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Show The Saet Lake Telegram. SB-- BSB w : 1m c s ii j 0 Z EMWrf of the country. In th aben-'omar ktd UW d'.Murb- f th I n ; r : r, f lr,1arr nf th promises lo how tb ov. J f oft tr.'frMe-jnrsi: r.ol .Itatrs. having pal! only naily -- 1 -- othtr 5 v.; f rt-sul- ts abroad during S, T' Thr cvnimrc nrti. ? fnlted Owing to the tremendous Christmas rush now beginning, and our many teams being taxed to their capacity, no merchandise will be aent out on apV trust our proval, bepinnin Saturday morning, until after Christmas. friends will appreciate the situation and coincide with u In this neccuty ' ruling. 3 3) v5 Id outrun an Jn a 13. but ff our h.ir. artuat'y tml'jihH thrtt. 14ilon rra. trai Th export ker City" th rrr-- Ir.duftry U'A trhin-S Ci nt this year. to r l ..-viv-v: tr. and SI MM I.UL LU (Sfc fj cut front and back, $2 values cut to ii Men's tan monkey skin hand opera slippers, S3 values cut to ........... ....y 0t)& n ir djj $n.S(0) tSff dren's shotf. Indies' J4 nnd LaHep' fancy embroidered felt Flippers, colors llsht blue, light rihk ami brown. rt? These are beauties. made V w I Ul .v 7 -- . ..... uw V ( Q Jl-- O aru'V". ' street and ' VJ drro I. " Cf&H C $3.S) ffsp! bsl jt, it f CM!FAMY ECEIT1HI81IRSE1M oo oo i' 00 c rHILADEIPITTA, i:mau-Varill- 1). Pa., IS. Minister from tLO last night Panarr.a, a, world a revolution that was more Justified than that one. It ftmi almost Incredible to think that there are ruu In thta counbondu of try people who peak of th unity that link the United States of Colombia." TALKS OF PANAMA REVOLUTION up to the terms made by the United States. "All that can bring shane and contempt on a i.ation was carefully by the Congress of Rogota between the middle of June and the end of October. They had insulted their protectors, the United States, in the most offensive way, by rejecting, without even the Bllght- st hint of what they wanted, a treaty which was the most liberal that could be conceived and in which the United States had tiiken a position scarcely above that of a private commercial company. "They insulted not only the United States by rejecting the treaty, but by preparing to sell them the property stolen from the French investors; they .uriticcd to their blind and passionate greed the very honor of their country, by putting in their pardocuments inventions, which, liamentary if they were committed bv individuals, would be misdemeanors or felonies under the law. "When these accumulations of unjustifiable acts obliged th- - isthnua to ieolt against the tyranny of KoKotu. and when the deelarati n of independence on the isthmus was for the third and last time in history promulgated after the movement of Novemher nrd. I can say that there has never be n in the history of the P. Re-ui,i- ie i I ! WAR AGAINST SNOOT NRYV YORK. Shipment Lh-rr- 1L the fete! I'.err.r 't v-,- I ' r A t.KNW. 111 !' :'PftJ fiflt r- An a J t invff W'.n h 4 A t' la hi' t rre i p:;' thnt t r fft f ;1 . t v.fh - ,!