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Show FEIDAY EVENING, DECEMBER - The SArr Lake Telegram. 18, 1903. MTTL E PETE" DEAL IS RAILROAD PROSPERITY RECALLED BY SCANDAL DURING THE PAST YEAR 4 5 A TT TJ7rKTI"rTrh TT WANTS QDICKLY SATISFIED MX . Ruling Off of Bookmaker Net Earnings Greater by $34,000,000 Than Year Be HORSES THAT JOCKEYS PULLED IN RACES. Davis at San Francisco and Other Turf Up- fore; Operation of Elkins Law. November Hall Jockey pulled Bragg. November JJDth Jockey Ferrell tried to pull Bay Wonder by turn- ing very wide into stretch, but the horse was so good Ferrell could not keep from winnlnr. December 1st Jockey Adklns pulled Rollick. December let Adkins, contrary to Instructions, rode John A. Scott into the ground, which caused hira to lose. December 3rd Adkins rofle Mee-chanus a very suBpicious race. December 2nd Ferrell pulled Dan Donio. 2Sth heavals. SAN FRANCISCO, Dec. 18. The sen- sational disclosure of the betting ring WASHINGTON, Dec. 18. The seven- FOR 2 PLAYERS ner Kl-ki- pul-lHh- I'. A .V ' t .!ock . i. - Jt V- th!rty-t- CII:a1 er f via k HI W. Itt ; TIIK riT.MBMKI) NICKUT FURXJSHFD t. tr m i trarfcr ar.d r.; t'.i- th of ra.i! t t To:in. lT-U!r- fa J- t. "c.r. . rjr. tr. ftaturday ata 1 a Umah . copy. :r THK I tr.lrr-trvir.'a- S rrt ( nay ho I Mutt on I n'rl'wk ! h I t 'u1 anlr.-c- ". or irn l ' larun mill jirt in t. Ural J, h a ) !'." m t fn.it. a f f'alt The- - wholesale tinn he ld an br-t-- t rry l!to rwf my tm rrl BUTTE SPORT MAKES Ed Judson, who is v.ell known amors' the sporting fraternity of the We?t, and particularly in Butte, made a killing at faro in Hot Springs, Ark., recenthours' play, ly. After twenty-seve- n Judson cashed in $63,000, the largest winning ever made in Hot Springs. He started in at 2 o'clock in the afternoon with 1000 worth of chips, and his limit was held down to $1000 on a turn. Dealer after dealer took his Feat behind the table, but Judson's luck never turned. In the la?t few hours of play he won about $G000. During the progress of the play Judson was the center of all interest, and many women stood around the table watching him. He took a Mght lunch while playing and a few drinks Sf brandy. When he was too fotigued to continue he cashed in $63,000, and at one time he had all the chips in the house, and threatened to break the bank. ;isorI ' - i- at the Commerei.il e i il room to night dls uss the problems of pi iet--e. utting and giving short weights. Th meeting, which lasted until nenr-l- y warm at midnight, was times, ntul camo out strong on the light combetween th trust and anti-trupanies which have been cutting the of grain and flour. prrr: Tlu re wero many di:Te:-enand miss hemes l.-- st c understandings Hmong the dale-rand many garding barrassing questieinn were nj'ke re- s LEAGUE RESCINDS price--knifin- emI by these who have kept the n hedul Vmmittees were apw inted to devise means of relief. FOUL STRIKE RULE $63,000 AT FARO Ie.il.