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Show The Saht Lake Telegram. FRIDAY EVENING, DECEMBER 18, 1903. IACK DIPHTHERIA ENDS SHATTERED CAR WINDOWS ENTAIL HEAVY EXPENSE JIT CfTEEEDTMr fAMTIMTTEC Death of Three of Frank O'Reilly's Children Docs Not Small Fortune Spent Each Terminate His Run of Misfortune. Year to Replace Bro ken Windows in Street Frank O'lleilly, who only last month declares, will not remove the quaran- EVERY STREET CAR HAS A NEW SET OF WINDOWS ANNUALLY. , suffered the terrible affliction of the lozi of three children from black diphtheria, feels that his troubles are not yet over. Mr. O'Reilly, who lives at the corner of First avenue and Third East streets in Waterloo, was, at the time his home was placed in quarantine, remodeling: his house, and tfce building remained in an unfinished condition when the contractor was compelled to abandon n work-Conditio- of the House. tine flag from his house, because of its present unfinished shape. They claim It cannot be properly disinfected. The contractor does not want to risk contagion by working in the house until it has been thoroughly fumigated. All of the clothing, furn'ture and bedding of the afflicted family are in the house, and there is urgent need for the goods to be secured. Mr. O'Reilly cannot enter the dwelling and then go back to his family until it has been fumigated and the flag taken dowr. "There are slxtvtix closed casa (vmrolMlon djrtr.c th winter," ald Mr. Arnold when telling of the Kreal breakage, of ear wlnlown. "And It l In thec cara thai all h ?) (?) One thousand one hundred dollars ' year for window glars! That in what the street car rompany n-- are broken In the street cars usca en the variou? lines operated in the city. Assistant Superintendent Or.'on I. Arnold, who is familiar with all the tails of management of the Consoli- American Beauty Roses at From $10 to $25 Per Dozen Find Ready Sale. - j- PAY WHEN Lako-Hudda- raised 10.000 carnations and other deal ers are equally well prepared for the predicted rush on this flower. Call forma poinsettias and imported flow ers are here in greater quantities than ever and bring from $3 to Violet also from California, sell at u cents per bunch. : vV mil-- , b.ua ar twt wo!4 Mirir KriaH fcara M prtlil la a: altH f la la w ttMif MTkla ift yUai t Ibe a F. Boyd, Arrested on Suspicion of Ciiminal Charge, Bears a Good Reputation. F. Boyd, one of the proprietors of the G. and G. saloon, was arrested yesterday afternoon by Patrolman Carlson on the suspicion that he was implicated in the robbery of the Rio Grande depot at Murray a few days ago, when a number of guns, razors, shoes and knives were stolen. It is alleged that Boyd was attempting to sell three target rifles simila"" to those stolen from the depot, to a shooting gallery. Boyd denies all knowledge of the robbery. He has a good reputation and has many friends who are surprised to hear of the suspicions of the police. He rlead- d not guilty when arraigned. His hearing will be held Wednesday. The world's best fitting ready-to-weoff. clothing, NICOL & CRABBE. G. ar one-four- th LABORERS CONDEMN GOV. WELLS' VIEWS Ogcten AssemVy Passes Strong Reso- m kaa ritioir ae lot - 4- pr la mmt olri(1i4 tin ill Itl tpee'o-njo- Mlntim o la r MOUSISO FrnciAi Par.t Huite, art 12 to It Itoya' Your rholc cf any eyU In rear. rt the depart ror.t for leea thin a valu ct. averarifsc InAND U folio: Ul rnou TrtMa a4 Si Clftta. art ma. lonwli avraoav mm4 OCoa ner- a. I . - f' f aiea. a I a-- p. Edgar Snow, Pi IXSIST LYON BLOCK. 