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Show The Sai:t Lake Telegram. 8 JAPAN WANTS SHIPS DALY WEST IS ACTIVE; DALY DROPS TO $2.20 BUILT BY ARGENTINE AYS MAYOR BUENOS AYRES, Argentina, Dec. IS. It is understood here that the reported offer by an English firm to purchase the Argentine war vessels built fn Italy was made on behalf of the Japanese Government. No decision has been reached by the Argentine Government. Claims Raise in Salaries of City Officials Is Contrary to Law. Mayor Thompson today signed the ordinance revising and compiling the ordinances of Salt Lake, and his letter notifying the Council cf his action points out that the Council is in error iu making the increase in the salaries certain officers, applicable to those chosen at the laet municipal election. This provision, says the Mayor, is ontrary to law. it having been decided by the Supreme court of the State that after an official is elected his salary for that tin-.cannot be increased, whether he has qualified and taken oilier- or not. '"Were it rot for the urgent need cf revised ordinances. I would have vetoed the compilation." sayti the Mayor. "This is an error which your honorable body should take steps to correct." . $-- r . A"W-d- ; .ir4 : .... J . M'j .. S.Her td.i 'i ." 4." ,N'4 Dnynes & B ards street. 1 '."' . Mc-Uurri- ai Ooldn .! I .a afu-rno-n;- u, still on. Mr.'. ?uit The bitr sale ff rcfrvdai and overcoats, NICOL & ('ItAUitn 'o. prices. j lia Halloran, Patrick Halloran. nah Kelliher, Kllon Galvln and Katharine Collins, that Daniel McCarthy. Jr.. who was present at the time Halloran was under the influence of the iuioxi--atinliquors, wrote the will and later secured his appointment as admin of the estate. The complaint alleges that Halloran lied in this city on September 1. an estate valued at bout 512,- -i leaving ux. There is a long; list of legatees and devisee, many of them, residing in .eaiana, county .Philadelphia. .New 'crk, Ireland; Idaho, and this State, Among them is Right ltsv. Bishop Scanlan, for the Catholic church in this !. The complaint rone'.udes with the slatement that i'ne witnesses ot the willud no" s'.su it in the prewnco of Halloran, or in the presence of each other, Han- ! fond ".!.l'Mil;y tii" elothe -- . f ; j ' call. IS it ll'.-Z- '1 ' Mav Di-- "! fry, ; at st,,, ) at t'O -; :'- . f j, ' ; 1 1 4'." ort:N J I.llv-- J i ljy ', t? hurt Line tallror.;! to- rate ti kt r.:orrow will issue sv-'-ia-l to I mverroty ana oiner siuuenis jns- salt Lake for vacation. Don't forget tb Piano Sale at th Dayr.es & llomney Pia no Co., 4' P.khards street. s c . tor .'.:" :nr. .. - a - j , j J j and New I up-to-da- '.(!' 1 In N1COL & CKAIJBK CO. fourth cff. , ! m.ditK izii-- yuiinnai mtjl mark;. U,p.3. tJ , been onbn'. l at the. hospital for some time. Kooh-Wrig- . f avourd and a : arplus ) ti I tunvilatmu iM.'i.en f otiiti i . i " n ; . . , r ri, K.ri- 1 . t v ' v f one-foui- th t v.,, . - t - , fi t 4 .' ', . p..l ,1 i: t A i I - l !'- - n f f I- - ij t . i i - .il .. .' i :'. !. : . s-- - -i ..