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Show I HIGH HEELS. FILMY I CLOTHING OPPOSED ;,k Inj OLYMPIA. Wash., Feb. 25. Teach-' LYflsYi n' ' s ,n'' POI'ds In s huul . i Wash LYsYssi Km ington are barred from wearing high LYflBMi uK heeli and transparent clothing, and H hS) the superintendent of public In-true Ijjli, Hon is empowered to fix the maxi- ;!9j mum amount which they may spend LssYss Jll : '" clthing, under the provisions of a bill Introduced in the house of the j legislature Thursday. ,i The hill provides that teachers and j pupils must cover their persons with LB inC Don ,ran?l'arf,nl clothing "from the Hil neck to wilhin twehr inches of lie LLfl 18 bottom of the heel." Heels must I illj be higher thau one and oue-qu.u ei I oo |