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Show the Sact Lake Telegram. 10 The Evening Telegram. TICKETS ARE SECURED FOR THE COSTER FAMILY TEIXPHOirE NTJMUEBa Sadness OfUca ................ 240 22S Editorial Soosu weather forecasts, ereer UKE CITY. Friday. December Dooly Block. Tel. 1042-Forecasts till 6 p. m. Saturday, moun tain time. Lccal forecast for Salt Lake City and vicinity: Snow this afternoon or tonight; cloud v and unsettled Saturday. partly DKNVKH. Colo.. December IS, 1M3. UTAH: Snow tonight and probably SALT 1903. IS, The man on Meighn street has succeeded the retail agency of the P. V. Coal Co. We now have four (4) yards. That Good Coal on sale a - X. Overstocked WW tW . Wf The sent factories us "fees more goods than we order- - w LUaU DCUU CU. them back we will sell regardless the regular price. Come and look. Mm ::ciX 26 MAIN ST. jjmti degree? 3" decrees degrees 31 decrees 31 degrees degrees .....33 degrees S3 degrees YOU GIVE TO PLEASE IF YOU GIVE THESE We have IJecktie. CHtip. Cane. Ur.:t r!lu, llr.! V.rchWf, Ila'.i. Shte. Hosf, Mr.' S',Sr;:ti, Shltt. Sus;xndci. Fr.rty . Ur.4et-.e- r. cr a Che rajr-ssRebe. Vf"tf. T.ncy Ji'l,' ;. l" Halt. 2? was the happiest person In county building thin morn- "-.'k!- yrrrrrz r ' . ,ryt .1' . ft!"N e.-'- t- E. O. JENSEN, it' j t ' . ih i STOVES, OIL 22? Main. J..I STOVES "'rd ? .......... h rr r. t it : m r is i i- - ' t AROMA g for th 3tan:! -- T.er.t i l"p f itiill V' h'um.i ixi. r.T INPTAU-Jif.. m ii t: - I 5 .. t -.- J'L I". Thomas Murchie and Miss r.'ar- son were both adjudged InsaneKdith yesterday "uiii.iiuii ciu;i i;iK('ll m use t'I'OVO lasatiO asylum lat night. Murchie is an old prospector and Imagined any old rock to t,r pure gold and worth a fortune. The women's mind wns unbalanced by joung relig-ionbut It is belie vr--1 nhf wi'l r;-c- o i r in r i r.'ijon through carefal 42 Burbidge Gains Two. r.u! 1" ".. (i "or.t In;;ed fr..m pTKf Mi;.' I'.f n w.-i:n!- i;.'i. i b 1 ; ! r placed upon t!e tis'ln..vy i ot rohot ut!rg that ofon.lr. simor.dt. of xai:"!lr.ai"ri It was discovered or.ta ir.lng th baU d". ti e envelopes tliat the one fiom the Fif' nth trict was only parMally sealed ir., Vi..t tl'.e or.e fior.i the Sixteenth wa : off - -- . r d.-n- mm y jar'Prf? f-- ! di t e a w v . ! So rrcmnvi vr: n di v Nice Now o . n"in '- t .r t. U M-,-- r t '.It ') M M j I .................. . . a . i j , :. . - . i . : i - 1 : AFFAIRS th d tp.at and Sixt- w i: ; i ', ) Jtact ;:id intit.-.atl.v ri i It with. tatni I t: had b ir ,1 p i f thatw it th. o r: t!. h a:.d y ir. p. TAYLOR, a IJoise miisinv t.ci- ti..i. id on his way to St. Paul. Minn., The b..Uot- - 'rom tla- Ti ife.-i- i'i to be married to Miss Ids NVsmith of were ort"d. Th iinkag trict Warren, I'a. After the iioneytr.oon Mr. ontalne.i r,o; O iliots reititi.ed um.s. I: t l 1 . I ( t d-- und Mi". Taylor will take uji their in this city. m A. C. NELSON', State Superintendent of Public Instruction, went this motn-in- s to offliiato at the tledieation of a i;cv sehooihouse nt Benjamin, I'tah. a rcr't fo fflf Sot-l- h rl ! rref tiv v lt.il .!. nrr.j'.tf" I., n-pti- t!-- g no! cdiml- -: by 5 HUSLER'S FLOUR I ') Th gar;-i!Money back 9 TJrar-d- . TIt.