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Show The Sait Lake Telegram. UNTIL The Evening j legram THE PEOPLE'S NEWSPAPER. Published Every Evening Except Sunday. ' by the FRIDAY EVENING, PECEMBEH : O'CLOCK TELE SYSTEM CONTINUES TO SNORE. Ten feet of snow might fall after 12:30 o'clock, but the management wouldn't discover it until G o'clock. j SALT LAKE TELEGRAM PUBLISHING CO.. (Incorporated.) Office 149 S. West Temple St., Salt Lak City, "CUi. Telephone Calls Office 240; Editorial Rooms. 228. G 1 J Correct Cktks a- Through the splendid work of the State and city health officers Salt Lake is at last free frcm smallpox. Under such encouraging conditions it would be a criminal act to appoint as City Health Commissioner any physician who is an or who is lukewarm on the subject of vaccination and the enforcement o( the quarantine laws. CWRECT - rxn f IV .4 . Wi CRESS. 1 1 mm 1903-FUL- L DRESS Thsre Are Immigrants ani Immigrants. Andrew Carnegie, himself an immigrant, is out in a speech opposing further restriction of immigraCommunications pertaining1 to the Editorial Department tion, and the "caun Scott" makes a good case, proshould be addressed to the Edlty of the Salt Lake Telegram. unless postage ia aeat for Rejected MSS. cannot be returned vided one takes him as an example. euch purpose. Communications relating to advertisements and tHimess hculd be addreesed to the General Manager. Salt Lake "If it had not been for immigration," paid Mr. 149 S. West Temple Bt. General Eastern Adv. Agent Carnegie, "we would know nothing of the Amerifi.C. B ECKWITH, 4349 Tribune Bldff.. New Tork City. can as we know him now. Language makes the Otneral Western Adv. Agrent HORACE M. FORD, 1151 Marquette Bulldlns, Chicago. man. Show me the young man or the young woman who reads Shakespeare and the 'poet?, not forgetTO MAIL SUBSCRIBERS The date when your subscription expires is on the address label of each paper, the change ting Burns, and I will show you an ambitious perof which to a subsequent date becomes a receipt for remitson who will make a good American. tance. No other receipt la sent unless requested. "Take a boy who reads our Declaration of IndeEntered at the PostoSSc at Salt Lake City, Utah, as pendence and see how soon he learns that 'any man's Matter. privilege is every man's right.' lie will soon be more American than the lad born in America. I think for a Telegram readers leaving the cityBent to week or mora can have their paper any amendment to the present immigration laws their address regularly by mail, without addiwould be a great mistake. We must bo caution. tional cost, by making the request, in person or The fact that the immigrant comes here proves that by postal card, at the office, No. 149 South West he is ambitious and has saved the money with which Temple. to pay his passage, but we must not forget to be FRIDAY EVENING, DEC. IS, 1903. cautious." The ambitious immigrant is the one every Amer A Two-Inc- h Snowfall Is Dangerous. Two inches of snow virtually paralyzed business ican welcomes, but it is the unambitious, sordid, tinf in Salt Lake this mornimg. Nine of every ten busi- lettered, vicious and criminal classes of foreigners . linm-vtI ness men, clerks, shop girls and workingmen whose vearlv Hooding the country and nu nacing ich duties require them to report for work before 8 industrious American labor against which rest t r. now mat t.arnegie o'clock were late, not to mention the teachers and tions snoul'.l be piaceu, ana is of he will out steel the trade manufacturing school children. Those who depended on the street cars were later probably agree with this sentiment. 