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Show t Lake Tej alt Salt Lake City, No. 589. . CARLISLE'S RED WARRIORS HERE Phici:. Three Cents 18. 1903. CURFEW LAW INTERNAL ORGANS FOUND COLOMBIANS s INVOKED TANGLED: DOCTORS CAN'T TALK OF WAR ACCOUNT FOR FORMATION An Alleged Committee in Alleged Victim Declined Compose Layout That Will Play. Utah Foot ball Team on 'Varsity Campus Tomorrow. 10 V A STREET CARS BELAY CITY'S BUSINESS FOR WHOLE HOUR; SNOW BLOCKS THE TRACKS LDRNE Seventeen Husky Indians Mr W K Friday Evening. Decemueti LTtah, fttro&oa er tealgbt. Snow thi to Prosecute on iMore Paris Preparations Made to No Open the Various Lines Until 6 O'clock, When Is Schedule Supposed to StarL Regular Will Says Country Seventeen husky young Indians, repUROOKINGrf. S. P.. Dc. IS Surrrl..inpr result hive developed at n lu11y thre th.aand dozen with a I different tribes, 21 on resenting factot examination William r hanf'.. tt,- s'.il d'.'d old. Allison. of the after wht body Serious Charge. m;hyff, Fight Uncle Sam. homes from Alaska to California, from ten days illness, apparently rom Inflammation .f th Mnrncls. Th youn? Idaho to Xew York and Delaware. Inf t n man had said he had been poiront- 1. and to satisfy the f.imlly a rf emj P ) eijr vaded Salt Lake this morning and made BULLETIN1. Joseph Draper, 12 years old, and Clif. c USe tbU ford Hills, two years his Junior, were was held. h ' !r crimp at the Kenyon. tt tb Hus'lf 1 f TARIS, Dec. 18. Th "Unite I Cc- The a mwl peculiar dipla emrnt of the Ir.tfiTial found surgeons riran. at are famous members the Jim of arrested Patrolman the o!h-t midnight by They d b lrt:::n l.th football team of the Carlisle, Williams' on a charge of violating the The operators found an opening through the diaphragm and a dilated stomach, lorablan commltte" bcre rare out lior r f to le of lh thoracic a taternent todny taylng that Colom- tvt r.ir.ic ' f nearly three times normal size, completely flUing the left Pa., Indian school. At 3 o'clock tomor-io- ff curfew ordinance. orn-mitio- n afternoon they will meet the Utah The boys were arrested at cavity, taking the place of the loft lung. There wan no Wt lung, only a rnu'.l bia would firtt seek through a to induct the United S'.atet Serrice LsdJy Crlrr4-TT- . where it was alleged that they rudimentary lung, about one Inch tM k r.nd thr c In. he square. Lvln under University team in combat on the home v a had'y t?p- :? t 4f f l to reconlro Colctabla's riichui undr were caught in the act of rifling' the the stomach wan found the r.scen jjridiron. cohm with the nrpidlx attached In It . llng i h fall the treaty of 1810; eccnd. If th com- pji- -l 3 o i fr pockets of the clothing of a man who usual place on tho lower end of the colon nn i ul In the thm le cavity. Th Train Ahead of Time. t!.. j until was bathing. The boys were alkged to heart was locatz-- on the lower rT.''re, h n r 1. The arrival of the train bearing the have stolen 51.50 from the clothes, which right !!. nf th. throne ! cavity. etcndSnc mit i o n fails, Colombia will aik for on f J't'i". th'tmlly tj;T5 on I and fifth rib. The the tubnitnlon cf the next to the n lnal column l.etwe.n the redskin players an hour earlier than they gave up when detected. The man, parallel andwas qoe?len ta The In not normal t rr-- . z. lung right to was his is it t satisfied money ,! t said, wan scheduled upset the arrangements get r,j f. arbitration court; third, if It is no question but that the anatomical tailfonnntian nf the '.irrr nt There 5 ."A in !?