-rs- CHICAGO, Dte. isowners of the American Baseball league, in annual mee A e the rule adopting, ed last year as an experiment and declared in favor of a schedule of 154 games in order to meet the extension of the National league schedule. The playing season will ejpen on April ljth. The National league recently tleclared e in favor of the rule and it is the general belief that trouble will be experienced before a rule satisfactory to both leasrues can be agreed em. The affairs of the Pacific Conpt league cam'; up fur discussion during thel me't-into but the question was President Johnnon, who was give n power to act for the? Amerioun league in tiny attempt that mifrht be made to get tho Independent league on the cast to join with the organizations east of the Rocky mountains. r.fn. tr1 I """l ltt:tvt. every ri to field, is said to be eyed by both the St. Louis Nationals and the Chicago Americans." The above item from the Cincinnati Enquirer indicates that Salt Lake s star pitcher, known here as "Jamesy" Wiggs, may return to one of the big leagues next ppason. Inglesida Results. SAN FRANCISCO, Bee. 18. Results: First race, seven furlortgs, selling Klckumbob won, Adirondack second, 1 third. Time. 1:3U. Second race, futurity course, selling won. Lady P'onso second, Brick jlainaultthird. Time, l:3u. Third race, seven furlongs Kbony won, 'eko second, Sir Appleby third. Time. l:Sl. Fourth race, mile and seventy yards, sellirg Lord Melbourne won, Silurian eecond, Lady Crawford third. Time, 1:47. Fifth race, futurity course, selling Reeves won; Fort Wayne second. Florincl II. third. Time, 1:12. Sixth race, seven furloncrs, Finn King won, Pat Morrissey selling second, Oscar Telle third. Time, 1:30. r ke r ! - er uj hH foal-strik- r..ds lnil Don't forget the Piano Pale at th 40 Richards street. OGDEN NEWS I STOCKHOLM. P,c. lH.troth.il. just conclude.!, of Prince O.islavus Ad.d-phuthe eldest son of the Crown Prince of Sweden and Norway, to the Ditches Cecile of Me cklenburg-S- e h werln, w ill be announced officially, but as shortly yet it is only known privately In court circles at Stockholm. The Prince i one ;md and the Princess is ju.t but 17 years twenty, of j1Ke. in 1MS the eldest of sister the bride-flemarried the sonytxithfjl of th" Crown I'rince of Denmark. Ogden Wants Cheaper Coal. The "UYber club of Og.lrn has takrn t:p the local ceial Htu.tln to ele;rmln hv co il shouM be .vi centa p r ton niuri thn it is In Silt Lake. A cf.mmittee e.f th fullowlr.g four men has l.-- upp.iitit d t lave slig;ite: Joseph S'cn croft , t'.tvil llee'.es, Sidroy Ht.ver.s, J.ims I'lnrrieJ and A. T. Wright. Three Factories Combine. Clay Company Wins Suit. The jury in the ois- ef John D He vs. the osd-S.wi r Plj Clay company brought In a verdict In tvnr cf tiie defendant and salnr th t'laiotirf - 1 1 n hud no cause of action. Ilerrll sa- -i Ji'j.fM damages for p rsonal h.jjri- s. f.,r - lUrrtrifton rl Cmtirty.rrr A Sa! I.Tk. F.iur miles f ?kw copp.-- wire wld t... strung next w. ok f,r tb.- fire nlirm se - s com-pati- y, fae-tor- y. Don't forget the Piano Sale at the Daynes & Romney Piano Co., 40 Rich- ards street. r- vice. Ogde-- plied has n w be-et- t coal Iabrs are now well supith coal and all danger cf a f amtn aert'd. A at thoroughly equipped one rf gymntishim the hisrh sebend the talked-ei- f posslbiUtbs fur the nnr luture. Postmaster Davl.