1n reaching their business places than were those who ploughed their way through the snow, braving Why Women Go to ths Theater. A number of social clubs have of late been deand kindred diseases. And why pneumonia, crime a all this trouble over two inches of snow? voting considerable time to the discussion of the o'clock. Yet question: The snow was on the ground by 2:.0 6 cars street when the until from that hour o'clock, "Why do Women go to tin Theaters?" A canvass of members of the various organizaare supposed to start, no reparations were made to G as near clear the tracks for traffic. At o'clock. tions reveals many minor reasons, and one that is mancar street was as convenient for th hour that generally held paramount. Some sav that they go because they want to agement, regular cars were started to work their one "life"; others to get away from life; some beeaiiM-theway to the ends of the lines. One hour out and seek amusement; others because they want hour in was the average time consumed in opening up the lines. And business and working" people their strongest feelings harrowed up. Only a few awaited the pleasure of the street car management appear to believe that plays are educative, and conwhile this work was being done. fess to attendance at the theater because it is tin Even in cities of 20,000 population such condi- correct thing to do. I tut it seems that the majority tions would be denounced as disgraceful. An en- of women in society go simply to have something to s talk about. terprising management would have had G out by 4 o'clock, and when o'clock came reason is not altogether out of This every line in the city would have been opened to place. The latest play as a subject for conversation traffic. This is done in every city of 20.000 popula- is at least less hackneyed than the weather, and not so dry as the latest problems in finance and politition in America which boasts of a trolley line. BUT HERE BUSINESS MUST WAIT WHILE cal economy. THE TRACKS ARE CLEARED. OUTSIDE OF And now another apology is demanded by I'ncle SALT LAKE THE TRACKS ARE CLEARED BESam from Turkey. Ity the way. has that last apoloFORE BUSINESS BEGINS. a on This kind of policy works great hardship gy which we demanded been made by the Sultan? business men and the breadwinners. It is an policy. It is one that results in damage to King IMward has set the fad of electric fads. sentiarouses it street car interests, jis the public Perhaps this will satisfy the Chicago doctor who obment against the management. jects to water bathing. The great trouble with the local trolley line is J! two inches oi snow blockades the sltin-that it goes to sleep, so to speak, after Y2:'M) a. m. ears EVERY CAR RETIRES AT THAT HOUR, AND for an hour, what would ten inches do? Tle-Erra- r. TV.OfsnitS cr GLOVES. rarl. ton. HAT, ilk or opera. FHOK3, patent N y"" f:. r but- A ; Quality At way. BRS. tr 6 & -- The IP ven't wnt tr.oz"f t,ckt W National Tea PEOPLE WHO DO NOT TAKE A DAILY PAPER importing Co. TEA An advertisement in The Farmer will i Inter-Mountai- n Farmer, Salt LaKc Oty 1 V 9 M- 1 -- ill , XUIONIL Excursions Holiday t I m.'.NK KV"a A 1 " - r, fa r': r, iv ' t J horn- -. at f i 3 t ( e , v, r. 5 t. , jir ;.i r i. f Ttr !h" f , t. , 1 fly m J J . 5 i v I t tf ilk. m f I I ,m J TP ti ty tnX" a 1 t - . "7 f .f & CO. BANK WELLS. FARGO th iT-r- lnR . r BAJ! ON J. Bnjoy yourselvI Christ tr.-'.bday a lit w'th the rdl folk V nr. , it J W. I'. yi'iJMO' AtMVS 3.J ; v p r-i- t'w ! ' ..,:- r.F Till- - REPt'BLIi BkNK t 'Ai'ivM. j THAT'S ALL,' ! ' te f it f C Harper s s- -. srco.rn rcviu r--v7 . S. P. L. A. oc 1 1 ! : - board to .i." "Ira-- . ... 1 J John. ou When 1 "Nor.ene, ..iv t S. L. R. R. Co. givtn them this money, ou!l , i:t ' 1 f I ii t toss; jim know h it. What I t my i Mai." ' ' will go. t '. . 1. th jr t. )l ;t icl po'tp ti John. at on st.nl "Iv you think h.'II No-I noil t b he w.il. Tl . ...... . . ..... ,.--. i. ONE FARE FOR THE w M if r. Miia.i i:j i i .i. artr ii.aiur, JAMES WEBER LINN III By ali. But ho won't ht- ff'l'.n ROUND TRIP ry . 1 S .t T rv.anl you. John." J by McClur. Phillips & CfO (CcpyTtght , rj "Why nt?" Murdoch va p i.uir..-rr W r r ::to nt.d zm. al Janaory 1. 1 W I Cr.0r.OT: r.VKT. puzzlt d AAWAA k tffrr fr Jr-- --'v t t kld i hu hie. tmil." th my "Why. V j old lawyer again. "Why. bl : my IV.,- -- lt U. further Utnrrn tivi Ci!y. EuiUii;,:. i! r I. if j rtojrfii , . 1. .:t I'.tn lb Iou"t I boy! of you Silt g tittir colU-gaiti you'll has CHAPTER IX. Continued. maker, firmly, "when Carfax r Vrn-r out of his Job? H'll he fr.nryiec :r"" J. I . Mi"'.