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Show OGDEN MEN ON WOOL COMMITTEE A. Pi Blgolow, cashier of the Kden I Stati bank, and M. s. Marriott, nj sheepman of this city. hav been selected se-lected as members of a wool market-, iiik i emmittee, named by the Utah -t tte farm bureau for the purpose -.i solving perplexing problems which now eonfroht the wool Industry. i fin committee is named by i. l. i Mt Ko. prcsideni of th' farm bureau., will ire lutts ' be lollow log: J. Will Knight. woo'lman, mlnlng( mm, l. inker ami stati senator "i Pro-vo. Pro-vo. also accepted membership on the1 committee last niKht. J B, White, chairman of the farm bureau wool; commitiei J W. Hooper, president of th.- ITtaJh WoolgrowersT association: A.. I. Blgelbw. -casnler ( the ttgden State j bank: W W. Armstrong, president ofi th. National Copper hank; Knos Ben-j nlon, woolcrower of th- IJIntah basin; wiiiiam BaegmUler, sheepman of Kane I county, and state representative; Hen- rj Luntj woolgrows-r of Cedar City;, Joseph Jordan, president of the Wool" grower.' association of Sanpete bounty; boun-ty; W. s. Hunsea, former state sen-' ator Aixd a leader among the sheepmen' Of Uux Elder county: M. S. .Nbirrlott. , sheepman of Ogden ; President M Kay, himself a woolgrower, ond Rone Jen-' Sen of Brigham City, another grower of extensive experience. |