- Is preparlnr iomr Information regarding Dgd n'a population for the I'nited fctat s ce nmiH tn.reau. Jack Orien eef l'vanvllt.. Ind , 16. and Isab-llMclnaM. ag-- i'.. ot turde-we t- - n re est?re!ay prai.t.d a lUense iQ ed. The have n req:-sfrom rhPa-f- i to t" pctic on the lookoat f..r John J, Klli-kdisapj-earewho from that city on November lard. . d Troops for Korea. Tendon, Dec. K A raM. diiipatrh from Tok.o fays th despateh of troop to Korea la Imminent, and that th lder Matr-me- n hav been fumrnomd to meet tho Emperor on Friday. 15 MoDi:i! etharcpart fore.f :r1 W. ' tf e. MADAM c cU-- I t . LYNN", t'frr t.- - t W Jlr hrtub I: I;.oni No. n'f f.-- r I". iM W rt: p;m have, tt What " e Mh.-,r- . 10 17. 1 ;n-- l weflii rrfu'd.nt AT n-ur- 1 r 11. Our 1.' gr nt '. T r.'. r p .'tr. ' OKOIii'.K XI I . ti by (;pr, f g- -. XV. tlo'V, , fC fONAt'fillY. .f MfKllr i'o . OS F. . P17TBKJN. O. and lv?-- aa.il a Ir A Itii rtJi a id'.oent : i- I ''e. ' .r - n atN I t ? rr S 7 ..t t f "r. r n i :. ' r -- fwr U Jr- X. - V. y -- tg . ; t :rr " rr.4.. tf ' ijr -1 "r D.ti... n Jjfr t t .i : i,; ar 4 t r; i f . j t ,k S f s V-'-- f f trf ti I0 ocf ft T 1 i: . gr . i nr.i; - lr-r- , A.J ; !. t ". . .-.: tatf.It f. I'eutitis, t it, aja'li.k. llatr rnun ce jtr Vit trr n. VI- -, raj..... Trr ...... 31 ... r Urw U- -t r. 1H Mw.'f arf. "! M.'H N I ,. c X fctat . c. - CCAVEKQER. v mm t A n T ru ui i jcj; r ' Al.T I J'l.r.- - -- -- A K K ' A M r ", N e !.. P Jtt;j, ; Ii tf)51l, f; t..-- . ?l r. l'j:!ti fitN'T t .:- t ij li.fr I r . s "r i if I I. A TM.K j .j; I'sil 'S ! v. SALE. i Je ' : t 3U' ii ..1... (' ron f rYTEWTi ITERS. iiX IvC ei.J.. - -- TOtr Nltni) WtiNCT ; sr-.- l I. ! I,at SINDAY c n nu.i: ; i; ru.NoH, pi ar.wl 'a rwr ariir. r u;vf it;f t ' - 1 erl ; . t. p i; .. 1 ef t 1 - HUAt. USTATn M V. Cn l It l a hej or r t oj i r t se m. bava trrr, rr.t. :- ,ir."AN t oM.t l- , rl Vi It.j rt. 1 " .,r' J . int t;u: y.tr - v ri n. j ( f f rump -- NAI" r. : . m") !":"j.f!v iftt !' j.t I r-- .i ! e ff L r ,J fie. ifTi"fr r ,j'tr ...--c --t- ! JV rUKERAE- DIRECTOIL i:itb w. !aix etorFjikin Tr'aT SU i ff.- 16 ?. : , 4 t , ; r '.'. . -t h tm ni ATtr.L at y :.rr.. N H11U1TC Al, MKITTlNiU ' m at J .' f at .r t ( .r N r hxV.. e rt Iti: rtf in t.tit'l af . is-- f f r.elh,r 1 t--r - j.rr.p t.r for' i l.MlLln T - TO I.KAIIN HAHIU.R .Mlft5 N city and i'r.si 73t TT Jax4 "fAUKT tAMt. tAT Ct1: Ca .itt'. ffi'f,.'., :. an !- S ona T - I wr.sTTr.vti'Lt h 1x4 10NET TO EOAlf. r.Tf Xht Yt l.l i if, t iftrfi 1 Il n!r ) 'fi'-.- ; Urrtt H'jth havu "XlANft try Hoeilh t- - It l'.iovr.- r. n. fre r.l (vnot If you ei'M : Tt-- nn if -- HAND A?ll TJtADB Kiou'i Ct . ck It IS a. MI a rf IVOIIK. rrv;;r rr.irs r. tir. - ! .. t WF. Ff.U. r.EAI. rflTATE. THAT 1 l all. Tmtl Hr Main ball i'fi FOR Itr.At. KSTATK XV ll. tr ti-et- UcxM X rtnta. realty 9 t- . - -,. ti- TTT ft! ""a i fo'i, iv.iz imrscns bartiln la lioui". 211 Main. notrsTfN-- t't eul Tr-- I tciM ; " W r.f chr.afaift rn ic a fnt vt I. I Hal ti lo.i bv;tre rhnfM Trail &t f - California farrr Ka! r.TC. " .4 1 i:T n,r uP: on INt "P !- -K ir.-- . lltit'hiM try ft t,. 1'Ikio Tl Y. .; t ttf.tK. a;k.e P.XUT d t EPIRITUAEIST3. to kM Hi T.r 1 t.:;re. l . Ml'hrf- - n-'- - I r.xtr O tf ..".; C" TP!' ltP tr ( l. South. And rie-- rtt. A1XD DYXXNO. rci-r- . ANI Tfri. e AMJ.D-- V. r CAETET CLXAJflifO. .t modchn rrarrrrnjur-K. nubb.T.l Inv't t ..h. t FT. KINP.ST ' I". fie.h. Id tee r.w. f e tt PAIMSBT ANI V Tf. tn itS cf an-lmprrrv until nj on At d If i:i:r.TT m:;i: P. M J paV. - r- In b-j- r t eej rt re,,Kfl W A?T ED UEUP. rlrlr.f Fowtn ! Kids r.rr::i) k KAI.T I.AKR 11. K ANtTcTTr-'ASIril Houth . 