3b W Second 3a. 3 1 4XT LAKC CITY. curry. the Popular By 17 1- 2 nns of fine tomato" 1 WILL GIVE RECITAL Luf AT SAINIS' SCHOOL pall of Silver Lard pail of Silvr Leaf Larl pull of Silver Lairi Ham. per pound Salt Hdo bacon, per Laf Cents Fornishint; Dep't HATIT.DAY NlOHT fTKClAL-- ! to II '.act al', . kr eT-- nn b 1 t 1 anl r-- tr !. T itrirt C TO 11 4 OJ M . . 2et 40c Va.lua t 10c In tlsa .jr nj--;''.(fV ci.rrie tnre:jani !atrt ejttt, a'.;; . 'far.sjrra?r. et at . tt r linen t r . to Safe &riiy lni Cf re,;r. Uti" lir e cf ::r unea than c f' r. j. m.. at. mut ?.;r lyr treat create llnrn lunch cloth. o scarf and carving clot ha, at each. .ni il Cr I r'ain .'t In th i Jo'.rh f s irrl darraak Ilrn.!l5-h-f yre1 :4 .nd drer rk. ft t.ii cj-r- i ;? r 1h:te linen t?an ff rc '.! arraaJt f.ffre-- ? i!'in c rU tha at h. ;cth. 'u;.sh an etei :e lixil Herr.ljtchel 'itS b rw art lineti tVL!l lira ef tflr r--utl 2urh cVth. 5r v rut fh, eft?i frr ard LINEN DEPARTMENT. SATURDAY NIOIIT TR05 7 TO 0 O'CLOCK, t r Q for r rtiv! an c.Terlrc ihat a -- x Lour a w r. 9 r 73c and $1 llnn ij r.!e an 1 AM) atyle. no ry r.5 iu , it h f?ml4e artjr 11 t. a'.l ti 5P1TK rour 3.99 l'fey Ladies' Neckwear Sale. t!lh. rarOSnal. tavy. f; v. cf t u y -t fci'.e-- $2.87 Herr '- I tn er". Vl'.e S( :t io ! o. fr 2 r,! hour inr-r- . . ith !. reeT r Kerr r--a at:trheJ fr t,ernt Jtchei cr rtlK. J 'tf H TI S1.00 S5.78 FOR All kind "a p. 50? N'tw hlr:rr,.l (f l. Kli.h t.rair. fr... 25? t .. fir. .iu r 5? r piwr.l ..... ktaut. 15 bar 55? 35? for -- 1 Si. oo io? to? t r lUruh tuttr. .. ... I llsiich ej C.. tr r jKiur.i! io2fn . Top com t i r-- waist, w.o K ivf I FDR SUGAR r.VKNING. " TO ?. SATl'IlDAY M.UUM pourd th-iis tut to Tree tfa, per for.... icnr..l 23 l"op. package V in- - pr. 1 c t Ju t received tv) iounis ot rot ; oi v 1r.r.ir;;?n cr.' t ."J. for fill the susar you want, l.'i pounds Iot, buy nr.) thi"E I" unhf-you want to. No Mrlr.ps on our augur. Don't forgd the number, the popular 25? p. 1 Great Sale t;irth" Vr5k ,f:r j ut P r r i.r '."" -o '- I lfri f'Mtr.t-- b'i,.;' TafT''.A S.'.. i rtrd lit r.oure. II "-a- r f .h.- r r - , Va:!. t. r e 1 r m d ,m ( 4 yj I 1 e cflh C2 -- FRIEND $400 A .iii.ir Jt- s K. C. BUTTER !i ou SE 1 K. K.-cie- 68 W. h Uz Electric Sign. ist South. SPECIAL We have a fine line of candles ar. ards street. 1 Th otter Cnv rrr-- coi:rtca Ue of the Utah I.iqnor Co. friend Ji0 for Neil IcviDt--d Hbt jear It to "a - Merchants' Protective Association SCIENTIFIC COLLF.CTOrs OF HAD PCIITH. FHANCIR C IXKi:. C.en l. Mzr. Top floor Commercial UUxl;. j I.OS ANGELES. Cal.. Dec- - IS. Deputy Sheriff Raird of Idaho Springs, Colo., ar rived In Los Angeles yesterday with a refrom the Governor of Colorado quisition for J. K. Chandler, wanted, in connection Rh the destruction of mining property t Idaho Springs. Chandler says he will roturn to Colorado without a fight apalnst requisition. The Supreme court a San Francisco writ of habeas has granted an alternative corpus in favor of the prisoner. Gov. Pardee has said that he would si?n the necessary requisition papers, but will not ct until the Supreme court has rendered a decision in the matter. AND anl Mary Inline. crefi !fe uuik Butter House SUGAR POUNDS f..r C K. POUNDS -2 100 i CHANDLER WILL FIGHT AGAINST EXTRADITION. p m Boys' Clotbiof K- - t