-- Tl'TTLE, live stoi k 1 D"htF Collected Everywher. Jfissing people located. 9 to 13 Galena Phon 3625-- x. Blocls- - Aitrivaa Mere. 5 Repirtiaj Agwcj, gait Lake City, Utah. Oi . L COMPANY Tf.U liar. F . . , vr wanI r i I tt-i- LumVr & .? u :r-- t '1 HAVE IT. i neni Oc., zxxmxx' 'Saturday, 2Sc for I3:?t Lrcamcr liuttcr 1)8 i - 11 j ' 1 - ... in-yo- D-e- . T. n, FREE F.ej-rfsentti- aide-a- . do not tht railroad pn-visio- h:A:X 1 Wildamson of Oreg.n today introduced a bill provirting that all person. )rm, Pr mines owning or corporation or miring claims In t'tah.operating Wyoming.Terri-teries and allothr Western cr may cut and remoe for buildln. er othr doraestic agr'.ciltural. mlrdtig P' ri oses, any timber on public? binds, provided the land Is classilled us mineral and Ru'r.jeet to entry only under ralr.ic.g laws. A person or corporation to secure the beneriis of this Id'.l must b a citizen of tlie State in which they are otra.ting. but the bill specifically states ls tu j ' i II. SHETTLE of r.ingham r v.heie he is well known in tr.in'.ng i ircl-rsii at tho iglit l.ofp!ta! i:ullerir. from typhoid fever. W f T - lc.'--l:- RoorflS - n ANY KIND S tweets President Wasii.ugtou. Dee. is -- Th today s.Til to: the Senate th- fuS'nat tug ioi noml AgT.t for th- Indlar' Lsithirs .'.S.z- - Kr.. t. y. lv. New York, at the San dre Alizor.a. Postmasters: Id .ho William J. Tur- K11W1N TEARS, general agent .f th New York Central inilroad, has K ft Salt nei. Mountain IbuT.- M. Yate, le.. j Oregon William L.ike for Denver P.ive.-- . V." ashir.gten. 13a5 ' 55.00 HARDWARE - . Western Appointments. Timber on Public Land. 3 rrrti . fnr. agent of the Oregon Short lane, is soer.dir.g a few days in Omaha. W". M. M'KiLLAU. mi itracting agrr,t for the Chicago, Milwaukee st. Pan: line, 4.s cjut on the road. C 50 . . . !Ot MAIN' v:t- - .ii,-,.,- ul-d- t- - Vot T . I t BRUBAKER-CAMPBEL- bli - line oSlicii!.-- ! l r 4 KING iiARDWARO CO. - s I"s::-,- r I) ivn - . or.rf-renee- t3) '2) fair of Skates ti 1 t- - V:tf. Hoiidav Nice A V-- ln i ce - f3) fa J, MRS. ACNES OSE0r.NI.. . ; e ?or ... ! i pa-k:- (1 C. ir H ; ti' :it! 4'" ballot delivered p. Mil-;- -, ANTON l'LDERSEN. ballot spoiled. Judge Lewis p n- iv.n. .;! i and did tl.e sorting, aud the at - Teacher of ;nopatties ir.t- i et';,.,i wat.hed v. rir.ne, Viclia a r.t! t. i! ment elos lv. Tlie baliotu many. m. into thro- - piles, straight I Ft'i 'I "!4teT Mj!' iv--I'.il. i s Ti.!. i an P'A M . it. , s; Democrat straight c.j.y, . . v Je re M. 'LI S. V. DL'UItAlL assistant general Thoi-- cbje. tr. to and Ion?'- were n sumn anlv freight Kgent of the Ilia Grand, and twere T rathe Manager 'f. M. Srhuma. her or plai e.j it a fourth psi sed l''1 the Oregon iijrfm later. Short Line, have returned rl:.on Mi eg st"pp,(' bit r icht w it ii em ii;- - i'viier tallo-h.'.l out b.i.ni . th-of interest to the public trar.spirfdNothing there. thirteen Ti e coal rate quef-tiordid rot. eeune up. W f t ' SO li.atk' d a to li. ik- j; ;ntt'-J-lbl- e il Who !. to bein.'V Ifi't in the hands of th llartlman .(.. V ii, i ti . t i" - ! - ll'ift.ei.th les-i'len- JklcConahay, f . :;.i r ' b-- th--- A3 i v a Floral Go. 1 4 - i 8 ':::;.: C Morris B. Ccading musicians I ne-er- Seven words of truth, .Mt- - 3Se i Cor.ahay moncv on dia ti A -. - ! I 4 1 - b--i- t.tr - i : f j!jd Ma,- I" CHRISTMAS HOLLY AND ) t- n. n li.it b.