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Show CHAMPION TYPIST DEMONSTRATES HERE Wm l'. i iswaid, winner uf the world's championship typewriting con- .test at New York In October, paid a I visit to the I gden schools Thursday.' II, Showed theifl that a typewriter is so much of a Speed machine thai he was in danger of exceeding the limit. On straight copy, such as a newspaper newspa-per editorial. h wrote perfectly at rates of HO to 163 words per minute, ills demonstration ot what he cailed i ' concentration" consisted Of writing .unfamiliar matter at l&u words a minute, min-ute, while carrying on a conversation. Keal speed was attained when he I Wrote a familiar sentence at the rate, of 1138 words In a minute perfectly. In this test he struck the key8 of his, typewriter more than 7."0 times in the .minute, an average of 12 1-2 strokes per second. or- |