- . ?! !... he : ' - I s ! .... .' . . i !. r ! Wl ' n j r-- 1 t - St,, - ' - I v. ' 1 , J . ! I. .' i 1 v-cc- . ; hf-tor- . 1 nr. - r J at.-i-.it-e- , n-'mij-- . - 'or tin :i ( front page ! ; i ,,'i.t, vcr.v ,v:: little .ten. r. l. b-.H- ' 5 -- Ancl in J.os a- rar,,i i . rhridmj ... vf, 1llf.v" Heifer or It'd'P.i liny rtctu rhii-ei:. HusstU u (l.ir.i V.';i(b ... 'it :.df... littor Korbey Moor or rijtht :it,!i IbjrnHrtfr fullb.uk H'.:nnku in ore:-- .l,.i:!i! o!i .hl.l'.i: C'h.irl' r VS I ;lH.i's Livery-D- a tic Ilusf-o-japanef-.- liil on . .1 (l.1 the pai't in in 1.c t il ilu.-.-ia- i of the press rei'Orts. r...f j. I'Ublic . i . r- - o::i- - n .1: ' i IP! I I ll'i.. .1,...: U.. and aiatniist jewelry. New To; Kat Third South. ";k. - g li vi J r if i i THE a.n- nt t U !:'l'1 if boi i- i,irit ..i'r - lt. ." ( Mb ins i h i Remember, LOCAL QUOTATIONS. ,: i.-t- A. A. ! , Mid bulbon .! ?eM I'M : i I I. ' lirt-- i . n i: r .t.jrf.r 'i , t llM ti r,rf v. lak market ifn!HV b t .m it'dd. filvt. fnijo!: e : nvii.l-i' ilTS, ": Totl. J.'.o.t'"1. bai. ! I:. .il r. Dallas. of Another fnln'ry to ie u.'e.j on ently ar.julreij l.v C,j!T it . en route to tl.l ' i ' ! j.i. ,v '. . i I ... - ' F. ! - :. , r'turr.el ?o CJ- - I'- r...-i.-1 , f: t. - - I . )..'.. . .. w T f ' A .1 1 lt...r.C I n'. ; , : I ; i . ? : ' . ' :i's '' . . . J I.-"- ' N-- i SU.NNYSIDO :". ' ?' ' '' ' - . t. 1 1 " a .'' , . ' V, - ; . I ... , '. i t !.'. b;t t'li7? .i -- i.'r i"i i r I 1 N ? t 1 . t f 1 ''h'.i . 1 . -- . t X t,'i . ' - .1 - r " - I ti ! i - - -- i,H C " .', i ... ' v ,- ! .1 ,; g f' cat i v.. t f lf.r.t Ito V.mik ;ct f yt in t t 1 ' Oiif ft ' , 11 J 1 :s : I , ' . T. t, . 1 : 1 4 i 1 n . 1 . u -- 'ti ! . - j MX ViOF.KlHG t IS NOW . ' " 1 i- a FULL TORCH OP i I ".' ' , ,!; i th Gt'i:-- . - !!' - et one-f.jur- c C '. : '. . - t , ' '. ... '. ::-- 11 ' st . RICHARDS STREET, .- . . .. . We Are Not on Main St. , " ' ', C!;k-- j : " '', '' -- '. '. PEOPLE K , k h'ver.ti ;. ragu allr ppen-n- vuri-'i-. . . Inf-rrt:. Ids . orr mrt.,rrr.-t- ! looklrg , i.i The rtKUlar mfctirc of the Vorr.an ' . . .. t ,f . I r 1 r Irf '.a v n rrmn tl.e mill of th f :r r.T...! .. ' Mt . '" ... T t.... ... ! ....... ,.rV: ... . 111. . ...1,,.,- . t .1.Mrs. . )r 1'w uminr a . .. , t; ',..,-Mr properti"" ..'... It", !.. ai- U-M15 uiu t.ast niH ,N !' :.. a cuntiKi rrnt of ircld ' u",, ix. it moon at o nmountlnp to ll."."... ' . .i r : .', it , : A. V.' ; J I The big- sjiIc If ftlll nn. J.Ur." suit .ff :.f;ui.r Massing Troops at Port Arthur. and overcoat.-- , m'A;ti xi cor, ouahiji: i:o. .... ";,:ain. prices J M.mfrom who has returnd '. .... cIt Jut r t 111 ; ar the 'v lh . Ton't forget the piano S.jle atKkh-ardpays HuFinn troops i b-v. . s I r .. 15 V D 'yr.es fc llomney Piano Co., 40 ti si ,rd IViit Ar- jt ti movlri; rljht ar.d Cy ; n M t ; t' i i ft ir;-.street. thur. n i . .. . i ! s i i ' ' . . - , ' t . ; ." ' t f.'-.V- . : ' l . . '" . - ...--- i , .-- ; r . Vi i Kin.beiiv h i'.. . 