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Show The Salt Lake Telegram. FRIDAY EVENING, DECEMBER 18, 1903. DYNAMITE OUTRAGES IN VENT LABOR STRKES COLORADOMINING CAMP In Effect 32. MOV. IOJ. ml Ca. Il-n- Prominent Salt Lakers Attend Meeting and Discuss Fire Residences and Vacant Store Wrecked, but Present Industrial Situation. body Injured; Strikers Not Suspected. TIME TABLE. TIHE TABLE i&LLIAN CE IS FORMED TO fUs rr"c.-- s, . vr.r aht, CTw ri Pitttf Lo!. Of1i. No- f"rtt - 8;30 at4 tsirml.... .... OrS rrem Ot4n. C.rh. v,ly. Intfcr-r!t!-t..se3 I 11:33 .. ii 1MU!. 9:XO tfs"J f f. tt tT) of a Citizens' alii- - !rwU( va; r Hr ,7-5- 0 ara Campbell. JosepiCi A. Silver and Benner Isov'.t VCr. and a,o to hunt vent further outrec. GLENWOOD .SPRINGS. Dec. IS. fit, N-.- iSmith. ren-trnr- . Thrr down the members, X.The trsmp ttore ance'with about seventy-fiv- e vacant -a and Five residences then adjourned. bo405 r rv f.tm were arrt-Medurlr.c lb day- on suspi taken from Mae employing class, was to rail. meeting rs.,..8.00 aia V".':r Among those mteent vcre M. building were wrecked by dynarr.Ue'at cion, but Wfr rt Orm. j !at T.lnr.: ss4 ft jk:,--r- . It;rtJs,4 perfected at an enthusiastic meeting H. Walker. W. S. McCornick, W. II. New Castle, thirteen miles west of tins th?jr were able to nrrouni for the'r .. 633 J Bsa Jr.ceo SteI no w herrtout at the Urn of the expia- held In the Mining Exchange, fcnd at- Dickson, FrankA. Knox. Frank B. - place yesterday mornlnjr. Thre S. HirFisher Silver, phens, Jowph 200 men. business tended by about , 0 C3 jv ta t,i:"" ru-D. S. Murray. R. S. Campbell, J. A. clue a to the perpetrators. The tovn rdcht Hloodhound wire bmujrht The stated object of the Citizens' al- Reeves, E. A. Wall. Fred Wev. R. A. Is full of idle coal miners, who are rut from . li:l-I"ii 11 w h i llr.l ta At'.nivit COO Nichols. C. W. Whiteley. J. W. Neill, on atrike. but there Is no re.on for wait until St. Loj's liance is to discourage and discountestf emttir. bfore rooming r. C. W. . S. V. Shelp, s . Bogue. J. H. Younp. I I J '. t . A y- f rtfi nance strikes, and to figrht lockouts and th-with have to trail the rjynair.tn-r'. j 4 n frtiKo George II. RobLiison, P. J. Moran and pufpeetlng any of them, a bea and of and bag "SO muscle money. with dynamite stakes 10 brain, rctr.ta H. Pembroke. . ....... rtrr?! been orderly no far. 'S iiJ 9 3 ....S-.Jlieved to b1onf: to the i"r: tr".frs of The meeting was called to order by 1 The wrecked houses were In various the crime. hv t en found. The city , r .?'?.. reJ. II. Young. J. E. Dcoly was elected l.am .ftre 1 f ar 1 ... 1:10 p.ta. Hprlnt of the town and the explosions oc- of t;inwoo4 a Pin parts toj Li of ward of $ r 0 for the upprr.-rt'otemporary chairman and C. P. Mason curred about ten minutes apart, and the C4t" Cae? Vt.r. and tJv Prafcojjr has Fff dutm- -; Ci'r. Mcifrt!. dymm:t'r. was chosen temrjorary secretary. htrvr Knts BHL3 p .m by a miracle the only life lost was that been to nftur a reward. UU sr.! C.!tu. cf the NaWiUlnm J. C. Craig, of horn do of a pet at the a. .......... 5 5 p,m f I V Ok.& JVr Isaacs. This hou" was blow n to i le is. I : tional Citizens' alliance, and president rnisr4. Jtutt. -but neither Isaacs nor his wife were Insd trrr Past f fr .(-r s ......... of the Colorado branch of the alliance, Ce e l'! t f ISlrs t li'i-r11:43 p. U jured. MUtMZ, K4-twho was present at the invitation' of a . as-T. U. rittrMACH-HThe home of Jack Iawson was only t ;.r Trfna Mjrr. OF Mi :r, o. 1. r. number of merchants to address the yt wrecked. The explosion occurred a !-..