- : f , - - I 1 r t i i'l in J it fir. Sn (x-ji- r 4 rr-r- a j..fnee, h ( - w f ; r t:.i r;i. t i.e j tf rtrfi OIL rAX? TINGS. '. r.'t for 1 I'Jf d ar A I 1 1 fluff:! j :. :;. Psi'f .c'e. :;i J4ala. i r'i t, ! H. t .' . ; . r- t'?l jr i a ! lw- . l; r o!r,', If" ,' i i!'.' P.ile at the Cl. h ;ri;:.--s li.' f.rg r i .'., n. 1 fjmif 'n.u.if (r-- i r s, O Hit fe hy Ouide. J rr. 1 i.-'f- i f - rt. , t I".;-- ( IU n t ey I r r'. ; Ecicztr 1 I thia t : r 5Merr.atv.nai mrtr a t:.a e ifcrif a; .J .n.J in r tt.,'l !f,,s!(fc. t-- ;,t t tt-- t th. ta- - ir.ti f-- ItiUl Te Ao 4rEit I',:on i ? Itrr.T' r, to cute. each -- 1 r. f. i.tcM 1 t. r!.K V.. t. ' - I! 1 d . ThJ" j i 4 5 m - Tit'!. if it 'cr.atar lJ m A SHOP FULL 1 i a ai r-- i r. 1 8W THE CKLKHKATED "YOUMANS iS'ew York ElflfliE--i SUSPENDERS latest Blocks to $5.00 THE K. 8c A, HATS Iioth soft and stiff shapes; own make $3.00 Holiday Xeck wear, 50c to 2."c Suspenders, Holiday Mufflers, $3.00 1.00 to. $4. 00 HANDKERCHIEFS l.ic $1.00 to $1.00 Linen, to Handkerchiefs, Silk. ........$. 00 Sack Suits, $10 to $,iii It. Sack 1). Suits. r?l5 to $J5 o P. A. Coats and WtN ?2.5 to Shirts, white, $1.00 to . Shirts, colorel, $1.00 to .$l5n Dress Suits. $.i0 $1.00 to.$;L50 Shirts, Tuxeilo Coats. Xep-lip-t- Men's Cotton Hose, l.V to . ,7."c our Men's Lisle Hose, 50c to. .$1.00 Men's French Lisle Hose, 7.c to SI.'jO Men's Silk Hose, $1.50 to. ..". 00 4J. FOLKS CLOTHING SHIR.TS HOSIEB.Y Handkerchiefs, VIEIM NECKWEAR MUFFLERS HATS OF- - GIFTS FOR To Hath Ilol.es. 1o to $P2. 0o Lounrxinr' Holfes, $s.in to... $12 15c to $10 to 50c Tinbrellas, $10 ran., 25 PER. CENT OFF ON ALL HOUSE COATS Night Shirts, 50 to rajamns,t.l.,5 to m ' itv.5? .j ;ni-r- , v-.4'- vv:e?scr ... . $J0 to. $:UH) 1 .. OVERCOATS length. $PJ to Kxtrenie length. Paletot Style $1 to Hainproof. $12 to . . . Kvton st vie. ? J0 to II. S. $5 ing. M. Hnml ... , tr I fC"-2- . I tP $.t. f ..-- . - ,A,'., 7e-- - r--l A WA tailored Cloth Expect more for your money here than elsewhere, we'll not disappoint you 13 172 MAIN STREET. V u'U Hart i fcX t j 1', & -- r.( TO CURK A COLD IN ONE DAT (ro ' rf f ; h' IlrkMl Will s fi tf.t e. t - I tti.e; rr. the f. r. iffte-- y ii.'hH'Jf.t.lwel I w I A i 1 th h thar.t-- f tea. r.j-- i A . one-four- .t ' ftm Mcfjhj' t cei in I t!.n htrbd li a the tt..t !..' .., tt't :lnH'M t ' ' r The JcS'.' - te iti f ti at J a I it K v ' t Vici'C RU- - ; t'-- . up-to-da- of thlrt-- l i -l-- ;th sU.rt 4ft u She f t!ri"f). al . i- 'l'r t."' hi f 1 1 01 1 t t r?i . Company, ltr'ti p; I'M ;:'. r !j'n.fl r. ' "tsi NF.W YORK, Uec 18 At a merlin of ar- oil t" this rt gotd cod Hv-- oi r of tj.r ni.nv voit;;, n-- . the International Conned of Women for coming few a to taun- - much ani t Christian and Patriotic Service. held in medical and drtiK lr b . lrh-- . h in the I .irkrut try routt lor ), here, a new union v.ia formed "for tl " P.. rat hd record figure. I rotection of the American home ng.tlm,! l n fr. r ! ty llo,t T. Jri-tt:r or. are the tod The principal fihri'ur r ar. I r. u t .f tr.e the present menace of Morrnonlum an I Its i;t;: r ! ' r,. nt i a! i mi any. teachings of polygamy; for an educative lank. of Newfoundland; Th' ititcn ttiier,i tj .ii the campaign throughout the country, and to of New Krgland and Norway. It i