ATUROAY SPECIAL Mine-Worke- rs 25 cents. Sold by all dealers. Bernstein, manufacturer, 54 Market street. T DEPARTMENT rs A. etr '.an.tar.J lr r.2e. on tar. Fatur Jar ta t'tx k. HOA!. 5c a Bar the tn "-- itovnr n OATXtP-A- L CLOAK A lecital 'will be given by the pupi'.s of Charles Kent of the Latter-da- y Saints' university hi Rarratt hall. Tuesday evening, December iL'nd, commencing at S o'clock. Th pupils who will appear will be Walter bpencer. Mab Harper. Annie Hancock, ivter O'.denwahler, Louie Bmwn-iiiNan Joel Knuwlton. l'arrish, by hirn, pers Hurt. Claud- - Cave. Lupheniia of the said that tho ort?aniz-Aden. Vernon Fairbanks, Grave wu.s not welcome in Utah, and D. Walkley, Htd.-Jam.s Thomas, . out of the State; Herjfc.llann-rtonthat th latter shouldheg?twould V;i'Ur Oleu. Josphine be responand. further, that .May Anderson. Dora ami l'l.r.i sible for the people of Utah if ihey rose Sco!ll. Saj-iiWood:, William H. Hu-!- ,. and hi people up and drove tho organizer Ivy J'rice, Jo..ph Stetn. and YVe believe this lanout of the State. L rr.a Taylor. L C. Ash worth will be tho accompanist guage to be inflammatory, insurrectionand if uttered by any of the evening. ary and anarchistic, labor leader in Utah we believe he would have been Jailed in short order. We beDon't forget the Piano Sale nt th-lieve in one law for all." Daynes fc Itomney Piano Co., 40 Rich- THE DESERET CIQAR. n'l 5c a Bar ni.Tc-ni;is- n uation : "lie it resolved by the Trades and Labor Assembly of Otfden, Utah: "First This assembly indorses the Ktrike of the United of America in district 15, and especially in southern Utah. We believe their cause is Just, and we extend our sympathy and moral support to the striking miners. "Second We condemn the utterances of CIov. Wells, as reported in the dally pawherein he and not denied Two for 4l Cbilireis'biti rl.-.l- ''The Whiskey Mfrchants." ;...:!".' Pupils of Mrs. Charles Kant Will The following' resolution"? have been Sing in Barratt Hall Next raised by the Ogden Trades and Labor Tuesday Evening. Assembly relatle to the coal strike sit- r ahoold b Idan-ha- , score of good whUkien wa EIEOER & LIN DIXY, larice nd Kisses i IIIh - Eail The long end of the the short end any of th KinK AND frUy N)bb . am years old. a student 20 kali; ON i: TO Xnp.NlNc; 01 SHOPJE CC,AVlT. DRS. SHORES th m. A SOAP SALE. KNOWN J'C 50APS HOT AT- - TMK 53.25 Kair HoUrtflu;i ia!ra4 - ix ri. and a nsr. imu:. a UTTi.n monut. rm r Hunts only 'cittTit nt it : CLOAK DEPARTMENT ui La -- a. roit.. WE CURE CATARRH ! ti. y FTUItIAT ONLY. aaosaa. taantIWHlm, uoaorraoea. of ttd a:i r 3i all Cbsv. in. fauilixaa.ul t T. H. $L25 Values for 75c Ladies Fine Felt Slippers t'NTJI 7 AGreat5pccial for the Girls dl a. w mi torn .Maaoo4 of S OUR SHOE DEPT. Clothing and Gent's Furnishing Department HfiTf. ClXrt ( ta im atjUw a letoan4 a fe w 7 to 0 o'clock. Boy 8 ATt'IlDA V a frta Jflfbt Saturday it street. in the L. D. S. university, had an en counter with a lone hold-u- p at the cor ner of Third North and Second West streets at 8 o'clock last night nnd had almost overpowered the robber when the latter struck him over the head with a gun. after which the task of search ing tne student s pockets was an easy one. , Snow lives at 24.V West Fifth North street, and was on his way ur When passing the corner of Third North and Second West street. the rob ber accosted him. Snow, who U an nil around amateur wrestler, gave