-r k to the back m and declined .now. boys prosecute of the local team and no one met the or make foimal re la to Th ubmUion I r"b-rt Jued. Tj" Hapj Iwn I'd. a tht complaint against them. organs had existed from Infancy. The ynurg man hid tt - 'Krn I''' visitors at the depot but Coach Holmes Their case w ill be e heard in Police court Is the reason his peculiar condition had n'ver In Colombia will co to war and rely oa lit. r ti dwnrrd. Th ".; t vj.rr f: uitf of the University ttam was prompt to this afternoon. t believed to be one of ,ie most remark ib'- in tlie history of surgery. the Latin republic to come to her aid- - br.f h'-f.n.1, ots th Kat straighten things out and make his tlh'fKt ItfTf t'o'itth h . '. 1 guests feel at home. rr.ir.-jj ;,.; f r:.t irt fill The Indian team is in charge of Coach raj. r. h O. S. Warner, a Cornell man, who has v . , t I In r .t;j t" tir been at the head of athletics in the vv1 I r ti,i- on in f fi, Carlisle school for five years-- . Mr. "Wat ;'- - t k I 'f t''.rrner is accompanied by Mrs. Warner and thir t !oi ( ;! tr,;liir.f at- j Mr. and Mrs. 11. IJ. Waite of Chicago. 't I t' j I; i t ';j - Jl.o J''. d- Look Like Veterans. ..5 in t,, k.(t ba'f ,r ft.t) r.'-- t . ; c t " tv. ir, The Indian players have the appearance cf veterans in the football game, although Coach Warner says that only Many pjeforr 1 ta U'aik- one man has been on the team to exin Funeral Stop Now I tur 'If iV. Claim Been Has Humble Clerk That t Puerto Plata !j i Employers ceed three years, and several of them i t !? f ! i are playing their first season. They are t'f'.i'C ..!. . ' ' t ;?". t V i "1 Chi- i r It of rr,f ! Threats strong, clean looking and trained down by Chicago ) a t ' t t tt-- - fun Robbing Them for Nine Months. Again in the o'utsfr to the bet't possible condition. fva d" a! a r.tj'i Clad in uniforms of dark blue, ,? l!,t-i"Violence. tJ t v Wja to th ir trimmed with bright red braid, they preIS. n Doc. a on Saddle. CHICAGO. While working Om A. Gr'cl.y salary of J? a i . "j-sent an attractive and military appear0 :. l robbed his employers at a rate of b to Da I. ance. Manager according day. .;.''tirt t'f J (oil ra d pr I b ' 171 CHICAGO, Dec. IS. The first trouble Rose of M. L. Barrett &. Co. --.! Nearly all of them speak excellent rt'l'.r.TO PLATA, li.irc", Tt" f.f English, though in their conversation in the livery drivers strike occurred littoit atf.j r When arrested $210 worth of oiy var.U'.a I "nr. were four. 1 cnea,-.- ! In iHc. I. Tbi !t y h t v.rf : 1f I r'.'',',? n ir. j. the characteristic brevity of Indian when an was conduct made 'o attempt I J 'f If Mf, ;t "". :t;'-',i- ! u th ff In the few month that h meagvr wUry h.. him at fnjllf speech, the use of gutturals and a loudfjhtlws. 3 r '.; t. n l"a funeral at West F.ighteenth and All-po- rt Grigsby's clothe. f.Tttv''. tt ness for gestures is noted. !,,)r. :i 't.t mtttt fl Th J tached to the firm It Is believed that h l;attol-J t r.r. ar.i n I'dnfii II o ) .',? it i : !, streets. !r;;'it J ir, w orth of sto k. .n i..nft ! Where Bed Hen Came From. tat:;-- . t.a- f ' t: . i ; it i t f?r a.f. if con! An undertaker secured enough f Tb t - iff--I .t T r. i j ; The members of the team, their tribes flrigsby l. a young man. and has held the position ef rherr.lt helper for Hat.tiacof ', r C and places of nativity follow: Frank veyances to take the body and mourn- the Importing f.mi for the past nine month. AMr hi mm' h. admitted th.it Hhri't .. f r ;! ;. : . t ' (;vj? 1 seri t to ers 'Nicholas while the the i'.io:r, but church, his peculations had been made during must of tint tun'. Chippewa, Minnesota; Jxlf, j .i;! , '.; j ; t .o o ; n r I a f jf tj hSeneca, New York; Chnr'e9 Dil-Jii- vices' were in progress pickets comrn-"I needed a little money," w:.s the only Xii,?ioux, to v,i p:.m itio:i t ! r? - . ! r out ': ' r j i tr.