ni.d h.d ounn ;it rf SrIvr,t raise money for legal expenee In collect- Norwegian rod liver oil that l li rui ! n hit In 11 by i 1 wr m' k of In the ing evidence of the higher allegiance T prized. fu'.l the wage t.f two g.rl rr ',' tworn by Reed Stooot to the Mrmn highly 51. lKd. th- - ,ri e for oil wa J: IA. The nd A meetinr will be held in PhilaNormlwr i it. Ifcitn-h- r church."lee-mber f r ,c:3 11. l y pli.g . !a!t. to pcrfet t me plana rrl-- e now from tioi to ITA ut d lth delphia -I t Vi m of this organization. all i)!l)'r rdit ! lltth oil procurable tt lt.o .lurf. The tn a .; :. v:.;'d .it 15 . I raid to ! t awe of the Th and m and New 'iirr 4 st;r r. r y in clothing, rrcity Off. hoteirr.. the d Mru. lion 'f Ctnl icaU. NICOl, & CRARRR CO. j ?,, j iirr.g Ie-- . ,! raj:r'i iteeiif tie' .! irn ; 1 '. York by Ornrhol Chemical 5 M-- M M; r, t the ; I"er In New nrc Graven Kc-- T !ioi:i,Ihethift'd r hmi." 1 PLOT :.crthen rcSf,c. ft"n the wall .tr f cinf tu In. Ratrlir,e hntid V,e.t up 1.1 on Imi kiU oh. I ll r. on. I li li. e. he r! 1. 'I ll art for nth'r-.Tlien 1 II t ike th.t II (A I raid. r. t from him He scr.t rn grabtel H nw.iy the; ftaee a n I we twl guar I. JI ,rt J Rich- 9 Haw Planned to Get a1t r.f ttf ar o C" Tell. tf'-'v- t Tttitlon Fi!ed :.chll HATCHED YEARS AGO - Itmftrk.ibl . BLACKMAILING t ''' n! h t rsnr,o Bale at lh ey ard If.'ret. tr--.;- Pric More Than Quadrupled In Past Two Yeara, and IlArd to Obtain Even at Tint. NEW YORK WOMEN ff.)hi ctlrtr.ra Lri wme l:ke total I !'. e -. .- i'rr.n. h '. K- - EXCEEDINGLY SCARCE FORCED BANKRUI'TCY BY PAYING WAGES pre-pai- td U N rtic brought down the COD LIYER OIL IS ill-wi- ll, deof . livered an address at the regular ru cting of the members of the American Academy of I'olitical Sci.nce on "The Condition Under Which th- - New Republic Was Founded." Turning- his attention to the French canal company, he declared that this comthe pany 'systematically discouraged i:Hhmian canal commission to recommend tii" l'anana route, by refusing to give to th.it commission any iiu!icati"ii as to its wlllitgness to sell the coticession, or to tix a definite price. "The result was." he continued, "to oblige the commission to report at the end of November, in favor of while it was perfectly apparentNicaragua, that the. sentiment of the commitsion w;is lixt-- ia lavor of Panama and tnat the recommendation was due onlv to th impossi-hdit- y of obtaining a sa i .sfaciorv offer irom me canal comoanv." !(.. tiipn went into history of the negotiations leading I 4 II m-- BUNAU-VAWLL- A jtrr-oyr- t: ehoutd. OO rs lt wc tlma!'d at (,;". h hn pr f!f?.f ,.o(, It 'jmry Ytk ir ate thatr the the rr thanjifi trl. lumlr ard cotton fully tual in, r1 ii' I f t-- r.d divider.'? rn !ntrrtfhirt" re.;: trurh frcm a . l or he hn Janusry a sl ''n, s fr5, ((. rtc Nw Trk ! held up than he ever did !. ;,.