-. tr.inlti partly a a prcNCKR. a. r. t. r fawas locntM a bed where near in the a made place argument strong Ttr-meeting, 1 Wsta f.it Lawson and his wife, who oecu rFdeband vor of the organization, in vhieh he Flying Machine That Flics and It. were thrown to the middle f nied withCity Tkktt OSlct, 301 Maia fit ra t. handled the problem of unionism the room. A similar circumstance h.ip 1K4. S3. tn out gloves. nt the TVFldenre of Kvan AAA efft Ntiw4 Reported From North pened 1.EAVE SALT UKK CITT. At William Doyle's residence a col conAt the conclusion of Mr. Craig's adTf c:J . cn 1.eeI 4m Rc fitnchaai. litter. taining two children was movd several ll Mct ct t. dress, which covered an hour and thirty Ptovo n4 Carolina. i ) .m. feet without being overturned. The No. Fnr Mryr I H im. Pur C:tr : U' minutes, an executive committee was rear of the Hahn building was blown No. lie ror ral rM Kt.... out by another explosion, while Jar s .o. appointed as follows: R. S. Campbell, or fcin fl v,'..t l r9 nv secNo. 1 Kor C'l I NORFOLK, Va., Dec. 18. A succefs-fu- l and Jack Doyl who Hept on the chairman; Joseph A. Silver, E. A. Wall, p rv nl Vt No. floor, escaped Injury. I '.fc p m. . W. srd S. McCornick, James C. Leary, P. Km..., trial of a flying machine has been ond -- F"nr Ft"To No. . was A of I called and p m. mld !x-- l cltlns meeting J, Moran, George II. Robinson, Frank made near Kitty Hawk, N. C, by Wil c No. -- Kor nri,.n a. p nv to rrewas an armed organized M. Jrot4,b'4a fUoa ta patrol C. W. Knox. Charles Read: Boeue, No. T- p rv. l i Frr t anO. of Pnvr bur Orville Dayton, Wright II. Walker and C. S. Burton. The presNo. X I'or Cdn nJ t"-- t iJ 10 a. nv and secretary will The machine flew for three miles In the ident, ARRIVE AT SALT LA KIT CITT. face of a wind blowing at the registered ENGLAND WILL ASK be named from this cemmittee and anNo. ron a.m. ih lla. $ Oc!n stwl e of twenty-onan miles to be held velocity hoar, nounced at a second meeting, No. rrv. ar.d ts r and then gracefully descended to earth n irka nA Ifeto. ..0. a.n No. within a few days. No. $ From D'nwr nl I w at the spot selected by the navigator. a SUGAR CONCESSION So Denounces Labor Unions. ar.rt Kt. I 34 y. us, The machine has no balloon attachNo. Fromn Of ml:y Y wn J613 prv In his opening remarks Mr. Craig ex- ment, but gets its force from propellers Fn-N'j. I'srk p rv a small worked conditions labor the by engine. present day plained Will Seek Admission of "West Indian No. sFrm Mr Htr. alof such that made the organizations OmVatt Play OroJa oat ZkkrC2v lror" rH ?f rtiri No. 4 From Ocl'a Products on Tern.3 Accorded rrv. sn th Wmt T i p.rv liances necessary, and stated the objects r. SHOJTT UNE No. 3 FTom Iirvr an rvt . . .11 VTCtJ i a pa of the organization. His denunciation SECOND INDICTMENT y.rtv COLORADO-UTArmtu to Cuba, VS aata w xr,-- i All trt- of organized labor and its methods was Not, 1 to C stop at lx TO ST. LOUIS. n t CALrron- ie lerw.iti!. pcir.t. vigorous and direct. In the course of his NIA a4 Rlock. ,re. HkDniaait txx!y address he suid: PC fmlt AGAINST DIETRICH crtr Tt.Wt PLnJUIUJOi ikXD WASHINGTON. Dec. IS. The Presi M1AU5I. "Solomon, I believe, was the first orlxrj ar t 1;J-City.r. 4Only I A. RENTON. O. A. T. IX tbJ VCjkLTIC a Issued dent proclamation York. see lK;.T.:o yesterday could if he (a Nw ganizer of labor; but laa'A. val y, Vy)Wrv avmmrprtncpi :.st tsac.4 t?a,n th papsige of th Cubitn refl- trari the actions of some of the labor leaders Nebraska Senator reciting AlWith Charged of today he would turnover in his grave. and declaring the Cub.