-- t .; . ' North Dakota; Wickifer .. ' safe. ni.d of the the drivers T!.. f. iJ 're T t ! r j t v r .j.J Tlut. Kodiak island; Anto- - pelled trak, ! J .n In a sean h of Grlgby's apartment, r. n At f Ui bad JC a r rented xriages to desert under thre r.s cf vio M ;tS S l ur,en cilence. i.uoo, .Mission, cjamornia; art f and were lirhly fut iiish' d. more property w aj f..und i bv M..r.ac- r In th i!i:-o.; V ' t "J. 'itie, Delaware, Oklahoma; Louis (hiw llxti Rove. t t i . ' .. or. lor F James Mission, California; ... : t ... . 9 Johnson, Stockbridge, Wisconsin; Ar. r t t Tl ' thur Shelden. Xpz l'erces, Idaho; Wil, son Charles. Oneida. Wisconsin; Charles 'Williams, Stockbridge, Wisconsin. f . in addition, there are substitute?, a follows: William White, Waiter MathAs r.ol J ews. Mses James", Joseph Haker, Pitus Whitecrow, Richard Hendricks and t i "Wallace Denny. r j '.Two Defeats This Season. t t t : thirthe have Indians Twelve Girls Escape From f New Typhoid Serum Pre Although played teen games this season, they have only i V t a o defeat? chalked up on their records. bv Fifth Story At Harvard the- score was 11 to 12 ft Immunizing Burning pared against them and in the contest with Princeton they suffered their only shutTh- - o.ut;;:.s: of th:? t n ! b.iyt p. t.,- , t...r Koblc Animal. t it kBuilding. out, with tin- - victorious team nuking t. b:d-.an-rotr,.-sW. till I. (.! 11 point". 13 taken up this moti.hu;. The TMri- nt h Discussing tomorrow' game. Coach I :. COURT COUNTS THE D . I DAYTON. O.. Dfe. TS.-- To new was tuiile-- at.d , oi'k .v. Warner said: f distrbt "We do not r'p ' t to run up a very death bv s'iffocat ioii twelve ;riils today nun on ihi l i BALLOTS IN THE CONTEST .! t.r.ni Is high score, but we will try our best to fifth-fier- y I X'. windows T pi OF THE COUN'CILMEh. !,!,'. fn nn r o;i..ir,.-- I'd of; . k ' i our iidv iarif l'rotn M orinij at leaped from the I the Can by building, several of tiei.i i,,,.iii J. V."..od. ltd f.ir I ,: 1. Ell. , 4 r i ; itof a i;i (,,r t'. m-"Wl.il" I vould, of curpc, I'.rtfer to landing on the roof ; nd skylii-'iit'- . . E. l'.ui btdce, l.;: f. p.. i Th.: . r ;j. t -. y ' and a dry lield. we But K"d .,:hThe t?.t f. .!.'.;; , adjoim.r,.r h,.' n..v' building I a i; : .ii L!v! in , th. b Dr. who hnv(; .lay;d mow, ers were auht samfs . U.MI.On. ' "" ? t i . t 1. ' (" ii U I Liner til.. f,,v.f. ,:f tilUt!ii'f, ir fill It .. ':. vicif ! I 5 !.. ni:" way in Chicago this . t I I !"! I.. Ii . a 1'. tl d !)V !'..and f; cm do it in Tli. i v'.x N' till O'l'lt lives. ''ii-i!v in" piobably ib , " 's : .t i : .ii-v...- - : .... The rlames oiisiuat d in tlie Wood. 1:; ' f "n I all D i a! Affected by Altitude. Ju.lj ih tiient of tlie buiIdir.K IT d "The- altitude may afi'fet the wir.d of smoke th" elevator shalt. j J lor r.jrbldfe aid !'. for l'.ad weiit ii in tin- thU it wid " th" hoys to some extent 'as th that have quic kly tilling: the upi er floors, nt I i, i Ey to !... ' 5 Wool not been playing at such high elevation t , ..te.. lot j . had tiit t.a: two will Me. The oth is - . " l'..o!c-.