(." r , Matiac Cleveland. "R' the I r r 'r ln'rt a '"P ld h mll 1 fef le tewm nnd p r.n , 1 h n I', I I1''! ,l, iy "" I 1 er. Then he rrf and I hande-- U to a t unl- - 1 gaf him IP- - tn.re. Te I I that thing 1 did right th-r- e nut j actor. I Urine In the at. biy. nr,l if he lojin't t-- tin We'll cut hit he-i- c?T " t r-jr- y iair.t fZ j xK m.rr.ff, In the of h".h run tir.nl after Januiry lr. T. A. Va.: sl.p t f the Nas.'o? jl tar t Hfltr tt .H a tc-- !li.fr fity r!hr rribed rd rfW Irtyr put frth. : It !r t nt t eTi that th rr- to l rM out tn the li Cleveland, j 1 k. rtettf' r rirnUl rr.f.ir t tr ui h of n January rie In the r w Krk mrkl uirmrr, in re ma'. the !crl to wM.h Ex-Convi- LiV it m W. m Of 1 041 Ladies felt slippers, srreen. blue and black, Romeo style, fur trlmmwi. $2 ............ tcl-lrl- the oil mlnelrel man. and i;. J. Rat- R.-tl!fte liflc. an actr. tM fori to lay hi part under threat ft leln bi hra 11. A d r esage hsniv uj rnuimr Rrieo properly tnt .ml Ptoo-- l miarrl behind the wine at CVe-land- 'a v theater. rml with r f Har Mta pbatt!caff and otjn j I rty and literally Jotted Hatrliffc t en?e and Ajvra houf Iidifs' common fI ftf? flippers. 1 itrnp, J1.50 valui s cut to oViU' Indies' fancy hous slippers. 1, 3 anl beaded and jlain. n'l hand made poods. $3 and (S? f'f?S 13.S0 value cut to i Mlses" and children's felt and kid ! 2i of !rt. slippers at a reduction J4. Jj. J6 and J7 far.cy llrt"r nt tur a reduction of Z3 per rent off on all miffs' and chil- Ladies' felt Flippers, Rreen or blick. Iotv V cut, xest make, $1.50 njj; n q Men's black Romeo house slipper?, high iliu? huirr u'.rl .'i.irr a !. ar tel. e Uife In that Hlatr. While Tt i Men's finest patent kid and fin vlci kid flippers, opera and Romeo styles, tan or black, strictly hand 0$ wine alligator house Flippers, fl.50 values, cat to., tfo) 0 Men's tan and wine color kid Everet T house slippers, $1.75 R) fc? values cut to ) 0(32) black Men's wine Russia peal, calf and fine black vici kid opera slip pers, km lined throughout, hand turned soles, $2.23 (5p ore In Jf C1IICA;. In-c.isi- ric r;rr.r,tltut turlthe f"rl u"-at '"Mtr rf the Irw5 - i Actor plays His Part While the Stage Haads Stoal With Weapon;. H l lrurr , 1 re rat-nr- k N-rJ- THREATENED WITH AXES 32PVT the trm-'- for r.et nreur tt, I usr,r ft n evt lr C or. rl St. Ta-u!l U tht r, ;t g trn rail a) nr wafTrfi-- g f f - m 4clt rtr c truve frght r JTf ft jtT-tSe lmfr f.rt ft r v1..of tl.ir.- - k'.r.i tt' at.d r. ' r v c . rf rt t; rlrc l-- rr lien's fancy embroidered - velvet (3c5 VI mntha r' ! Interest and !Utdn4 ti;tnrm rts at I'hl'.ad t hU. January lt. t;l asfite. (tat I5.tfi.c0: t l:nburjr. and at Ft. Iuis H.r.W. At the Qua 1 r ' n4 ".r4. hvt fe.tir':n Ir. H.FrcUl tt!- - frree-- i k for I I U rrreir.drRts of the In out fct ldtbuTe lToft enctrn-Ir- g trr.allonl Mtrvar.tl'.e yr for tir.. I'lirifi) jt;y.fi t'1 fjijr NCW YORK. lows; SIpsT1 SpsdoiB&s lb "n r the state of trad thr"uhmn th I'r.lted Htat't are umir. rit 1 a foj. fib:3 rf"!it Hh5n ihrt-- grsms from 1 - r-r- American Commerce Establishes Credit m the Other Side, and Export Trade Increases Largely. On Saturday forenoon, oetween 10:30 and 12 o'clock, we want parents to bring the children. Santa Claus will be here and he will give the little ones a rousing reception. We promise them a royal good time. s OF DEBT N IS PAIDOFF IN CLAU aV. 'csy . HALF-BILLIO- lWaf,Y Marx hand tailored Clothing. |