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Show miDAY EVENING, DECEMBER NORDICA'S HUSBAND IS PROSTRATED WITH GRIEF lay- - b ....... players Salt Lake Theater Andrew Robson n "Eichard Carvel." Grand Theater "Mickey Finn." Novelty Theater Vaudeville. Bon Ton Theater Vaudeville. TMICKEY FINN." A CONGLOMERA-tioof music and specialties, Herr Docme; Whom Singer Is Suing for Divorce, ds MANAGER PETRICK OF THE NOV-elttheater is all smiles this week. The vaudeville bill offered at this house is an entertaining and is drawing good one, y THE GRAND WILL RE DARK THE first half of next week. The Christmas attraction will be "One Night in June," opening Thursday night. THE SEAT SALE FOR THE PATTI concert at the Tabernacle January 4th. will open next week. Seats will go at $1, $2 and $2. ready-to-we- CRABEE. K. SRD SO. rmnrirmjTJVirLnrunjrtTirirt c- - run JTOout Okll- - Rnown People. uxruTJxrinruxrmriXU-uTnjT- ST. PETERSBURG. Dec. IS. William J. Bryan will arrive here Sunday. He hopes to have an audience wich the Czar. Dreyfus Reports Untrue. ST. LOUIS, De.j. iiTh.? final session of the board of lady managers of the Louisiana Purchase exposition was held today. Mrs. Daniel Manning, the newly elected president, has mad- - arrangements to secure a residen.-- in St. Louis, and will soon begin active work here. Mrs. Mary Phelps Montgomery of Portland, Or., also expects to return to St. Louis soon and is now conxider-in- g the offer of several residence. J. Clark, a of Montana, was wealthy mine-ownseized with a cramp while on the street here last nitr'r.t and died a few moments l;:t r. His wife was with him when he vns stricken. Clark was a relative of United States Senator Ciark. VIM-ndelph- out-of-tow- n RUt-sts- Killed by Detectives. Los Angeles, dd.. Dec. lvIn n t,if.i frith three detectives last nipht Jos.-Cheisscr, iitol ;). and Louis Choisser. i, killed in a-- td -- rci. . jqi-ahty- n.c.nfv father and son, were shot and a loiieiritr-hous- e on West Flftn ino cnoissera were wanted at New Yot k, ;. ho'.ki.ijH with who are attending school in thai rltv. FORTUNE IS iSSIPATED the hpend Priee 10c. COc, SOc. n TABERInACILE o::o. rtrrn. Mnfir ttr i CORONATION of INO ai. ih. tr-.K- Monday Evening:, Jan. 4 rosmvFLT iAni;vvi;i.i. Torn Madame PATTI Hdclina I!rcttn Itotwf Cjta.t. 1 JANAtI.MKNT MAUCt'tf T - H, Vimrx artU'.a I XI A Y t!j ron xince Firs and 21x2 $ rUDDINO, kai-io- rrw--1- ili'l rt '.t i!. th- ri--.- ;l - rarft t h t.rdor a I itf ef.rr t ' Tf.it, frr,rl I t- ': .t Tur.ft p:rj ttf a i ar-,.- j n j F.J. Mill Drug Co. cor. orr rorTorncr r j . C-i- I J ! ij , :, - 50 Cents a Pint , . noyruin) r4 u' i: art ofpi pir.Non " ...UUUU uKAnUl.. K It. WiI.MiJ if Vits;i Tr r ilM.f'H Ct NNtVii!tM U.f:-,- MM MP. rr n MAHiI.KJ. Piafi1 MI.I.K VKHA t !nrfc.f ax 411' . 4 t, r !!, Pr.. to " o'clot k. 6 LoriSR B il U'e'Ietd.-- ..lit iv . - 111 noin.A.' 111 i.i -- it.i B''i".n. iUMnate in B-r- her infancy and only discovering the fact when she was 27 year? old and married, i.s the experience related to Probate Judp Cutting by Mr. Clara Laing Malcolm, in procc euirg! begun to a.ceriain what had Income of an estate originally valued at $1 3.ori alle.j to have been dissipated by her fatr.fr and guardian. Cuthbert W. Laing, or.ee a real dealer in Chicaito. The court ordered a box in a safety vault opened in th hope that deposit somremnant of the property may be discovered. fl.ii.-ti- : MBS. .. Kin PAYNi: S. K.m rr.lernin n Mor,'i.i h'-o- ;r V V,t In h:id.,y. Bo.ire.k". .iri Fr.inthvu at th In h'.M l.er birth(..i. r -- d i ;.I f at ''is II e.-ta-ie I i t rs i I i m i '. i One - Third - Git' Prices. . aav ' A 1 'vri if I '.-V.