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Show IMPORTED WINES AND CHAMPAGNE SEIZED NKW YORK. Feb. 2fi. Prohibition agent. lel i.v SupervlsliiK I "i ohiblt ion fnfor. ement Agent Hanlel .1 Chap- i in. Thursda.v raided the establishment .f II and Eft Weinberger. Itnportei here, and seized liquor yalusd at 160,000. The seizure Included sev-I sev-I enty tiarrels of Imported wine anil whiskv and six hundred cases of , champagne. Members of the firm said they hold a permit to sell win. foi sacramental purposes. The same sipiad later raided two saloons. Earlier In the day prohibition i agents arrested a man described as I Charles Milanese, a machinist, said ' to be a "bookkeeper fov bootleggers." In his possession was found a rubber stamp bearing the name Of Char) SI , B. O'Connor, state prohibition dlrec-i dlrec-i tor, of the type USOd 00 llUol willi-dravval willi-dravval peimlls. |