1' i " ; r : ;.. " I . ri . . . - . ', V pt-r- ! : : . j ..' , -.:: ar-fu- i '. . i s. r .l:iu.b;.i M.lMKtr Tibb'tt .f t. :iv. from Ulr.fcham l.t.i The Vntur .f rail. vh'.!. v will p.s r.inid tea hri'.:c..is extra t. b"ii.. ' . ,, i i . hav The cijrar men. .1 t v . i d .if and the ir.n.'t foirpbte i.e plp5 them Mnokers" articl"S in the jty. when looking for holiday k'.O'Is. 4 . - I . MP ANY Bet. Main and West Temple and South Temple and Firit South Sts. K 1 & B to MONEY-BAC- Warerooms, 40 . i .k' - s Mfrrir. Tl.e M tmiriofh romp .i.y if b"n! on It? oi""i from r.ll of m,. : nn Itf til, SaltOf lllch- - 10 tWJrV I .1 Stb . ,. Whitaker i ; - iil'-n- January '' Jt(-C- . st ii.-- n' V-- :."LV YOIiK MLTAL. MINING NOTES. - CHICAGO. iK-e1. Sixteen hundred IS very drivers, backed by very team-j-tcrunion in "hicapro, struck today for a r.d working condition?. lirtfT napes 4U are iivery stal-Ic-ttied up. IS. OjUi- FT. Fi'.TKRSlM'IUJ. anticipations- of a paeilic risis an- - ti il of the 1- - .t Uott'-- d - ." tvers on Strike. Russia Still Optimistic ,r.. A i 1 I 'i'l.Tt. by to be f.;i feot ,.ner.K t t'l. St li. i rpi::!Z" a a nv. ,f.ciei v, iprm.:? ir.e. inc vta.i. r.t li' i'. re. id f;t- li p'.rt vva i.ft'To.iy :iri riK"M at wliP li v..rlt.R the project. The ;!. n is to ,ur tl colb ue "U : ii n a pi.trr- ,:i.it au co;jr. the tis- fz'nt" a ft;' ir.i will br h.!tidld bv has I ' n rui: tv. i( p., her j il j ei ; I 'leit. j I Vc-iil- f ":,. i.,iy Ptuli I , r.o; suiity. Poy.'t foiS't tie IM..I.O S.ll Iiavi;.'! & Kernney i'iiino Co., , .ritlu. Ku:u of vniut Ucll'iT.s :.lor.?. i i r.o ' 0MNEY . ia -- a jury biir.ninero inIn.--:i. avoruiPi; Jud-- e j - w c rt I - ! i was on iron ir. y t pf-rdy oil a harR ;i;(riiv, v.as ne.jutttd, th "rue. ourt s.umi.-- i r n Di.-tri- i ; i A-- s ! : Not Handle "Shoddy Goods" 0AYNFS riv p.-M- ; i p ' - " k I'-- ii . jti'o. - i 1 . We Do ' 1 - no New 1 . $235.00 $265.00 i : i ! i- iHc.t l:;e ioi ki It is r!Oi io rii r xpn-ietboys i an gam a victory over the redn mf n. but th 'YnrsUj team has be m f ria ny st revtrt lieu, d for tlie )(."!- Fion. i'lt i ucunion, ine ntor iuiIIi.h k. h Holmes ;jnd C nter Pubiii'? will bf in the iinie. for temor- T"oi;ov ii'K is the line-urow's football g..:.-.'-mvrrmy. pdiar". .T rn U,!VlirtflU--It ... .ii Strolvl l;nVHl. t b:trs-i.Iff i!rd riMet. v e i t r .. . i :i'Iv $148.50 $195.00 , M-,. j 1 Chi :?:iims ;o r i - h- ! j brotlKr die thi Never So back to island. Fmd con I Know to do it; ir.is country. what, but 1 f t alohK all rigid." Will Play on Coast. Prom Ik re the Indians qo to the coast Vi iif i f nn' play jn S in Fran'-iscu.i.l 111 r die' l.:tst " si.croM Now me alone. vr. n P-- M. t . o pm-.-hHe- j die Father a t--ti 1.'. , i Alone in the World. r .... . at th PiMio ?n 1 . "Me all alone in world. fortrt tbf 1 . - and poi'i H:. n;arKd j t bu:. . Th-- ' ti""' f i,i' r nrift & llomney PUno t.'o., 4") . I.e. r' i '. .k t.:ir,'llt. fti'.l tllt .'' j ards street. .;,, rWill ..r.t:rt itt !" ! ii. T,. .! :. ; i.t'f, m'tdl oiii u. .i0'l from TJ. ,.,;1i rr. 9mia:n r.i :i.n btui .r C i .. .... j: . I -- U! all .. : .voru. ' i I.'