-- '. got to move up if she means to be In him on l'rnvldonco has back him aiut ' gout y" all." at K the procession ft j WALKER BROS.. Bankers time." In the sharlow of ten million dollar?, "You're quite right, John." His finger- that Murdoch rlBlied. "I p t - i ob1. you're m,j '.IT. most of us, in spite of the mighty fortips together, the careful nails the l sadly. he sil "Wi.l. l.axe right." the of his lawyer contemplation, ject awed. a trifle of this tunes to ko. but I'm mighty sory r.botu It. epoch, grow I,, TAJ listened approvingly. . fine ol man. th.e t. l n V tor; Ten million tower to: Even Murdoch, "And she's rot only going to b in theI H"'' athe . : matter with hi r. x. . pi thai i rr w.i K'ui t thing ' going to '.lead it. though he had it to give, shiveredHutu procession, ' w ,i . ; hi . U d b f:.." lie i k ;t. past should f he it reason see considered when Carfax directly. Car-la- x don't little any why c w ! 1. on v !, b. ! ii ougne.i nri t' :iy. :t i!m .i irT.ru not lead Harvard, or Columbia, or any eddi .arre Barrett Senior, "The Father," in men have lo g- tt the wal!," h- ?a.l. ,i tieTli"!"'.'"ll f !'.. Th'f V " f'T' t'l slang:, hummed a tune when the of the rest of 'em. All it takes is money -National ihnk : r . "Can't I pension him off ninw way? vite f.r i i v. In him. business was finished, and had gathered and here's the money." ' t r ! tht a p Aiti't call i thinr: thre iilur it of a "la said 3;f gob certain papers together. Barrett, "Here," tNiTi:i ! 1 or something tf the port an hr nor.iry M t kr tb e!.rvi ..,' "This will certainly rouse talk, John," to phrase it vulgarly." ' ' t w n r f i r t t t to tt r. y ;V ith the Job?" lie pronourie-eoii "You don't seem to think much "f It he said in a slow, old, .soft voice, with f M. lb' ;a'; '. .rt" i H i it tr.ird syllable en'.'T-t-ta humorous twinkle in his blue eyes. said Murdoch, with a distant reproach on tiie like some strut. e dicae. f r ? a ri ' Founild ' n. His was a pleasant, innocent face. "Yes, in his tone. I I i u " : I It nodded. to "Of ten million, John? I think a lot Ai.y. K 1! this will certainly rouse some talk."cau) III' , if i:f t!. "Well." continued th pl t't t 'lt ry ivi' -wit'i ii. f, of it; I think so much of It it make: my "None till we're ready for it, ' u : i out of Mm llitrry. "we'll make an mer-l-tbk ii. ' - r rl tioned Murphy. "I don't want it to get mouth water; and therefore, with your ' iirit i i then." n. I'Mil tJi,- i:t bright again. "By gtf Permission, 1 think I'll ju:--t have a ci- thout just yet." II- - d't ' t '! - I.or.1 Harry, I'd give hlei live thou.r. -- r C't! t ." Barrett contemplated him. was-"Did you gar." " sand a year fv.r giubl.irg up hi Oif k i.i "l ! n f r i y i f looking "Something with it?" know that Harley Schaefer . old "Something" with it. as you say. John." be fore I'd hurt his f- r ,'nc-r- hfor a divorce?" he asked. tenMurdoch's to I Hf .! out We'll htm tor! turn ol i and million AmeriSo i tr. - t was tur. and th st the the upon lawyer if ordinary attention v somo ' fellow the t'v t' .; did rk. who can hi had young mad" get the citizen and million arrangequestion f. r. ... just his tesi J. how's that thnp 1 n r.t yu n r f e not come home to him for a minute. iiKr.t.4 to give away t"n million dollars By the way T-! tt'outirio"-.: . ''I : to Carfax college and the cause of edudoing Bradford?" Then he cried, "Harley Schatfrr!" -t ! I n it. B . well." ; A Kins "H i". i an irr'tt said with incidental not. cation mighty Barrett, rye know," ir. you perhaps "He's "He put u on the trail a little remlni-icetalyREMEDY. ANOTHER upon the advertisement sir idacicll v. "To the best of my knowledge, a highly es- whlsky-and-watogether on the raw, of son.cthlrg bl? a while e if it turf he believes his wife to he out." if and afternoon. he woman. if were, But bright Sunday timable "What was that?" "It strikes me. John." suggested th - t to our firm had the case-- you would hardly rl r." T ejt- - nr tyr--fresh-face- d & The "that at have left to gentleman winked oi you me wouiu you length, i t it, speaK liwyer. expect '.. ;i.ui(.t.. f. it r very