battle and would have probably arrested the robber had not the latter struck him a hard blow over the head wih a .run. Snow lost $ in gold, which the thug secured. Snow went to the ioiic station at once and told his story. His oy was badly contused and his head and f.ico were covered with blood from the wound made by th robber's gun. Snow says that the man was tall nnd and wore Mark snout, smooth clothes and a light hat. He could identify the man. he said, if he were ciuht. Th" He. Dennis Cafe, private dinsering rooms on two floors, unexi-elleMain. vice, popular prices. lutions on the Executive and the Coal Strike. Mine-Worke- ra tr a4- nrm h red. h e Pi - Carved Pearl Pen Holders With Gold PJitcd Pen, r.etrular ISc talu. rn aale fUtue-da9 to 12 a. tn ut ea"h Hold-U- p. KNOWLEDGE OF THEFT G. t-- w Don't forset the Piar. Pale et the Daynes & Itomney Piano Co.. 40 Hlch-ard- s Young Student Athlete Has Battle With a Desperate SALOONIST DENIES olaairr r? la talk la art ail Cr aJU cf horn la ' a. IU y I"" ar .. hoik Ioui4i ot From a m VY'lvi I J II RERUN', l)e. IS. The report punished by the Journal of Paris th.it the Princess Charlotte of sister of Emperor William, l suifring from cancer :inl that the verdict of th in physicians had ciated consfrn.-ttlthe (Jerman court, is otTUlally tlffinl as 'nonsense." The Princess If i.ot even ill. PUTS UP A HOT FIGHT 3 Tr-- 1 V Qte. . M KAISER'S SISTER IS NOT EVEN ILL S?axe-Vm;nt;e- rn Saturday Morning: frets 0 to 22 o'clock. Your boy will want or cf the. Po'U your girl. jrt here on tlntr. lOc CURED. yon Flowers in abundance are to be had in Salt Lake this Christmas. The local dealers are thoroughly prepared for and expect a. greater than usual demand. Chrysanthemums, American Beauty and other roses, poinsettlas, carnations and the usual Christmas plants, including mistletoe and holly, are on the market, but despite their abundance the prices asked are high, in many cases double, the quotations of former years. American Beauty roses sell from $10 to $23 per dozen. Chrysanthemums run fro?n $3 to $4 per dozen, and are comparatively scarce. Tea roses bring from $2 to $4 per dozen. Mistletoe, the one indispensable Christmas plant, is sold at 75 cents to $1 a pound. Holly costs 50 cents a pound and there is likely to be a shortage of it. rt firm alone ha? The Salt ) e tf Convincing Money - Saving Propositions ...for Sa turday... Bars a in Occasions of More Thin Ordinary Interest, ". cotr.e together with a jolt, and there la more work for th-- glazier In the hcn. "We use on an average a Mil- rnnre than three new windows a 1". costing !n wholerale lot SI each. Thla Item cf exrer.fe runs up t about I1K4 -t year." or "Occasionally the carmen, clean crews Ecurrie in the cars wnen in ir barns, and a glass or twox is amnshl. csrs now. "We are running slxty-slAll of these are cloiM cars, fully glazed. "There are but few of the cars that go a month without It becoming necessary to put new windows In. "In the summer there are more broken windows than In the winter. This la accounted for by the f.ict that mall boys, with flippers. ftre constantly throwing stones at Mnlf. Many cf these find their way into the cars byway of the glass windows. Street baseball, as the boys play it In vacation. In the frequent cause of a sudden crash and a shower of broken glar3 falling Into the car. "Cars sometimes sp'.lt a switch or FLOWERS FOR CHRISTMAS ARE PLENTIFUL BUT HIGH '; vi dows'. one-four- th ) Joss Is occasioned. 