- Not how cheap but how koo The best .ready-to-wea- r ilothliv.r for h off regular vrieep. men, NB'OB & ("BAB UK "O. i I t 4 t 1 "The Aneluf." Bos Ar.cel.--s"The Knutsford." Salt Bake. Tin- luo Mn.-- t hotels west of ''hit afro. Kit Si? - Don't forc;"t the Pi-- . no Sale ;it t!. Daynes S: Bomney Pi,! no Co., 4 Bich-ard- s B--- Florodora, 1 -. Ie.-.iV- iS 1 WINE AND KB Xi i 8:3'' W . in. P. m. ii. .vnir.ea. afl ! N.'rhL Thur3ay. Amateur ."un o-r- ea Concert it I i:-fr- - t'-tir-- i f lay. r r- - COUNCIL AND S , f'''!'r j ron ; 'I'lio;.?, 'jfj, .. 7 Men's uu. f.,... from,?' jto ?lVf;,T" js.,,; HOUSE LIQUOR :o r:. 1T Si.CT!! ; I ' ' ;. c. I:u":!;TTI. Prop. v j : Think H- - it 1 1 J''" to 'm.. inv-- near a taib-- sh.-j- r - st m.!w - suits oull say they are m-- re than w. rn- -. t. n!l'.j about t)te "If,1, bPer:.?fpiarfin,T vcrything thr- e months. - - '.; - fri o CUSTOM i,r.-ii.n.-- i , W. SECOND SOUTH rilOXE i I $2) Y. uaviMunaaDMai ir htuN v uili ! 1 t S.il.- ifI - i i d! mi- fi.r in ru n - . ;. j ii n. 1 it! r ! ;. jjii! -- j , 'i ;; t :..'.. !...,, i,, , f.f ! 1 ., !, !'i il Si"' ' t ,i uni.11 ;t !n f ii. il f t !; 15... 1 tf . I iio!., i ; , , . .; ; ,' t ; ! 11 " .. fir j ; I ' TAK! A isi-i- si H ?.-!- ! HIT J. TH. . !,...!, i Iw-- iu w.-.if- r wwv; in ; in-.i:- Uiri ;imI . j t niin r,. . ..!.. 1il.nl.. Mt S. until. ii Uiomiu ii Mt. mm ay"DSS news ti!.r v.u-.t- .ini .ii ..it, iii. h j.i. ti J.t..t), J.hI TU I ;. utiiiJ TH I III ,i f. ,,i .1 ds . f 5 i . :i t ..- Iiv! A nT - 1 i t.i.t, I.T.CI'I.Ai: - SaLurday Night 7:30 to 9:3- 0Offsrings in Lhe Boys' and GrIs, Store. I.. J.. ,.,.... ... Ki't.. f !..!- - t!.. I A . !I I. II 1 i i III .. . t -- S.Ur ! . t . wlf.tr r for iRht ut . . , I. ill . - in 1 ; 2. !.!-Jl.'- , h,.-u- r.r:;i: b o. b ; '; b I i?..t Th. - ! ;. .iff ;..!, .' I. i r ... .u J ? i .;V t t.v . I,.- .j t - . t- H. ; ' I S J t . Doll Contest Closed i " I'd TAILORS 1101-- I 1 III ID one-four- th IAS - Miiii II H'mmk riiicKs. 'imvi SORENSEN & LARSEN on the of obtaining nmler faKu charge Ihii- IuiikIi riiriiui.i Suits - s- Tu ! llaii ilif li.ilf it i f ii jini in a M,lt. but , ,,, jf 1 y' U' y,,u ,il,n t tie- .u to t. ?7n S;!t,Sf' "" ''OPK' ,n anl "ami'l.. the cli.ti, o: t!yM,1 .. '4, : . Waist, Suit, Skirt Lengths Two-ThirOff Regular Prices. Innii f ;iliiMt vt t tit't tt Til ;iinl li .iv ;t til m W 001 nr. afra,' .w.-.,-- I .1 mj! i.t . wvj-- j i: 14 .......... . . ;. ". ' -. WE MAKE. .f.0 j ; - -- iH tauciy "V. i: l t. m .1 i: DAYS ONLY. 7.!:.f..n.l. Cl.iret, f, usilnn, 2 Jin? i l MSlurry. I'o:t. Ai hi.o ji .ui ,. i ... t. ; r: Z fc s. t '" Kt. years ule vr..k'. .... .. 1 i,' 4 - LIQUORS . x- 'i Til. . - i resi-rve- NOVELTY THEATER 2nd So. 17 H. FrnnAb or ; i :. t , m:tiiii:i 1 1 - ... i.sl" '!!., uli.t ni : Eill to Protect Animals. - . i'i!in:s. I . i "!. WashinKloii. of I'iw.i has ir .!.!. . m l.ij; f,ir ihe i roteetli .a of wil l anini ii- t.iri!.-- i and fish ill the forest of I re I'm... th l'resid. nt State s. The tall authori2.-to sc h c t and ik signal.1 i itn s.M ti .rm as "hr-- i .liri; la.uij'" for i.f sni h ana proniMts hu iiiin th. rcn. i. v . v. u.tlk!!. I street. . 1 M.iije nf iA . I v U Main. 220 .. .. I .it11 7 . II 111 E Blue Point Ferfectc, Utah's Favorite Cl;ar. 1. W omen's Separate Skirts... $10 to $5- 0- er kf the t,aW ollectlon Z A. W," vt:i it.v;.., Bre.'e-meyhave returned from ley to tpef..i n,,. t,.i Ki jt Itli their ; .irt r ts. MBS. PAVKLKIl nr.. I in rtm . i (in; a .4f 4 . I. siir.iiMAN. Found rAiiiriin.D Harold Bird and Wal!-- Lf ft an h. irf A n r.DWIX F. IKiLMi::! re.e.xcs thb' afltrnron from informally 3 Left an Heiress in Infancy, CHICAGO, " 3C' MRS. MISS but Has Just It Out. 4 111., Big clothing sale, off men's suits and overcoats. NICOL & CBABBE. Dcn't forget the Piano Sale at the Daynes & Komney Piano Co., 40 Richards street. 