- as this." !;; Iturbi 1. Ins:aid i was t. The lie hurt. property Vy: i f . . The Carlisle team i ranked as fourth seriously Thii showy u t n..m for itut i is I r hi misM DECLARE THE FRIARS small. t.. nlU piate vlevesis of the I J otes. amors the 't't-a, ! I . ;. kr; ... 4th. . rd i:.. e it, ,t wr1 ! t "East. When aked as its main source tl.. j In If f va'.lt . !j i i v tl 1 Tbom.is i t Attorney I if.. .!. j:..ir .Mr. Warner said: of N-distri. t koi:. dc.vr. "u u,.-- j ief Ue fity r Thirteenth ord'-rin of Olid S'tti'tnont l!.l!i??i . . ' h . tluit help ns KAISER KILLS NINE re w i "The principal iwo v- -t tle record because t I'(V t'.e p.-- k il hrd- re!l i cf 10 win are the men's quickness, zeal and. T5ii lesH in the nvelop., than c r' r r Vrt but Say Thtir La:. I :v. ;t I may say, the fierceness with which I ! th JlldceM. JudK' I.' .'l l ai d election n !f Mr. al odd by hl!"" THREE BOARS state I tt .tt he would ubp." x : Ur, iei valufd. STAGS, they play. They go into the same as M In i .iM v. a M iVc t ot t f u I r.t :l- : If their very lives depended on the rei iuoK' S Into loiirt to explain tl.i ( hona t sult. Yet thfy always play lean, t iere y. The conteftlmr atton.es vnp I c I" t pame. We have not had a man ; ' i , i : th FUstalnll IC Of .hl ot'e. ; u disc It . v 5 i.t;r,id Ih P. i"."m .' for unfair conduct in live t I . .. ..nr"ij-Dee. IS. n.npe ror BERLIN. .' t ! e I f t ?." year?." ''.!.. A,S. ' "William shot nine stass atal thre S.d It'-t i v J. .f i .'. Quarterback Johnson. wild boars at Goehrde todav. Tl f ... ,.' th ;t i : 4 James Johnson, the little ?tO'.kbridso ; ! foresters heat up the Kam- i ".; u i i t' ;. k , riir is o.uarterbiick. v. here the ; I captain of the team.a.- Hea I.' 4 stations and Emperor is regarded . . . .. f t by football critics vl --l his suest stood partially con- leader anions' this year's players in his f r tt i 4 cealed behind pines and firs stuck i position, but is too modest to say much e t: Cf e if .",, ti eri of his work. "See the each." ne ; In the ground. f . t h . '."', Ifi . I, for t sententiously, when a:ked exv ! .. I "t an expression on his team and hx ! i I '. i J .! i . pectations. f (!,i CLAIMS CARD GAME 44Buzzer" Gave The average weight of the p'ayers is Electric t .i n t.t i t ord'-t r IT.i pounds; nearly all of them are close CONFESSED FRAUDS CAUSED DOWNFALL; i to that figure, there being no "slants" CONFESSED THEFTS. Alarm and Marked Bill in the line-ufr t? IN FIRE INSURANCE One Player From Alaska. OF NO PLANS FOUND . i It. i ...' f: i; t ?. .id, i Is Said to Have Been The oldest and sironcest character in : t i tr .it h- - i id H SAinuel houchuk. the band is Wkkifer Silvsrstcin, Sentenced for One . ' ; i f i ; . t ROOSEVELT'S HOME f, j culled the "Eskimo," and he His Shoe. in Found T hit l "Were I' tJ : i fs'l- - fin Id h.tj. Year, Says Adjusters looks as if he only needed a sealskin t ' j J..1 In a It. i' eoat. and a fur hood to fit him for a Involved. t t t stt'.t I :id cr iT", a V'rn I: . On-Cth" r ef cf S tn Ttf-home among the people of thi3 .rib". A Stctjr DicoT?;y niOVlDENCE. P.. I.. D' . i pfd;r lie Fays he is not an Eskimo, butKo-li- a ' ' of All'fd Aafttrhiit mh-r.unif Ft a' i::on NEW YORK. Dec. IS. Samuel Silver playing among Kus?ian Indian from the island of tt Aft ' i .iid i o S.j-.to near the northeastern coast of etein, a clothing merchant, ha. plea 'ed versity has lr-- to the ; r: st f ( Ka'ph - ri t At r.;ri.i. ra ' O .. ' o". I. , b ; ;t !rt E. F.am roft of Ston.fhau , M.isf.. fn II. e It.r. roft. .'; f to cf !al?e the 1 charge r presertir. guilty in Fee football till come to TK'-vcIc taryM:lite ,n:lw.