fan try much regret departure I The Morgan Hotel under the able I management ol TnggurtA Uiienbach I li I coming tutha front at a llntclati I hotel live the boys a call when In thu tlty I Henry Florence amid Ion huote Ibo contract for getting out the lIce for tho I Irani creek ipur and l the tlei are beginning begin-ning to arrive at the depot They are htmatca In qUAlity T K U i Welch of lImit city It I n candidate candi-date for minute clerk In the new itatc lenate Mr Welch la I well qualified for tho petition and we think cnunly I li entitled to tho appointment I Our esteeoel towninianJohn TraIn pelt hat pnrchaied line ranch in Idaho I And l will moo his family up there next April ore lorry to lone them but w lilj John aueceii in hit new homo We expect noon to nrnlili Tin Tiuitu nn order for wedding invllatloni Our I hnrntu mnkei It toon to become ultenu I illct lie inyt he van tIred ol ilnglu I bleeteehesa Hurry up I Tommy woare i I dying for a wedding danoe Mill Ada UobtKin uf Ihl pIne wan married to Ciirtu Hogern of Fuririugton I ham I Thanfc lvlng Day It wan a iur I IrIs tu her many frlenili l here w lio I hat e jlltl learned of il butall Join In uifhnii I thus hippy couple tiuieoi In life Mr Hmllh I oiemanol I the I I > nop at Kvurnon i u inliui to oui MI I im suiiiny siuuol i out 1 piiipln Id I n i i I if looking lot a iliu fur nuw rammaa > rhop > Imt we think a certain > 11I111 I touts 01 Morgan ham great drul lodo with hli qelme i I Charln Latlrnu aflr t > ra > iYrterlnnr I ntfien Irom Iowa ha > Milted hmone me ml l > ready foe imiict i Thrie lcontldrraMi I miitity htiput puaceumu in mining emki A lame ol men itarietl towork uplnnnell Hollow Hol-low alt Monday and if their report fan In I relied moon they haut H tore thing up I there Ccntlilernble work li Ipflng done np CottonwiwI 1 alio nnd according ac-cording to rcporti rum thote Intrreited rhlpmenlH will coot cimineniu from there Hardicrnhlile m crenlliig thu gn < > 1t1 eirltement at prertnt nnd ccv eraleiirloadiulmafhlnrry a < matirlnl for a mill to handle their ate Are ex Ii itsl liere dally Tlie writer venturi t any there are more lollllonnlri here linking fur a grab Hake thli winter than ttter are In Coaltlle And we cnn < ll count jour mining exeltcment We Acknowleilne Coaltllle bat tome dnndlet In the burlned but they ihould l comedown come-down here and gel fume pointer Let in hoithey nil will aunt only loe l nbv to get their Hour nnd bacon thin w Inter but may they nil tie I nblu to tell out orn big loll In the pring P I I |