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Show WAGNER OVERCOME BY BANQUET SPEECH liTTSBURC. Feb 24. H onus Wag-ner, Wag-ner, former shortshtop of the Pitts-burg Pitts-burg National League baseball club. with a volco choking with emotion last night delivered a speech of appre-elation appre-elation to a large gathering of friends who had assembled at a banquet in honor oi nis lony-scveum uiuj h anniversary. From tho time of tho 1 arrival of the first guests, until the feaat had made good progress, the for-mer for-mer idol of the diamond shared fully m th- merriment of the evening, but bis voice broke, and ho sobbed audibly and for several minutes, when ho was .presented with a framed enlargement of a photograph of his baby girl. The banquet WOfl held In the large I dining room of the General Forbes ; hotel and hundreds of well-wlsHer-'greeted tho veteran throughout ihe i.mg |