-.treaty proclty "The unions are so strong in this a Caa-T rtnrltt attvra tr'ilt leged Illegal Leasing of Buildreciprocity treaty to be effective ten country nowadays," declared President TCFEU 11 SillA I Two irr, (Srr- days from today. ing to Government. Craig, "that they will stop at nothing. Iri:U at tK".l oTJ 1 Now that th" bill has bcom a liw They rtteir.pt by coercion and intimi! r aKrts ti'A lV Ctty. Ar.y lf-r- i' dation to control the Government, U)(raula a of IS has Interest Dec. OMAHA. United The Neb.. prison. question great Judges ot courts, peace officers and GovO a A. T. fv Paiao twt I, ily effect of the reduction of ernors, and all other organizations. They States grand jury yesterday mad1 Its namely, th n. OIUT, rry. CMra4 I. want not only to stop work themselves, report to th- couit. returning nineteen th duty on Cuban sug.tr under i.ni cS v1l a. r. TRjpi. of from othrImscuuntri's. Ut Lake Ccr. but to stop other from working, and true bill--- . Thes indud Indictments The British Government I r the.-citizens' alliances that are springUpurt-mn- t against United Stat s Senator Charlss formal notice upon lh Stat' ing up all over the country are not goi.!t"i n that under th" fa rr-H. Dietrich for a'.'egcd Illegal kaslng of ing to permit it any longer. lUitls-sucnr It that clause .4 xp'cti a building to the tlovernment to be from th" Alleges Outrages by Unions. "SANTA rn nOUTaV Indies shall l Wet liritlh admitted Into the United Stat.s on "There is no need to recount to you used as a postof!ice; former Adjutant-GenerDirect T.!r. from Utah t BTAM-PA- S Wood Colby, for the c liege 1 equal terms with Cuban suEar. an l It the many outrages perpetrated by CITT. FT. JOPFPII. CHI. is unions in this country. They haw embezzzlement of (;overnmcr;t funda; Is not doubted that Germir.y, t rra.K-- . a to CAtjo. CALvrrroN. r.L rxmo r. j usurped the powers of government in Daniel Gaines of lUsett. Neb., for "a- Austria nnl tn" other rrai i'-suir Naw of MaxJoo Mlntnc tto Cirr.pi all parts jf the Nation. They have gone producing ountrles will do llkwisi. dining-ca- r a.x;d lleged perjury In swearing faintly to An old holding of Attorney-Genera- l from peaceful persuasion to rnuruer. adof in Cleveland's Hundreds murder. murders homestead entries; former Yes, Olney tndr I'refldnl maswc I cold blood are charged to labor unions ministration was .adverse to in.h Klliott IO.'.e, conspiracy :ilc iO this country. "Look at my own State but th" question ptomia n to to bribe a I'nited StaP s S r.atir; I'ost-mastFVr parties! .r about nmccnn it Should be called "bloody Colorado.' John C Mitchell of Alma, reopened with vigor. RATES ILAPT this him with the Illegal sale of Bleeding Kansas1,' that we used to hear rrly to charging on M. about is forgotten by the contrast. William Scare Irwin, postage stamps; Natives. Just C r. WAKREN. "Over there they openly urge mem a charge of acting . agent fur Mitch M. Th" Dc. of Ctnri Atant. bers to acts of violence and lawless 1. H Allen, ir"sldent Durh-- In Itlirtn ell, and against !.''?;!. ness. And that is why we found a cit h1 DNtf m.k. Slt of the Standard Cattle company, for GratMiu w ;i KU1 1. h n oty. izens' alliance imperative. It reached l bv tl" ItalUn warhfr the tTtalu fencing of Governilo-xcr- s I the point where we could not convict a mentalleged i"T th of pvirp',! lmds. The other Indictments on . lrnti'(r n.ts-nJawbreaker if he belonged to a un on. were similar to that against Allen, but themirf.y 1 1 .n n ihey controlled even the courts. And j do not involve extensive tracts of land. uni' win J iii from own this condition existed until we were ri00 h The indictments