45c and Up. WA L K ERS STORI la. fr at non 1 Don't .forpet the Piano Sale nt the Daynes & Bomney Piano Co., 40 Richards street. somhthino for baby's 5tockino r er House, was Kiven by President und Mrs. Boos.-vel- t last niKht. Invited to m-- et the members of the Cabinet was a la rue company, ineludins members cf the Senate . ana the House ar.d in fcti-jwin- f aoviNo riCTURrs. r, l.; AV. Opened Social Season. is. A dinner In honor Washington, D-Of the Cabinet, which tnarkid the e.en-tn- f; of the serial season at the White ih s (7D 'I IS. frti:rAtt Fit "MICKEY FINN" Died in the Street. Dee. klr. LD. STAN 2 ALDINOS-- 2. r An Editorial Protest. London, Dec. IS. la this mornine's issue the Standard enters a strong editorial against Mr. Chamberlain's compiotrst mission as involving a complete chdne of constitutional methods and Peine akin to defiance alike of the authority of the crown, the cabinet and the legislature. It declares that the members of the commission are mostly wealthy protectionists. har.Ily one of whom would be entitled to sit on a really strong royal commission. t Tha orlRial 3 RAYS-- 3. TENNISON AND ROBINSON. MAlN AND ri LLMORL 2 PRINOLES-- 2. BappflrUr.it Company In R ichard () thlr with srtUtt: -- Lady Managers Adjourn. Mo.. And one-fourt- PARIS, Dee. I1?. The reports thi.t War Minister Andre ha'PannouncoJ the restoration of Dreyfus to the army are manifestly untrue. The ca?o I: now before the special commission of judges which has not concluded its sessions, jmd has not rendered :i decision. Tne War Minister has not made any on the subject. .Tojilin, curlf Hndrew Robson Hli Vui Ru'sell Soley of Tracy, rniPt'm'nJ Th PRICES - Bryan Wants to See Czar. ' SATURDAY MATINEE AT MV r.ftorn of Er.tratt Uoardman & Solry. said: "I hnc been Mme. Nordlra'a couni-c- ! or many year, and I am her roun;rl In this proceeding. I nm not at In liberty to name the the case, bat I want to emph!x as much as po.ible the Jnj of drasein? Mme. Malta's nam-- Into these proceedings. Kho and Mm. Noidica are great friend very dear friend. and he haa nevr b en mentioned In the Cas nave by outsiders. Make this denial of Mme. Melba'a connection ith the as poMdble. proettflluK as ) Vaudeville Theatre ? ar PICTURE FRAMES. Don't forget the Piano Sale at the Daynes x. lionmey riuno ko., iu men- aids street. 6 TONIGHT D James NEW MODERN TworNioirra bzoixniko ( th & THE BON TON NEW YORK, Dec. 18. Zoltan Ddeme. (; , Mme. Nordica's husband, having risen () to the exertion of riling an answer to oo V his wife'3 suit for divorce, is now an ?. A Drama. isAUnn of Win ton Inmate of Dr. William T. Bull's private rhyftMU'a Famous Novrl of the Pm Nam. sanitarium, his delicate Hungarian THK PRODUCTION. nerves entirely shattered by the shock Tha four mal- rf rnrjr. tha of learning that his wife had doubted ) a.nJ hnttTif that roarkrl rorrt! tha ucc his fidelity. Herr Doeme cannot slumof thla pmy at th Kirr f Thea() ter. are Vork. Nw (?) rrrlcJ coni4t. ber nights without the aid of a sleeping rniCKJt-NJc- ht. (Vl tm .1. rS fZs (?) ( tc. 7te, iloo, t. ?, o CI xl' vl' :ZJ ,o'Z Z.r- Z.