'ihoen l'.: k; headquarter t. 2" jr-m-ire- ba'alr n t 11 l-- AS - CLTANINO iVTvrTM KV1 CKTA t r.1 H! TICTCLES ASD at vfhou. X. U 3L CoTinerrUI in lerri ll-t:- Lborrrerl'f ha.l. rti'NiTi i.i:. pl rn a7 K HISCXLI-Ami-O 1 1 :i ilrrrl" tr l-- 1 bark. ! foinr hat 1 y BArrs. a?atbi'.O!. Sit t vn Tin: i;i:or. kp.ai.ty r f. i 5tir t In f.ir t r'- - ma 4 rl S7. cvr nitrt-V. Znd No. Walker x.T-nn- li; ro.. tre-- Ir c pi " v WEFT TJUHD fimr:r 1f ff if le.rrtjrn tne t.'t,. - ( f ett'. ST0BAOE- - 8 D-- nr. jo v tr4 trr.r tt!4!um tintcK. ciifuri IBM. in vaear.t tr"feriy jn Tnv and mint City Briefs. d Evansviile. In 1.. Dee. D. A was f fleeted today of three combination Ind. pendent tebacco f;u tor-Hampton Tob icro Newbi;rg, Intl.; Bowling Oreen Bowling Green. Ky.. and tiie T. M Ryan comitany. Alariln, Tenn. The combination is capitalized at $1 eO.tr v. The Bowling Gretn I'lmt will le reme.yed to Newburg. t' TUB TACT 8TI1.L. I'.tMAINS THAT more hnmei mrt nl thruuta nr (ncru r.y thr In th cltr. thn you r rn t. atel rifht. H f a. Hichtr, IB W. furchaa. oj f Klrt Pouth. HANCIIHS. TAHM3. AriifiAnn, wio Mt In our tat ( ffic fr Hiil-bT- s, et It!' vi:st :nd yoi'Tii htju:kt. AT TU; .!GN: "vvhohi: roof i a jvi:k y up. r Th- P il-c- TAKE GERMAN BRIED U.-- F!'Mul m . t i...t '! 1 Kwt-jiM- Jr E D VJ f V ' N HW Cty. Ft. rr.'-!-. . t..1 . JtMi tt, itiain.fr iT.iri.i rl1 ttrtkm. rr titi. trrp trca. r!h Ra le, U VKIt fr. n tf. t r'it lie rath t,;jt CriRITUALIST. n-- in:AD:" The relatives of Anthony UthUr r.f into iiie. wno was In c;reat Sa!t lake some d ;. asoijroan have- - e nt rrqu.t to the undertaker n aaWIng that the remains be shl;pe charge. horn,. ,r hurla; The body will Lm svnt today. SWEDISH PRINCE TO t lb iMi:i;rn.i'i: :s t- il oKrnTft cth Wt Tmpi j ei'Jalntar.t e. J iHiNNAN p.r.AVl.-- . Body Will Be Sent Ilome. Dayneis & Romney Piano Co., n ijr-.n- to call a;td rrik" my W' 1 rir rt cr To Lk s:trelr 5euth iirrri. rrll fk rs ;.; mk th lr own tkr K.n-- 1 to g l W CCHIHE. NO. 3 I: e p tip r rniti li You nre p, ref-rrei- ui 'A t yi'.l 1 Dew J !r.g crarr.b', isig home. i-i "James A. Wiggs, who failed in Rd last spring largely through his inability r.t- to Bm;r.U n fe r; 1 1 i . H'lTi: OfTlC".. l'-e- caih paid ron t'i.i AE3AYEB3. ,t stead of Iu r,!.-:i- O.. U " WA g-- Vs . 'J . a lain. bu:Mr 'trnt In Ma tfT rta t t t- foul-strik- BIG LEAGUE CLUBS MAY DRAFT PITCHER WIGGS. f. MBit. t HA H W;Xr' Kerr trrt Irnce. that thy r.'an 1 :th ;rat :i (. r f.i n j'i-r.inr- " - rcrrr.rv muni and ti: itohk. ttyotk. t.C l f Urirtt, ft. m l'UKli C ml 3 . peTylTJ VKl.Y mti g'.fm -- lac cf t w. in: tfT, irc tltf'. OSTEOFATnY. hJ never irai v o s - lrain Inte-re-stin- . I.ak-- : h.