-in- - - 1 I !r I. !; i - I !- I? I Skating Is Very I - Wt.si Make Denial. Suit rjf the Fortieth so), ..d dis trict in Waterloo the rep-ji- l that cvfj-of in that lorn lit v can be trao d diphtheria to th- Ti - v torn. For thl ra declare tiu.t the building is ftee from what Mi. Hrani. l. pi d contagion. th;t it has been properly . . and that the pavtirs who made the iJUlbidg. Cbje. ted to tl.e b t!i.'. charg,.- are gnilty of llagrant violations of o. inted. when .vi;t the salutary vo.ii. and have done more Lc.ii bourow made i motion to tli.it f t!..n any one els,- - to spread the diease feet. n i ir. g. Attorney Thomas. i . pi Mr. Wood, i.Iij.m -l t.. tin- (iohiii! CHRISTEXSEN'S. m the gio'jt d that I i !!.!' il by tl.e , ,n ii m j had be. n p..i, HegiTiners' class in dancing for . 1. ; f tie"il ,ii the "'mil;, 11 by dren S ar.d IllUSlCal SllldiOS ; l.nh at a. turns. Th' o'ojeitn.n ..t. o',.iri;.d AttiiMies Hra.v I ..r I tJiA vle? ' ii.f' yj f'.:i'ili Don't forget the Piano Sal-- ' at the bv th.- - court. ! i'.ltbldl'" i I !. AVilley, & iilch-ardepi s Daynes liomney Piano Co.. 4 - j then d.j.tt..i to t! l,i!l,,l? street. Hadgif. iv-j l as lug TIATTIE II. Xv'ISIIAnD, ..n ti 'ity lb cord r bad t.t stand as to ih ir sa f. U I nm. .it. A on th.- eiound that ti e p o kag s ffom thTeier MEN AND : a- . k v . TrusteeThe t I JisV:s v I." . s . ( : V 4 t I I. 1 -. I W - w. .1 c ORDHR YOUR j Dei-embe- 3 i"- - 3R ! '.o-- . wi.-- . T ! . - . T. f- . Q HT J I J Coffee Co. & .r ,, j t.l - 25c CctTte in the Market. Cook Tea tii.iM 1., :- ill t M-- STOVES, HEATING faml-i'r.te- Eyesight Special. 1st. O MAIM ST. ii COOK JEWELER HALL, ri-in- SSfrV can buy. a - pri-tm-- are the best yon e-- r - W. n iti'S r v v.". I - 1 o:-,,- ( wel-kno- Good Glasses make good Xmw ? ti f 1 (No knife, no drugs', treats sucCall cessfully all chronic diseases. H Auerbach hldg. Mrs. A. B. Murry, Consul p D. O., ladies' department. of Kirkvllle, tation free. Graduate res. Mo. Tel. office. 1130-Successor to I. D. Carpenter. D. O. rr , r. ttn et.ijrt"r.i.J th 9v'l.r. ltfr U&ti vt -- r,-.- A'"-M..- OSTEOPATHY ttrtrai TK4 ei. ire. ; ft r t t f. f i m KTSSTESSErASEaSHHSa Chns'mas Greeting - Royal m v'w-ifTs-?TTrrra- -- 1 I- OPTICAL CO., house coats and bath kobes. o?; A b-.- It costs you nothing. let-f.- el HALL'S POINTERS 1 ! 14 Main J. Will Gray & Bro., 153 Ur.der th r.Iettic Slfn. Ory' " ! eye-tigh- orr 0'n-rouRT- ii Subscription Raised and Strong Effort for the ComSol Crown Set Up in mutation of His Death Business Again. Sentence. Shi-rU- many times by their teachers, for no other reason than that their eyes are not as eyesof of other children. Take no risk a child's disposition hv useless faultfindings, but take the precaution tot. ascertain the true condition of a IE 32 - d, t:j mill r:i?Tie f:tr; ICenyon Sol Crown at Deputy FhTirr Claul Y. Messrs. Frb k cr. l IMwardu wi!j inak the city and HOME NEWS. ing, though he was the saddest one a dtct mined tight tomr rrow trrrlr.