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Show I WASHINGTON NEWS IN BRIEF " L i WAstiiNGT" n. rah. 2:- -ivu.... ..' I elect HurdlnR ha written i' i enhlent Wilson expre,slnir u dertre to leave all I detail of the InauKU ratio it & far hm lhe affect the (jr-MUlrnt to .Mr Wll- ! son. It WajfHTj today at the White ' House. I 'Affl.MnlM h.i lil 1 wah lu-esumed tlm ?Tir. Harding would call at Iht White Hnuse OH the trmrnlnK Of Man li 4 and accompany the president to tho apl-toL apl-toL OflTOFFIOE BXPB5N81 B WASHINGTON) Fab, IS. Ajrreeinl to all house amendmonts, tho senate (completed today puwiairc 01 the annual an-nual poetofflce apiroprlutlon bill and sent It to the preildent It carries approximately ap-proximately $;.7 0.ieu,ooo. The non.Ue ncreed to the house allotment al-lotment of $1,260,000 for transcontinental transconti-nental air mall service. This In I2C.0.-000 I2C.0.-000 less than the turn suRgcsted DJF thr house. BMOOl IMTKttVI N I B WASHINGTON, Feb. 2h i'nex-pected i'nex-pected discussion of 'Senator Borah's resolution illlnjc for a conference bolt bo-lt ween i ho United Htutei, Oroat Britain and .Japan on uanl disarmament came up in the senate Thursday when the meaaurs sras raohad during riui- tlne conMlderatlon of the calendar. Kor a time It looked as though a vote would le taken, but objection by Senator Sen-ator BmOOt, napubllcan, Utah, to further fur-ther consideration finally put the resolution res-olution over under the rules. s K!. S KKSJH.ITION. WASHINGTON, Feb 2o. A resolution resolu-tion directing the shipping board to Inform the sennte as to the policy In the re allocation and aalfl of ships wan Introduced Thursday bv Senator King. lemo'THt, t'tah. The board was asked about a report mat It Intended re -allocating five hospital hos-pital ships which the wales division hud recommended to be sold and that It Intended re-aUocatlnu .ships to corporations cor-porations now having many under their control and upon a basis which would nrovo unprofitable to the gov ernment- WOODEN sun svi.E. WASHINGTON, r i It, The ahlp-jping ahlp-jping hoard may dispose of itt. herd of "white elephants'" the 23.', government-owned wooden ships. A proposal has been submitted to ! ihf board for the purchuse of the fleet of wooden shlpe. the Hog island shipplriK yard at Philadelphia and all the Hhlpping material there. Chalr- man BensOO .o.i the matter was being given conslderatloi. Edosi or the government wooden ships are tied up nt Norfolk waiting some decision as to their disposal. RAIL Gl AllANTI K WASHINGTON, Feh. SB President Wilson was urged to veto the Wlnslow-Townsend Wlnslow-Townsend hill proldliiK Immediate payment to railways of part of th federal guarantee funds as "an unjufe-llfled unjufe-llfled and unjiitlfloble conciiwlon to the railway owners who have shown .i wanton disregard for law? and lawful law-ful processes," in a resolution adopt- to 'u-re Thursday by the executives of national and International trade unions, un-ions, affiliated in the American Federation Fed-eration Of lvibor. LIVESTOCK CHARGES. WASHINGTON, Fell SE Schedules! proposing to Increase, the charge of 7C cents a car for loading and 60 cents for unloading livestock at the i nion Stockyards, Chlcaco. to ji for hoth operatlona, were suspondel Thursday by the Intorstate commroci contntlsslon STOCKYARD BALES. WASHINGTON, Feh. 15. Sals by Armour A Company of Ita Interest In 'he i "I. I, .!(.-,, .Htnckyards t 1- H. l'rince & Conypany, of Doston, whs authorized au-thorized Thursday by the District of Columbia supreme court. Ah the packing company owned only twent shares of BtOoh in the yards and Prince A i ompany the remainder, the gov. i n-ment n-ment Interposed no objections. Tho price paid waa tl.ROO.000. Th court also consented to tho naln! by Armour A- Company of forty shares' of the Denver, Colo., stockyards stock ! to George Qralnger The price was not mado publle TARIFF AGREEMENT. WASHINGTON, Feb, 20. A com-j plet agreement on the Fordney nmer-fancy nmer-fancy tariff bill wae reached Thins-1 day by senate and house conferees. ' Their report will go before tho house Cor Immediate action, probubly today. Hides and leather products were removed re-moved from the ust of commodities protected bv tlio bill. DANIELS GETS CHAIR WASHINGTON. Feb. 20. Friends Of Secretary Dnnlo1 have solved for him hiph cost of souonlrn problem I Involved In ownership of a tall-backed, (upholstered chair which he occupied at cabinet meetings. Mr. Daniels expressed a desire to I take the chair home to Raleigh, N C. hen he retires to private life as a I newspaper editor and publisher. He i was told it would cost $141. That about changed his mind, but i ft lendf intervened and purchased th-I th-I Chair a a gift, the government proflt-I proflt-I mg more than 100 per eont on the deal : since the i hair c ost originally only $65 jund the 1141 represents replacement cost today. |