-i-a was p't whe vf-a- frt-sh- tmde rstoo-- Reavts, salers Appoint Committers to Straighten Out Tangle. tir.i.M.rn. r ?li rsfM K f r 1 Iil lrt n rajlcr-- , urtATf hp, p t: rtn nts a i.lt J. 1 ty. I. .fet4. K Ulnlm Rt t.J.liit.1 l".er. lr tw-l- tt- t t lt Tin: noMr.nun.DKR. ij fmd TUTlKmt ,iL.1,Hl1 K4vi. nre lira rr.TvNoifunied, V;muJo fc K V alw If Jr Cx. ln-tl- It n . . Wt Zr.i . r ltlt'i HKt.lf VA t fct to tub rrm.ic. noticj: l f"rm mt nl iY jH thai tr lh Cptlty r v. lekln tU WIIKN I'F.oI'I.K SI'FAK OF After Long find Warm Session Whole i.iz.7-j- r mrrr, rrii'ttiii il' t't t:rt C3 . writ: lth l'mnAffiff, l.ml" REAL ESTATE. FOR SALX .a (i!HrM( s rn:DT. N j c- Ha-Hbr- r t l !r,r ACCTIOK &AL2L withtCithuiioji M lb fir.rrri.KMAN- iovrjr tVur.ril tltv A II rn ! GROWS INTERESTING vn f'.r tottl rEJlSOJ.'AL. IU-rif- fn l,tr. -- -- ?Vfth. Tiart. .f mi. J7r JC ? lnibr rcjil-Jrr.c- a FOR FUT- jr e:; lr-ata! ',!r f ra li f al ":i akl'f .iriw "o Jlo I",; Vfl rr a i .rta V t t t IZ t f,h FRI"1 COW; U 7.ANF AVH A TT I'KWRITKl'.S nKNHMCRK full lir.a cf RlK(r4i a4 Cafb-- c T, L W. r4 cMtk Cs. W. Tampla, .: Wala I. Antr a-- ANFTA RItM Ir.d Caal. . t TURKisn BATna. MXSCTX.LA.TEOTJS. - 1I n, a.wtJi. It. F. CLARK. TAltXiU. Tmp HClTARI.f. SVAITftT . !r !o 17. VAI.iNTlNC-l- n ir.'a citr Mt lh r iMi r.ct ut hva wvthitT, Mr T. W. TMr 1 K M Herman ih 73 Mrtrt.ArmetKig, Valr,lir., Kutitral pr1at. aprd COKl.KHS At S V feout,. hilt likA "ltjr. I- - mtr ; frrni p.iral-einan Thotnaa aftT .f ten J We"aat4 ! 71 yrara nt ttK", a native of Kngtand, and had llvej in Utah elr.ra IMt. Funeral notice later. Al the rraM-rrof her !a. Mm. WU'.inm H. ;t H n?rt. nt 12 3 Thurtdar K r",iir rauao twit.g Ijiwton, tho lmra'Jl.i! fir-lr.- al ISt-i- Fl-'RJC- TA1XCRS. ftm tk M FOR SALE to DIED. ennrpr. at th r r-- C . txotnra, ai,u T'tl Drt . Ft KNISHKb ROOMS WITH HOARD; 4 I.STMINSTKR CIIURUlt. v If. Jt rrr. vovni. . r.4 WwillMi nf Veralinn: thrn- ar-v. ai. for ri'.ONT RfXJM. !Olr.R'. T3 F. a 1W ar4 roH MCKLT FURNISHED ROOM1. OOOO 11 MCK so roeft.a. i- lt OOOD tmi!r. til mHh hoi ' plat A. - o Prlt toraiurt ar-- UJ. t.ir.HT FOR ROOM! eliar alaa machink. n WITH ISOOM. f p4 ? i?"t ir:Kr.r r:Nci: (H'-1- , rwisi a. Wtl! W. ftfr.r., F. FOR R ST, ttoeiM lOt a: a S - Nirni.r furnishkd rooms, f T'i. t7 Kifrlrf. H.iM iisl WAR hoc FIRNIKHKIJ -- it J-- . u p i1 ron cr.9 i Birr. tr i . 7 W, C yaf Then - for it I.xat Ral MODKRX i n. IfOUC HOT WATER rl in. ti, b CIS mS. rrrrn attr - j. arl. FV rniiif. 7 r J. Ivor an Rai I. "at r4 !Wt ! nf; Irru ara tat. Wf 4h tov.th. 4a!! i room BOMK I HOST RfXM. M. for rhmp JT VV Trmf i VODHRN FRONT ROOM. HOT AND boafl if !UsJ; 77 K. t a PnTWO ROOM1 t.tnitT rjrr.tnc vn rwl; th'nr o et faur ijth - thrr(j- !t-- fuiir ( rods; tiiftirn 1 H-tt- l.AROK to-w- it: c T-x- . p-h- llkrplr,: fjrrltur in.t" "!!-- tonight and Saturday. There Is prow to th wc?t of Salt Lake nnd rain is falling In (lalvtuion. The temperature has risen In Salt Ike and over a large area of punound it.g country. i he precipitation (taken at S a. m. today) was .22 inch. a r.ign barometer area which may come to Salt I.nke hanKS over the I'a- elt'.e coast. The barometer also hlsh over a lare area to the northwest, in cluding F.akcr City. Spokane nnd Lew- Iston. The barometer rending in Salt Lake in .''