Senator against or COCO strong, when finally we prevailed and State Senator Low ar In upon the officers to protect th rights addition to those returned against them green-house- s, of citizenship. a week a'-'-o. "As an example of the criminal methods to which unionism will stoop, I Don't tho Pir.no Sab at the wish to cite the strike at Idaho Springs, Daynes fcforp"t Piano Co., 40 Itlch- Iiomney so Colo. We have collected evidence that ards street. shows conclusively the existence of a plot among members of the Western Federation of Miners to kegs of RUSSIAN PEINCELTNG a:: a hill into the shafthouse r.rl'trtrn ROASTS UNITED STATES. powder down of the Sun and Moon Mining company to blow up the snafthouse and slaughter karat LaxTirious Train in "PATHS. Dec. IS. Prim e Metercheky n men at work thirt or forty World. of Russia, In a letter to the Gaulcis. there. Powder Was Exploded. sharply critielses th" Interference of "The diabolical plot would have suc- the foreign nations in the internal affairs of Jlussla. citing jiarth-u- l trly the TICKETS: ?3 VTft Scsd Soath fit. ceeded, too, had not the keg containEa.lt Lnka 1:10 p. m. Dallf. been the its from swerved powder ing case of the United States. The Prince Two OtLer Fat Trains a ru. course by striking a rock. It went off, says: rru a and 5:45 I p. though, and killed one of the conspiraDaily. SALT LAIU: CITT. "If, for example, public opinion lu Hi VU tors, ia whose pocket a union card was Russia should b" moved in of the found. negro-- s in America to th" point of coni "OK "Again at Telluride a union leader inthe Amcrlean officials. I sup& Norlhwestern Chicago sisted upon the management abolishing demning Railway 'You pose those attacked would The contract system, as under its pror.ot mix in oar int-maffairs.' mat he could not make good wages. That would be a stri- tly logical answer, visions Thi Only Doubts -- Trsc 31 Forty murders were the 250 appalling reas much so as th answ-- by the Line ktwMn Miesourl Fvlver sult. The strikers ordered guns from just of Russia." Denve r and the order ia on record and people avnd Oloflio. marched in a body on the Smuggler mine at the Piano Sale Don't th forpret O Jic- -, 200 2daia St. and shot down in cold blood six men at Hckat 40 & RichPiano Co.. Iiomney Daynes work there. After robbing the dead ards street. bodies the murderers marched the nonunion men fifteen miles over the .8 mountain, barefooted, and when M0EOAN BUYS BONDS some of them gave out they were shot wawvW' i " OF SANTA FE ROAD. in the back. This is unionism as it exists in Colorado." I 4 5 Ha NEW YORK. Dec. H. The At. hison, President Craig scored former Gov. Orrnan of Colorado for his subseequent Topeka - Santa Fe railway has told action in sending Socialists and labor to J. P. &. Co. SlO.O'XVsiJ of the Morgan to condirepresentatives investigate tions, their reply being that troops were general mortfjape 4 per cent bonds, of not needed on the ground. which 515 OOO.OOi) were rccen'.'y made The speaker said he believed there was available. The funds less need for a Citizens' alliance here for additional sale will provide and construcequipment than any other place, but advised his tions of extensions an I for double hearers not to forget that labor agitaTrftTt: villi r. xtursl'.y tra,r.t ta rat rarts of th system. Th totors were busy and there was no telling tracking tal amount of mortAt. hinn tbe time they are ra t:u'.e to ih Eiit how sooa the necessity would come. HATH CIIAKMS. I'TC 4s now ia $1 1S.T97,I;00. outstanding "I do not know whether my life is in gage The Fe railway under the danger or