.. ', ' h A in and v.cll a:, S'n;: . whv ti.. ti.d ,,i,Jf .! id. r.t'.lv !'. iinineiiiit v l iiTwl o'.cr th" many hps b.n a tlds y ,r t : . j.u.rKrty t ll. M. M; Catu.ey. injimifr of oprr n.irk-- t :Imi. it rraK" 1.1'j-- i TToTir Ch-a- rv But How Good. hn cot. per old nt 12 r.t.o;.(.t l look fcr a Urge frtlsn P'.cp Point Pfrfectos. Minuition nxt ear h t'vref .! Utah's Favorite Cigar. ; ; -- r ...'.. tb ii:?!y brixbt. On th n In very Mron; po.ui The heapeft pla.- in town for c f.d mtrkt is i instmas '. y at ' jewpu TODAY'S BOSTON MINING STOCKS n,'nd Third South, wlrn- - free v lo.---v.atrhex are uiven away with ach &3c Pttrcha.e. Come in. ,'H 1M1 you a. out u ' A .5- nui '.k Htr.n t 1.) puage. fjeak ituKian, belong to ,re:K Do you think football ;s anyti.ing liku vii'i'.'" "Oil, rot fo t fry bad when play d- an Xixc.-'Some boys wicked in ga me rot us." Asked to 1ei! fume thing of hitr.i-olf- . S' honchiik are Hod j Tlnn't Dnyne .,; .' ti-.'- Carlisle's Red Warriors. Ci. ' V ! j i at at at at Pianos Pianos Pianos Pianos $275 $350 $400 $475 .' ? . ; I. TO 7 M. t'.". C - New Goods All OPEN FROM 9 A. ' . i at Once to Make Room .Must Be Sold 1. i ! PIANOS oo o ..-- . , IwtS tj n .! t . . Kr.ir t C;ty a, ; Wc. . t r - i SA i ri . I i L-t.- m or. .; i ."t. P. r t i i iU. r i , - v u ..' r .. i - .i hit h 27 SOLD TO DATE. jt It it ' i . tv Suit. V ' j i v. I ... t t t i- . fr ll." hriK!:T I'- -l ; s r Utr l.; i.J .i P. GARDNER - i: : .'.I, . .ill iti" ull.e. ,(!!. PWNO . '. , ;,-- I- :.. . i i j t ( ., rnm :tr !! i ord i. rrv M t i - ! . 'T i.ii"t j or.ur.ns by mail , I s .' J. . i rr.t n ,uiiwii as:5gwr.araii ; Ii . . ' a - J. 'fT ml. - tl-S- For Our New Styles. II th-ref- J i - , f ...-- Zt. n f',;-o,e- . ... o-- !, t'4 . ; t i ,,!-. ' .!.' 1. . I ST f ; r 4 V' two-tniro- fn uinU I ' . s ! iv sitl.. ; ; T .- i c I , r ! w i P.- ' I Sis t. ' i J : i n1 I. f .'' fii'ii ! . .I r. t I I . .'- i i .t!:. ? ti. i'l.n. ' i' i . f, i. i i , , ' .'O -- tii. ! r- , ; i the Democrats cau,.s iVa no Co". 4, lllch! -'- me:, and rh- - . u:.v..., j DfynU & Konme"" . i - ferred ttmu!.:- . in ,. . to bad l"n hereafter the Democratic members shall artfs tr"vt. r.. . i.oi t to bold th- - jraii.n vol" as a unit on partv eiuestions has? v-'Im- -I ThliiRh LouSt? abnormalJy j of tho St. .i routed At a short meeting ho much interest that it has held yesterday u mj , - . r' V thought worth while to give out the exposition ' nnd the eon- - , . , ft bet of iliS we re ord-re- d paid, v. teX,. of the resolution which was ttdopt- . ( m, ' tract for the I tnh fevv, n.r Looks to be .;uUrK d el by the caucus. It is a follow,: was ! Mned. the fair at distributed of the , "That hereafter the decisions ;inK' n ma v. t .:. caucus1, wnen maae iy l i1.. fi.t. Dunne t !. ti b off men's P,i clothing- sale, j'.n ity, shnll be binding- on all the mem- h of opp-all p:ip- d.. when previous pledge- - hae puits and overcoat. bevs, to i tuid from fl. ,i'i.'