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Show WARNER MAKES f GRIDIRON STARS Twelve Former Players of His Teams Are Now Successful Athletic Coaches Glen Warner, football m'oulOl at the ("nlvcrslt of Pittsburgh. Is gaining an enviable reputation OS producer of football coaches. In six ears at the Smulis City Institution, no less than a dozen of Wiirnet't. formal pupils bae takpn coaching Jobs, and nearly all of them have made good. Warner takes no special pains to prepare 'lis gridderfl for coaching careers, bill the manner In which Its drills his itu h gives them ;i keen Insight Into the coaching business busi-ness and when they are radu: "-d tln have a thorough knowledge Of the sport Although one of the best football dOSOhet lb the country himself, Warner War-ner has never regarded the coaching buslnc-as as the best sort of Ufa work for a young man. lie admits he might havr, done better financially himself, bad he Selected mini her line of endeavor, en-deavor, but Warner lov i u tOotball as he docs no other work, grtd hfl is quite satisfied to 90 aldllg la bis favorite channel. Walter Camp OhOe dediatSd War-uer'a War-uer'a success as a coach due chiefly chief-ly to thli fact that hp was always particular par-ticular to SPp that his K.ldders weie in tip top physical form At Hie beginning be-ginning of every season he la.'.s much' BtrsSS on th,. matter of conditioning 1 properly, and us a result his players1 seem io be able to Withstand an tm- usitai hbioubI of s'eveip punishment The) take part In marly every gamp, j Alter the conditioning 1 1 completed. Warner drills his roung grldders in th rudiments of football, so that there is no chance for them to overlook 0 bit Of .ntratev In S pinch. This accounts for Werners team being referred to many limes at 1 brain) team. Certainty this qualification hals won his te.ini many gain. Among thosp more prominent for their work at Pitt, who have since taken up coaching with some degrei of success are: Dr. Jack. Sutherland, at Lafayette, Seldcl, assistant to Sutherland. Suth-erland. Jimmy DeHart. coach at the I'nlversity of Georgia, George Mclr-en. Mclr-en. coach nt i'nlversity of Arkansas, Bob Peck, former All-Amerlcan center, cen-ter, coach at Culver Military cilege, iaude Thornhill, assistant coach at Centre coiioge, Bastsrday, coach at Simmons college, and Jake Stahl. coach at Duqueane University. Graduates Grad-uates of Pitt arp beromlng more and .more popular as coaches each year. |