not," continued President terms ofSanta "all Mow ninl k'1ti vmir riiriitna" ni(i . the penoral mortpafce has been Craig, "but I have received many let- empowered to sell nt these the bonds ters describing the- manner in which I a year for mprove-mentwill be takn off. - I'm net worrying rate uf p.noo.OOO Tlie direc tors did not exerci?e THE much, yet I cannot tell what minute this right for over three ye. rs. Ansome crar'.y anarchist, prompted by the nouncement of the sale was received of men who are not crazy. titterings with surprise In Wall street. From $W to f 10(1(1. Will attempt my life. I shall still condemn unionism." k for the Desetet cipar. Good He then explained the manner of orsweet taste. The best in the ganizing. AND Harris Asks a Question. The princ iples of th-- alliance were InFrom Si'O to S 00. Tried to Save Servant. dorsed by Col. E. A. Wall, C. W. White Kt. Jjouis. Dec. IS. Mr?. II. H. Willey and others, and Fisher Harris, son. resiaence is In the heart of the Commercial club, said he of thewhose fa?hionable section was clanger- favored any organization that would LINE burned while trying to re. touay ously cause a cessation of lawlessness and incue her servant. Annie who Crete, quired If the alliance would be as efOthor instruments tro inin:Tou-- i to m ntin at later in terrible atrony, from the f ffccls fective in preventing organized canital of tire that irnitcd clothes. d hpr Is i'cs Jinri t mis to suit vour f t; f m bearing down on the people. James V. .Nein ravcrm it heartily, and ?uir- trip If you ar aaxiou to c&ke Don't forget the Piano Rale at th stcd that everybody present, or those & or.. Daynes .,Iiomney Piano Co., 40 Rich- trip voita?.,-tavnrpn tho aids streit. K'"iLuu-efto upon paper that vs;eir ri. . (. . Bogue moved that the n Providing for Indian War Veterans. StH-cso- r to 1, O. (alJ. r's Sons Cn. tin .1 trie meeting be taken and by a unaniD. c. lv-- A bill was C S. WILLIAMS, Commercial Agent, mous vote it was decided to organize in Copprec.H todav providlnc that bwar Indian etrans slmll the Citizens' alliance of Salt Lak City admls-.-sjoentlUM to ChlcjOt Milwaukee a Su PauJ Ry., 1W MAIN ST. The chair then appointed the follow- J.oni'S in to the various Federal suMiora' Cnltffl States on t'n sam 106 W. Second South SL Salt take City. Utah ing committee r n constitution and by- trrmw and the I us conditions vetrana of ih laws: J. W. Neill, C. P. Mason, R s Civil war. . The organization d r"a lt , Ia s y r"'r.. th-m- hn;rr. vice-preside- E'S ONE nt t,u?i . as-.on- ar. -- rrr n akl . -- rm L! Or.lln. FOR LANGLEY ... r -- Pai. l-- :, if -r- I, F'?! tr i : !- rn.r if a-- 1tt Iurs jt. viU-LHT- 0r T, rMii . - vice-preside- cr?.i r'"!f For rr -- .' strt 5-- t - r.-- - nt t-T- K-r- rom "-- frrn I-- Krcm n r.n l- -l 8. Pivr a-liforni- r-.- c-!- r.aa H lm tf. rtn tr a ) RJ Southern Pacific - x I . 1T t Wsa-Kru- rl a c Company's Lines fr'.. a-- t-- At. a h al 3 TR AIISS DIUV r Stat-""Sena-to- fr er r.-rn- 'onil.-tr.n-,.-t- t h-- i L-a- w.-m- - ijn-'erta- harder run than to keep have hotel, but tered the art. Dainty linen, spotless silver, glistening cut glass, every tabic our arc some of the details that make the service satisfactory Dining r ar su-nma- r. , It Ja. ilb-ca- Die-tric- inters . The Overland Limited J;h, non-unio- in!! Chicago and East ml Lv -I- im-hal-f $ al. - r snow-c-over- 1M NMIk. ed DURING WINTER MONTHS "MUSIC - s. - PIANOS UNION PACIFIC A-- ORGANS 1 - see-lcta- ry MILWAUKEE & ST, PAUL GillGAGO -- - VIOLINS, MANDOLINS, GUITARS s. , . ir i-- ort CLAYTON MUSIC CO.(Inc) 1 5 Intro-mj.'P- fl - s n IL.JTT ff. |