.!.,e..,i befii made by Senators to their constit- - XlCt)L & CHAHr.K. i ItUtt d n vhi-j additional, oi been or have instructions beoetitf, I. n rs onsumd. plus. ived from thnr State I.e.ei.latures. or i Chances in Civil Service. "At th- rr"e:t tlm- w ?... i v. hen a .. w ipjcstion ot constitutional con- j :r. j pir.s in tb.lb har.d "f !idi:ntk,r: tf. en pro.p' !r:i, struction is involved." hi '..'i? in Ut- pr-hi lil in t'ris f.:tcre. pr rnrn'ini'rs aif .! i ini; ...i tor niirs i'i in- - i 1:1 ii y r bt.-d-t nt an- r than st"ks jmal ; Won by the Bismarcks. of t'i" ti d . t;m in tll sdry :v a ar ar.d ui:e of ;;.n- rbr'f eMuu Wn,":-Vth e th-The bowlinK games last riskt will lv eXamir..tiiov. w .: w. i.L f. ' M.t H irt.i!!nrr,t. moulder and hflnv ar.d iwten the iri.marcks and Brunnvn hs for s won were th'"' i" tin r"iin r ni.iMr,p iraft3rrn Jlarntome nf fn by itii alleys ot tb: The followirs:pri'.::c l..U ti.- day 1- ;- j p i ; but iind .tiov.x former, w ho look tv. o out of three. in rf-r- ? b bi.HRi,-.--!wld Hint f,.Vof.xmii;'! f.M j.n v ; j ;.r. D.i. hfor ihf itnrr.ration rrvice at ,;,.,.,. s j..,..-- Mu m.-f j - t ! ; t I,'- - ii . v , V. York Money. U':l - . i ;.-- f it V i . - ii r-- ntH J ht - m- ! . i a jit- - ! ,. i ,', I .it u. l - r m . ;' . t- I i 'lr-4- M;iv vi.p.ic. . ; lto:-- ' i t t - .: !.. i,KrM:.l si5: Ophir Idan Is Ilecoveiing. 'fb situation may b- - a. . ur .Tr.hn VI. Phelns of Orhir In reported n follows: T'Wi rnarized sever! to br- slowly :vt o( riiiM from yai -. iinr-.- j o: .pp-vFio.das. vit!i whi.b ! hits ' :MiucU .f . r tn 17 t. f . ...ii ,.. !'.. 1 :: ff ..-- : t t 1, w ' .. ,., .1 w . t.r: i ;.rit !f..1 i . ?; THE COPPLR MARKET: cne- - clothing. te ; 'III iMlii:i I . .' - . . .' -! .- BOSTON OPINION ON t t - i . 1 . . jti.rri r !:u.:,n i t.i'l t.:J .". niM. au! if.r.inn u . if t'onpj 1 . r. , t i s . . vMM.,!r-- iIimmJ . Price's r '.i '"; ti1'"! N'.it "i "i "I t.t;ft i . , . t t i"1". TOTAL SALK.". it. ! h- - - 1 i..J-- r'...I....J ! i w; 1 fc. ; . K-- I i m.nt ,i I .iim i.i!.- - i The Oregon r - s-- .'" ".''''" t r r- - i j 1.' tU 4 r j I A : Jf'. !::fr It ..:. ." .at t i - p.vr.!. ;.t n'.C". - Vir t i tt.'1 t . : !. i .f ..ii ,..it. r , ; ri- - v t . M.irtlia. W'fch .HK,,,n. i r.i'j I I ."' 3 '. nt 1 . p.r.;ci..vp. !: -. -s t n::v. vukk, ;.; : I ; '.4u at '.:. e .'! ;' - f.i'l. fir : v-- rlothiapr stripped South State s;re't V mnst;iy i Ifil'.l of it woiiM the moet accept jblo t;.ir:n'-i;i.- . i di:Tu-u'.:t.u t" ider.tiry ti;ih-- ; s.rtvvi'.l t lie probaLi'.incs ate tb.il VjH recovered. . LOOPHOLES IN PLEDG thl-- f f Jhj. r.-v- Don't forget the Pi;' no Sale at th Daynes & llomney Piano Co., 4) Bicit ards street. me . '" ;47 t. -'! ut Movement Sluggish. at lts.e: r.0 at r.t t' M rJ.S; !., I t.i! J .; . ; five U) ; at is : m it S at J::; C", at J1. fJi-I)..;v Vt. tf ii ii.iv. . : 1"" "it at lxwr Mdr.intoth. . ! b-- - S .... 'i ' Giry - ! t--a ff . Y ; . . . Muri.iaK Y'lt'.k'- j M A. General Secretary of V. .. Willis of the Omahn brarcl: ai.d ri Irs fox wife. Wfre r of the local branch of ti;c rBai;'Ji:tt.ni n wcjt The visitors hive y ?tcrday. route m.''