.' inches. Altogether th" weath er conditions are very unsettled. rfRNiirrtS ts rot'R r-- R W. 4 nrni. with scribfd . rtat ownl by U In H:i Lflkp Utah, in sinnirir at r. nnrnwut mrnfr or lot nve Yerterday's rrorrlse of unow was ful filled last night and a further fail la predic ted thl afternoon or tonight. The weather will he cloudy nnd unsettled S' JnJ S?jib grrjr.4 vt MCKi.t nMBiir.ri aM n jit an J ;n Ststh City. Utah, for it- - turi- - o authoruira lt boartj of la und tranfr thj t!tl to th foKowiog PREDICTED TONIGHT GRAIN-DEALER- 1 floor. ll lr Ce, V0!r.RN jvn NO. RRICK; Trrrr'a. tS Vt Hum t.jtfj fjffk. r.ar. c:'.ar afrill. !. of Halt ANOTHER SNOWFALL ! it !plUi;;!: hoi-be- l'.g'H h roTi nzrrc. HTor.K ov main 2-- . woms fok nici; ur.cr. or farr.ih-vsnfvra'.Je4. kepir.g. Ah. mil b hUi on th Ttr. n at Jnury, bull llr.jr. on th Wt a; itsw- cnurm 1 !r-iko Ti'-rt- In. cof-poratlo- tU th day t cl . that 1 ltrr. - K si. miwlrn lreprvnjr,t; S4t 8. 2r.i Vaat 2 FRONT ROOMS KURNlMtKH TOR dcU.ar i:: r- -r month; CI J. ;h XVt. - Suit ralr. ur-otair- a a Ncrricr. is unnr.nT oirns tin of th rn em. N r ef ih Ytm!n cf rhurrh. a te I t trt. itorsKKm:!172 nvo xpr. from wornout car. SJ( V. 8 Tt JEi4a. !X.a liav. rta k4ara Oabr. ,vt! MOPKUS Fl'HNIBHF.D 2nd I. heat. 5 STHtCTI.T CLEAN HOtflBK EKPI NO roorr. a. ground foor ard inrta l'fc. dlraU local cn, m Ha. W. Tm- - ed - -- NICBt.T room. NOTICE. ni , runs. two nickly Ir.r rooma and cloat. t;9; Hac. il California avid Eastern TUTLm&WZJX TUB MONTKRKY. NKW1.T FVn rdthad throughout; moJern . j:r--- S. Main. EXCHANGE TURF JS FOR RE3TT SALT LAKE A 1 $ bn ns " to fod tt. Just keep In BtL They arvear dally. f0 munlty to the principal and beneficiary of a guilty transaction. It Is believed that much benefit will result from the fact that proceedings can now b taken the corporation. agtinst This amendment abolished the pTl ty of Imprisonment, .and the only pun Ishment now provided Is th Imposition of fin. Whether the rood results claimed for this chance will b realUM Is by nw mnni certain, but the present plan should douhtlesi be continued un til Its utility Is further tested. The commission points out that the of th Klklns amendment has effct to bring about In many cases an In crease of railroad chargn. This m doubtless one explanation of the mark 1 Increase In the number cf format com plaints made to the commission durlnjt the present year. teenth annual report of the Interstate Commerce commission, transmitted to Congress' today, say In part: The preliminary Income account for the year ending June 30, 1503, shows railway returns for 201.437 miles of line. which Is approximately IS per cent f the entire? mileage In the United States. Gross earnings for that year amounted to J1.S90.150.679. or J33S2 per mile of line. Operating expanses aggregated $1,248.- E20.4S3. or $6191 per mll leaving net J31S3 or JJ4 1,630,196. of per mile. earnings Fifty-thre- e million dollars In taxes are not Included In this statement of operat ing expenses. - Compared with the pre vlous year the net e'.tnings are greater millions, and stock by fome thirty-fou- r dividends are greater by nearly ten millions. In 197 the gross earnings averaged 4 only X6122. and operating expenses 1 106 per mile of line. The report discusses ot length thelaw. Th commissioners say that the original law. the act to regulate commerce, embraces two distinct obkinds of jects or seeks to correct twosecure railroad abuses: First, to the publication of tariff rales which shall bo Just and reasonable und free from discriminations: and second, to compel carriers to observe the tariffs so without variation or exception. Flroadly speaking, the