(t to there last night, nt which lime the !iae th" Stale Hoard of lartor r.n. serve an mute Jiitm s Lyrch i tN .i'.h r tst r.cr to Sheriffs ofnee was forced Tax Sale Begins Monday. attachment upon hla cigar and randy one ef life lmprifor,m r.t. V. O. Carbts an County Treasurer The i hi' f grov:t for th" j :;.) u nounces the sale on Monday of the prop stand, which in In the main corridor. a on nf The attachment the wuj Judgment erty oi delinquent tax payers. r;i g t: e (ciliuid .f the j r i the McDonald Candy company, and r t r.t outbreak at tie- f.r r r, !.r. amounted to SJO.o. w l; Mrs. A. D. Melvin Is Chosen. n, h; though I" n.j'ie .i; , J This morning about 0 oVlo-- k Mayor The Firt Congregational church choir, Ezra .avril or." r p r!.is twuof !!. guilds telephoned from which Mrs. Martha Koyle King ie-- ( Emery Thompson would pay the Judcrm-rit- . he that from b i:.g klli d. rtly resigred as director, has elected and asked the Slu riff to restore th" d l Ju.ird J.o.pI- -. kt rd Li !'.. f Mrs. A. 1). Melvin to till the vacancy. man's wares to him. nil or th- - p. r It r.ttar f r. . live fin-.- . I to . it. It ton nr. Promptly at 8:30 o'clock thU p.mrn'.ns a - tltb.J; r.iiri! iC the Sermon on Maccabees. n Jack May of il.o t'rnty lbcordr the foitvvr h,t .ad an urVbiMt to th- -t W. ffdt t at bad it j I..-t . a f. I r ti e Rabbi L. G. Reynolds will preach this oflice startel a popular Mibscribtlon onl to the ter mote in secured than n'.l' n of I.r. h pay serthe w.uill .ie I r. a enough evening synagogue tpetlal be- bill. mon on tho "Maccabees," the occasion killed on t! i.lnht .f the br.sik by ing "Chanuka." or the commemoration of h a ii! th:: r o:, (i years oi l, Crown, who Is almost the war of the Maccabes. The ftg!.tturs r.f t n of t toiled painfully and. slowly up th Ftoti-stt-- ps Jviroi this morninp-- which he has been who tt!"'i th- - r;ic" haf . n to i . wont to do every day since his prede- .1 :. lii'iont w I ..l Mormon Pioneer Dead. U,, the eM'C.,ut itS.n. died, and nurveye.1 th mp'y granting .fKii!".. Thomas Corlss of 2o West Seventh cessor :t w.-.corner In which he usually stands, wiih Dtj uty South street dieil yesterday from parLio?,i r v i t r in ir.e Mormon dismay. Tear gathered In his eyes and 1 n..iui alysis. He was a l Hhill he ,i tlrt I S tn l t church worker, was 71 years old and a he almost broke down. at ) native of Lancashire, Kng. H c.im to f irtr- r th elevator Ftoppe d ha tak-- up !'' :" Ten minutes latt Ctah in ISIS. II kaves several children. and four deputy sheriff' pulbd and t he has in the He bai ral in and the ut lp afTt.;ai!i. at! avy rthr phowcacs. l lugged w;.:h d h" to r oi t man to tla j I'ped gu. another ten minutes had the Free Musicale Announced. ;,!. 1 w r.set up in business again. ..t;t t Mating thai tl. y .u.'. The second Saturday night frer musi"Merry Christina. Sol." was th" cry morrow. cale given by the Clayton Music comthat greeted hlin on all hands. He pany in its handsome hall at lr0 So. Iont forget t!, riiuo Stl uiHbh-urd-t .. shook hands with every one prfsem. Main, will occur at S:15 tomorrow- - evenCo.. Homney ing. Music lowrs will be cordlallv weland with u shaking voice thanked all Daynst comed. Artists Miss Agatha Lerkhoel, profusely. f contralto: Mr. Weihe, violinist; Mr. pianist. Don't forget the l'iano Sal- - at the Daynes & Ilomny Hiano Co., 49 Hlch-ard- s Two Adjudged Insane. street. CHILDREN? . LieHTENSTEiW Diamond Merchant, 2iJ Main, Opp. ONEO LD MAN IN BEHALF MAD E HAPPY 0FLYNCH '. J. II. Knickerbocker, O. D. "W. Daynes, U. Jj. 2S? MAIN ST. and many ether suitable ij.ftt for d.tlrtmv pedal discount oa all holiday Etwxla kcuf ht M.