. and are now ! - al;ni, , . I " ltiv.e - .', il b 1 Market and the ' vicu.r I ore-four- th j f!:u?. rs MvjW MfirUn ,p.hfrf;ij: N. s VorU 'IVtro t I tV-- -- i.nt!!.:r Manh.tltM.3 lnti-nr.-n- t 1 .'.'J' .... ' pr n . Little Doine in the Stock ;; ::' Dv'ton Knmrald I ; . r. r.turv ."'.U II'.. ' .:l .... '.' alifriH Funeral of George E. Bawlings. The funeral of the late Gorse Frrid Kavvlir.RS. who UlM last nilit Kt tin Holy Cress hosDital, will be h Id from the fuKant neral chap fdri-et-of J. K. Taylor, . First Soi;th Suturdwy o'clcck. UrcembfT i'.'lh. :it whl be in tli1; family plot in tae City n; i I .. !. r1ar an4 nattv in ,n anl i tT' ct I'iuin WALLSTREET IS LISTLESS .'-- Swansea Cthh Cne'.e Sstn Consolidate ... ('. S. Minim 'nipuiy .... Hutler-l-ibr- I ' : It i. ' !." 'i' iiur than a bright, j.ri tiv SwrMirr. Mifh a 4H Sin! in ur HoliJ.iv f !.'.'.' . :tu.td at k i"! ; tU J .... :, liv Mrtj rt.r. z.i.: till jila Nothing i . f.r.-::. I , Shopping Days Till Xmas. METAL HARKET. ! .'" .i' . 1 j! l.Ri U:i ;e A complaint wns filed in the probate division of the Third District court this morning by Attorneys C.ustin ami asking that the last vvil: arid testament of Michael Halloran. be set aside on the ground that Halloran was in an intoxicated condition at the time of the tdgniing-The assertion is made by the attor- ney who represent Honora Toenoy. Ju- - m J M-rr- UL T W LL ASI 5 - ni.i. 1 SARDUER DAILY STORE HEWS. U-;- j! "Recruiting Station to Close. Carlsa closes at i'or.soliiritd The naval recruiting "ifrOie 4 o'clock this afternoon i.nd moves to Colorado Spring:?. The following have Da'iV t?.!y-J.iaibeen accepted in addition to Fraser and up?.: Hertz: Samuel IJoorey, dohn William niv Ka Blu lel ArBertram Oliver Johnson, Jr.lcr.a Meyer. coal all passGrand 'rral thur Gleon Horn Sliver ers; George Taylor, fireman. lrsot f am mot it liowtr Don't forget the Piano Sale at th yd- - Day Daynes & Iiomney Piano Co., 40 RichMamomth ards street. I'etro It'iccoHonr.wtaK" The Knights of Columbus', with a memmore have than mm, of Hi'.vor eighty bership Kinp rented the ituarters formerly oecupi.. ny Silver ShMd the University club in the Jetming block, South Swancf.! and will move in nhout January i st. Stfcr ConsUdatrl ' 7 n -- ajix .i ri!lli.xi-Bc- k 1. K DKC-KMPH- ft Th sick market was lrrs r.ctivc today, Ithoush heavy rib Sn Dalr Wrtt sweiled the volume of lmsinis to JIS.2Tl.2r--. l.lv-JaJ- t niln lt SCO thcurb a lot of ten hprra r er.t at where only share were foIJ. i.nl on Daly AVcU opened with thv fale of zo' fhnrt at $H flit, following with ; H at 4. roller un 5v$. rnd at ZZ2M. -- Pr Un d.iy. Daly tumbt4 back t H . K Jl'.:, with saJs covet Ins 2t phart. 11 was and 11. uhl May Day j jj Carls.i at invi bc:pn tin atlv f. Mam to and Century, with an j K Iov. held .m:h at frm again w extra Chr'3tm.s dividend pending, ir.ov- -i up to ! $ Following ire the? t;uot:iiion. and j LOCAL MENTION e riUHAY r.VKNINH. MS 1 2 ' : . tit v , . li. rtll :' n tr J. W jr. : n .r, J.lr J to |