2? dated Railway and Power company, u authority for the figure. When asked for an explanation as to the causes of the breakage and th attendant expanse, Mr. Arnold ald: "There are a great many cause? for breakage. Sometimes passengers turn around and poke an elbow through the glass. Sometimes passengers, quite by accident, put the ferrules of their parasols or their canes through the win- ar 'i Eleven hur.drd 0) broken minnows Is sn average of () about aevrntten new I'icM fcf each car per year, or atmmt as rnuch glasa as there is In each car." pr pays each year for the window cS In Cars. May Burn the House. This' left the building- with some windows out, only a screen at one of the Mr. O'Reilly pays that the County doors, nothing between the upstairs and Commissioners have talked pome of attic, partitions out between the rooms, burning down his home, an action that large openings in the roof and much wouldto certainly be a severe financial blow lumber piled in the house. him. Mr. O'Reilly's three children died of He has now been detained from his (black diphtheria in the latter part of employment for two months, he is payNovember. His wife and two other ing monthly Installments of $11.30 upon children were at the same time ill with the home which he was building, JS rer t and $10 per month to feed his team. In the disease but recovered. When Mr. O'Reilly moved from the addition to this he has incurred heavy infected houpe, all of the family's pos- expenses through the sickness and death sessions wre of course left therein unthat came to his family. til the disinfecting of the plae should The best ready-to-webe accomplished. It is this condition clothing for off regular prices. and what has followed that is now placmen, NICOL, & CRABBE CO. ing the O'Reilly family in trouble. 220 Main. The health authorities, Mr. O'Reilly . o nuts at half prlcf . Sixteen Still Going. Tonibston Ariz.. Dec. )f the nin,?. teen prin-r- s wlio escaped from the d county Jail Tuesday night, two were today. John Jame. Indicted for murder, and IVdro Sandovr.l, sentenced to the penitentiary for two years tin smurKllnp. James was capturM at the Ntrr.tr ranch In the Huachuca mounHe told tains. He offered no the officers that his comrades, fearing detection If they kept together, separated and are now trying to get across tho Mexican line as best they can. cap-turr- Almost Cheap as Coal. Victoria, D. C Dec. It. Local sealora received cables from London today announcing that at the sal of sealskins held there today the price declined lf per cnt from last year, the average Wing about whereas J17.n0 was received last $lfj.53, year. Of the catch of H.OC) skins sent IlH) were delayed and missed the sale. S h'OMK 1T.OPLE DON'T LUCK US. Millions of Dollars Ar loet annually by merchojati on - account of bad vre lltt. collect bad debt- every wbera. mlaaint; debtors d Repreaentatiea In facllltlea local well aa for lea Fpe-l- for all th ptinc'.p! cltlea of the Unltd States. "ill m nv ae-oun- Wa locnta al han-llln- f ti Hmerican Mercantile eporting Agency, to Oiltna niock. . 9 References: 13 Salt Lake City. Utah. McCormck A Co., bacHara: Ccmmerrlal National bank CULLEN HOTEL i. c zvrzxo, rT.p. Sail Iaka Cltf Btrwt Car frrta all Tratna Faaa tha Door. PALrrlS, FERNS, .. I V reilc. WfrIMre. r Ca-ti- U4e. ra jr.; Ilollv. H-4- crir SCHWARZ & ty r-.- i' HEINICKE |