-v..? r I f lanrry, t'.V f "'i " lie wa put fn t I, .t'.lv t;... e; . it t: .t ! i ''.Al.vr.sT' N. :r V Tyrd States," he explained, "only proofs of lo to a fire insurinm com- charpe . ;(.' K i; !,'.f!M but w. al l U- th il.p-and Judge Cowing sentence J him ? ' uffr the l case was t..iui. I'd :g. I ,r-tb,:ih;dl non my island. Yes, just some pany, J . c it it" r...-in Iv one the penitentiary. year .irlous iraj vrha i;iirass-.lat Mt.r-i.i.r.- . .irr;e,? ( bars' I ;'h U from the ir rlt y. baseball, pitcher, catcher, to An.'y ri' ' f tt t"Ht. t t. S:i verptt in's confession a few days Members o, the faculty dr.dare that th" poV t f r s ? ba se e v e ry t h i n r. " i;rt;l .!r!. I . 1 t - EM t ard-t-l- a w ;i( h trt' lnvolvi-f- l on your vJir an c'nthr dot r.n ag that he had presented the fal."Do you like vhe He'inlt "t'u;'i" viog 4 ; t . rrr" t.j i'iri I of ad! a l j of udd-i At the ,.thr u uft I les" in the niT,. did riot take place jtl the rul'f K" said his questioner. public proofs upon the advice ' ' ' ; I ' t :ttP J ;i f :i , . t,d lr cause an ard was .ir of It the tlvt.K invrtisra Eiu'ty invs. . J juster i ;, n tt ,in n r Eskimos. i the r I .. Like .il ' f Not I. ft ai'it ur. .i Tli rr t r.' In it.- - U. f .;! !;'. the rod R.' yur otrrd tion which disclosed evidence of wideliver fine, ! eat by th th- - abum eut w ho j CT,! not like Jafff anionrr thr;rd minut". ' i; professionEskimo; students nclnimir f.v irregularities people spread patronized "Ty ! r "t ( v t . . U-If lv v ts th.it Ur. ..f I'r.M P I I :U had in ' Hn.l ulliT A muke.l had been losing tnor.-w?ar fur clo4hes no speak that lan- - al adjusters through which th lire inI ? ;.t r I" i wr - k ft.k. - th et surance companies cliim to hav'e albcd . to i .v- t..n ' '! valuahNs. In a most mvstrrioiis mm;: I rcr in rin" ti t"' " i wallets cisuj i (Coniinued en page ?.) itom in- - ir f.uind In large sums. m iot-morte- rT?., etr. - e'l; put-mTUt- e'ht r all-Indi- an :e lt.r -- - -- r-- f I1 J IIi;o -t f-t- r-- 1 .T-,- Cl't n-v- 1- - 1 . - -l DRIVERS ARE HE MADE $200 PER DAY REVOLUTION DRIVEN OFF ON $9 AWEEK SALARY TAKES TOWN Strikers - 5 J - a tr t-- o-m- ')'. Surrendered; I - : 5 f Jimincz wk t- .- "k. - t- ! - .!! m c h -- J f 4 - .: !f-- t-- " - !.' ffs, : - - - f u-i- r-- ;.!-l- , BtHl-UI.ll"''.- ! . -- 1 i f'--- n, i ' 5 i- ! r' t-f- " f-- r .' 1 5 ; ! 1 '. ,. . 1 . 1 EAPED FOR BURBIDGE GAINS TWO SUPPLIED BY THEIR LIVES IN ONE HORSES COUNT DISTRICT; OF BALLOTS PROCEEDING sf -- 1 . 1 1 1 - . - . - l - 1 -- T - I - , - ,., j 5 - g - . 1 i . - - i ! K.-t..- di-".ie- '. - , one-stor- .!.., -- ; i I a'-'ai- - , r I .1 I ! V 1 1 I s 1 lU-n-- " - '. 1.- s.-.-- n d D'-a- , t- not enough . . n V ! '. mm. 1 n-- N-i- ! - t : 1 1 j- - . i :;. id, l elc-mcht- 5 e v- Ntn - I ! r .-: Ntr 1 ! s riis-oualih- ; j . 1 S ; ! . T - . i !. n-- :!PI0US STUDENT ALLEGED - , J -- - i S ..if 1 1 ! , - TO HAVE ROBBED OTHERS ? t- 1 . ' J ' . 1 J T I t- ..i - - ,fi..;. t- . -. t g p. ! -- . ccir.-mon- ly !'; - - V i ! 1 1 5 I S ! r-- rmn : pro-batl-- 1 Ifnli. J fd.-th!:- -- !. n. f - - I - bf-e- - - - 1 " . 1 r- - - - -: k1 ? ft-f- i - - c irl-nnd- ?" nf - . ( -- th-w- H ,r.'-.'f- k-- nvr t " I .-.-ii - p.-i- - y t rrr 1 t- I i:rt i'. I ? 4 k. I- - - : r i |