slowly and very xp ttly wit kei. ! f i Murdoch grinned. "Well, I'm sorry I one thing out of consideration." "I !!,r:nM HT,!r,oi!!y "Hut tln re'; a geol d al of fire'.iotk" But n "What's that?" demanded Murdoch, vmrt vour feelings, Mr. Barret t rv, j tt in t t !. be ." f I about Bradfer t t. that y ning hastily. i.not ;t t : wl'" this will tau talk, ch'.'" tf"I thou' old hv "The 'tt ruminated. Juee the continued, But irrelevantly. Barrett 'lltalk doctor," like" "Talk? They i.A,xn thai he was a better starter th.;n a : innocent old gentleman's simile is bet he said, at last. an r." in instant. stay as Murdoch's face clouded ECUPGED. . left to the imagination, c sf "If." returned Murdo b. 'nu re hl t !y. "You think?" someone may wish to send this story ii M "If find don't of him." to that you ild mails. have "You'll dear the get by, "Why, my 'through n Carfax hears about th"s year, head of your sla-"Why?" John, when In o c no lam." do more can will he hind "Bless soul, Carfax rrj th'r its get my upon money, Am.-r!I in. " KIM YIKG. ttl I one call w i nrrl.iblv "Whatever moon. John." than done the you. want The whole hat Again you bay If e." t legs andwill." "I Ie",'t tJ.lt. X ol rei'll'-Harrett. "Jt will r.ot b n !nm." Kr.irl'hm of the unprintable similes'. country in. "There coe s a flne m m." fall th" said Murdoch, decidedly. ,. "I was thinking the same," admitted k "Jl.'W n!iuit oar "I hope so," r.4 V! !,'! Iicrta. Cklar tf ak l.irKff r, l Fnther a be watehlnc to Murdoch. llrt eh?" vi ny t great ad., "It ought be." Wor.!ff4t ivirtl nobif-me-down the Murdoch of FtrldlnR hn'l to our i wnlk. How rid thtt get atrfi;t "How are you going it Vt douth Trrr. "It will ALT LAKG CITT. eotnileteel a hard day's work, nn-- he rra.rr Am-r'- ' AS k;'!" UTAtC 'The time's come," went on the pickls- - him, if he wants to hang on?" "Th.nt'H for EVERYTHING WE EUY AT HARPER'S IS NICE, 772SL. &JK1 - I! IB d The COrrEE A2CD j.Lr::DErs, ia bring good results, especially In mail order trade. Rales very reasonable. Address Inter-Mounta- in Java (Sh COFFEE REACHES A CLASS OF I t Mocha Jf SAT snow-plough- out-of-da- HAMROCK Farmer Inter-Mounta- in y last-name- 1 :r you eui Arc all right as advertising mediums, for thoic who take a dally, but : : t : e - r. A3." furi ?jtf E DAILY PAPERS I a. s-- r ! et tyr ff rf ltirjtT,',rjp l!et jt th" tifM ttn:r. -- - tr AM.. j - cr tr- - or t'.ch lr HAT. x4 A!l GRAY Jer. 't.' 'l turn lthr. Truth j. m!rh fwl. C.,L Mt. n. t t' t : "I..-'- rr tU k. t FHIl.r. . Jv Tj-'o- WAIKTCOAT. OVnitCOAT, the Jnvernesn cr Ilenjamln Fulton. COAT, full dre. WAISTCOAT, nhl! or Uak. TnorSintrt to match rout. tUc-htdPlIir.T, white, ruff COLL.AU. flanging or joke. NF.CKWKAIt, broad end whit tl -- !r.JTrl:t. !!? l.:t;sf. litun or t t ) OVnnCOAT. N),T. h!t r t Sr Tor all functions after o'cok. tve dfllriic", reception, formal dinner, theaters. m, 09 INFORMAL DRESS - x mm 154 "1 anti-vaccinationi- TERMS OP SUBSCRIPTION. IJ-One year, by mall. In advance 0 Fix months, by mall. In advance On month by mall, In advance r2 One week, by mall or carrier cents Binele copy, everywhere Remit by P. O. money order, express mor.ey order, r''f-tore- d bank check or draft. In the name and to the letter, of the SALT LAKE TELEGRAM PUBLISHING CO.. . Bait Lake City. TTtah. 1003. -, 1- t . th- - "THE CHAMELEON" 1 Vh.it-yr"U-fiy-i- o; !i;-K. J 1 I ir:t i!-- Iff Ir-.isar- R. G. DUN j : -- Ge-H- -- - n-.- . f i i.-- ! ; . . . - I. S !T wJr-si-T- -- I ii It f f ..e v..wt i Ic-'l- . 1 '. - " 1 ? - lly J !:! im-rltu. tt u. Th-law- yer 1 .j j I -- " - - 111 'U l -' , i' '" v i sv;v :..:-;.'.- 1- ",:i ' -. v- .iTtr . -' J"- J r" J 1 1 Is a Piano ' tv r- - -- '. , ? rj t'-- "1 e 't . Ir - kl"-ronk- l"-.- 1 - l- 5 k D : i :' 3 i'i c c B n i s f r Cli' J m !li.-fac- e 1 - . ,,-.ei- r - : ; 1 f -- . P-- r.'.c:; z-,- z fr NcCORNICK , i- r- - CO., Tl-'-rr-- cirv. saltO trl :.) .' r 1 - e CALLAHAN'S "OLD BOOK STORE" r: co::n n juti: Z f.-n- . t'.f-Ik- f kle-m- n;-ir.- .bl cr'?jr' . ';! C'-t-r- r-j- u th-m- n 1 J LEE . J 1 : "'' H--- I9(. r It!' 1 ID - t ' '. f e; i"? f. rl '. s,n ' I " i o i r '! f 5 s f;t k y |