- Matln-c potion, but it is recalled by his numer- w i TSc. 2. U,c. ous friends that one of Nordica's chief In the fctt sow oh aa'.e. complaint. A a matter of fct. grounds of complaint against him al- the complaint names no one The person. ways has been that he did not devote full particulars we have ticked for. but enough of his nights to sleeping. have not received. Until wi do reAt Dr. Bull's sanitarium, where Herr ceive themyetI can Bay no more." Doeme i3 under the watchful care of Dr. John B. Walker, it is said that the distinguished patient is In a very pad way. He tosses about his bed, gazes at rrixrutruTrinru njurrLTUTTLauvf nnnnp numerous pictures of Mme. Nordlt a, J which are the most conspicuous decora:,ations of his room, and bewails the sorM.lnt. Sc. ry plight in which he finds himself a the result of an unjust Providence. It is even hinted that Herr Doeme has derunrmruxruxn irsuu usrurvuj i Tonight and Tomorrow Night clared an entire willingness to quit this P.KI:-GEcease. do M not lt his troubles earth if Mil. AND MRS. KIINKST BA 31&tlnec Saturday at 2:15 p.m. Edward Lauterbach, whi has charge havo rituTi, 'i from in-ITh- - Vh:rI,nd ef Mfrrlm-r- .t of Herr Doeme' s case, called at the sanwedding till. They m'.1 !. .l lastsee Interview to The him. itarium home at 40 Third Mrcc;. ed about an hour, and at the conclusion it was said that the distinguished Hun- MR. AN I) MRS. J. I. YOt e.,ve NKXT ATTn.(TION. garian nightingale could ?e no one. early in the new y .tr f. r vt ex-Mr. Lauterbach, however, when seen, tended visit in California. CrfE KI01IT IN JUUH" was nothing loth to represent his client's views on the extremely delicate situa- MR. AND MP.H. L. L. DOWNING rrc tion. Said Mr. Lauterbach: home fn.tn a deli,h!fut i i:; "Herr Doeme is a very sick man. He f"ks' vit In N"w V ik. is a victim of a great injustice, and beWashing. n and ot!;.:r ing a man of keen sensibilities, he feels Kastern titie. the situation more than an ordinary man would. His is a sensitive nature, MISS KDITII Inn MACniiii, the nature of the artist, and it cannot the pat ffw d.iys li:ini; take calmly a charge so enormous. Tl.e i t , v. ril.: i. tli t y . returned accusation against Herr Doeme re.illy to hir hi. me In Provo. I amounts to little. In justice to a!! should say that no great singer is named Mil. AND MIC. J. P.AMBKr.Gr.Il suid littb- - dau'-riHeleft ..-r-da- crowds. one-four- MELBA NOT NAMED AS SAYS NORDICA'S LAWYER. Cannot Sleep o Nights Because of It. n hinged together very lightly, made its initial appearance at the Grand last night. Rube Welch as the redoubtable ..mickey made his entrance through the medium of a pile of straw, rudely disturbed from his slumbers by an awkward Swede, after about half an hour of frolic had gone on. From that time en Mickey and his mother. Mrs. Finn (Kittle Francis) occupied the ccuter of the stage with considerable frequency. Oscar Lewis as Carl Carlson, a Swede, furiished a considerable portion o: the fun. A bunch of pretty girls bobbed on und off the stage In abbreviated skirts at stated periods. There have probably been better shows, but "Mickey Finn" pleased the crowd. It goes again tonight and tomorrow, matinee and night. RICHARD CARVEL," TO BE FRE- sented by Andrew Robson and his company of excellent players at the Salt Lake Theater tonight, is a romantic drama of intense prni extraordinary interest, adapted from a novel so extensively read that the characters seem like familiar acquaintances to two-thirof the number of theatergoers, while to the others the play, so complete in itself as a drama i3 it, appeals with the force of novelty added to its dramatic charm. It is staged with scenery special complete all throughout and supplied wi'.hcosthe accessories of correct tumes, furnishings and minor detail that add so largely in pre-of senting appropriate pictures the environments. THE BON TON THEATER HAD packed houses again yesterday and last night. The initial we-of the new playhouse is proving most successful. The world's best fitting off. clothing, NICOL The Saist Lake Telegram. 18, 1903. f.r.'rt li.jntr.i (uf t f I '. li : . , |