-nd.t- SNAP SHOTS AT m UTAH ! iys LAi-O- STUPID FOR eHRISTMHS GIFTS. Wa ara ahowinj: tr. ef th f jr. In !rjrt Ka:i1 Brooche. lUnKt. Scarf rim. Cuff fnttcri, iy Today's Temperatures. f. s iLd1 Ms-tern- Rockv mountain slone. occurred over portions of Precipitation Nevada. Idaho. Washington. Ore I'lah. gon, Montana, Oklahoma and Texas. It was snowing at time of morning report at Winnemucca. New; Spokane, ah., and Salt Lake City, and raining nt Galveston. Tex. 'I he temperature has risen 1ft degree to 2i decrees over portions of Colorado, Wyoraing, Texas. Oklahoma,withMissouri. Nebraska and Minnesota, plight char? pea elsewhere, as a rule. t'nsettUd wf.ither tonight and Saturday with nnw this afternoon or tonight is Indicate for It. J. HYATT, this vicinity. Local Forecaster. o'clock 7 o'clock S o'clock '.) o'clock 10 o'clock U o'clock 1 o'clock 1 o'clock in l. Saturday; tooler tonight. WIXTIIEH CONDITION'S. The barom?ter Is highest ovfr the Paci and Great fic States, northern plateau Lake region; and lowest over the north every one. Hn Opportunity to Interest Our Customers Mrs A. V. Ftlckney, superintendent of th ChSUrer Aid and Home-Fi- n Unit association of Utah, who a few days ago became Interested In th cae of Mr. A. E. Coster, the consumptive woman, who with her two boys became stranded here, has secured transportation for the family to th Ir former home In llllnoi.. Mrs. Stlckney became Interested In the nipe by reading nn article In The Telegram describing the pitiful condition of Mrs. Coster, who n and her two boys, all of whoi.i were nufferln for the common to c irku of Jif. After an lnve. ligation Mrn. Htkktuy decided upn the r:novp of th- - family from their iverty-nlrlcke- n surroundings to the children' home. whtr tb-- y could be looked aft?r and their Immediate needs ruppllrd. Mrn. fctlckny began a can vase for fundi to secure th if tutu of the miffei-er- s to Hinckley, III., where homes had been secured for the boy inhere they could receive proper training while earning their living, and where Mm. Coster would be cared for by laer Her effort were successful, and transportation hni bcn furtilhd, with the exception of sleeper accommodations. Mrs. Stlckney now has tC.:,) for thU but ro,ulr J13 Vt In rd btion to this to secure the comforts ne.esury purpe, will i tob- for the Invalid. Tiu cbly have to travel In the day cars. It Is likely that Mr. Coter and her will be able t Lave tomorrow over Rio the will (Jrande Western, and night r.arh th- ir dtHatam night. j rniD.w kvenino. dkckmiihr is. urn. na cvm-- p rhellverexl to all part cf tfc or call and lftara dry. c 'Phona BRKAD your rx3 era for th AND CAKZ3. k SI , ... r SWEET'S CARNATION CHOCOLATES bt .. ' Vienna Mode! Bakery Pbon AND CAFE. 1&S1. 10 E. 3rd Coati- - '! ? r' 'It II M.iv I la-J'-- Hi; en I ( . .t . n i- - r- .tl . ;r.i.Ji! - i. ' t!- I' - - i tl ? - t i - I SALT LAKE CANDY CO. iIj 1 tur ' . CHICAGO STORIi NLST I t. r tTil fTLLLT. |