l:itter class of differences only are affected by the Kl kins act. the provisions of which are mainly designed to prevent or more ef fectually to reach those infractions of law, like the payment of rebate and kinderi practices, which nre clasd as misdemeanors. Under this amendment the railway corporation itself is liable to proFecutlon in all cases where Its o!h- cers and agents are liable under th former law. This charnce corrects a d feet which has always been a source rf embarrassment, because It iravi !m- - scandal here, when Bookmaker Davis and a clique of jockeys were ruled off, has furnished food for turf gossip. But there were no sympathizers for either the bookmaker or the jockeys he is said to have used as tools. It is the general belief here that Davis was "caught with the goods," as it were, Indicated o by the change hemade in his quotations after the change in riders had been announced and the state of his betting sheet on which he kept his records. That Lynch, who is reported to have been his accomplice in such matters, is a dangerous person within a thousand miles of a race track is acknowledged, as te apparently tampers with the sport whether he be allowed the track privileges or not. Club Offers The fact that Lynch's name has been New York to rise scheme into the gives brought the belief that some one in the ring has That Amount for Wagunexposed the workings of the plot, less the smart trailing of the Pinker-ton- s hag furnished such evidence. It is and Leach. more likely, however, that some one of the boys has turned State's evidence or the ruling could hardly have been as Wagner and Thomas Leach are It looks like 'a theIlonus wholesome as it was. two of the Pittsburg club for sweep out of all- concerned. Davis whom players McGraw of the Now York Manager claims Lynch. was not connected with club, has offered SlO.OX). This offer is the him in any way. Not since the "Little Pete" scandal biggest ever made for two ball players. has there been the like in turf circles. the nearest approach to it being several This one was possibly conducted upon years ago when the Boston club purcthe same or almost similar lines. In hased-the famous battery, John Clark- that case there was no observable col son and "Mike" That Kelly for lusion between the riders and the trade caused a big sensation at the time plunger. It was all done systematicalV. and thereafter Kelly was called the "ten ly, according to the tips sent out by Sink. The agreement- between the rid- thousand dollar beauty." ers and "Pete" was that whichever McGraw has little chance of seeming horses were tipped by Sink to win cerand Leach, as it would mean the Wagner tain races, either first, third or fifth, or virtual breaking of the championship any others designated, should be assist- team. The offer up cf H'K"" appears to ed to win by the jockeys in the scheme; Ftlll the New York cl'.ib would if it could conconsequently, no further instructions make a good investment were necessary, the riders knowing just clude the deal. In two week the players pay for themselves and their value what to do every day, and "Pete" play- woulil to the club throughout the season would the money accordingly. ing be monumental. For many weeks Sink got the reputai. the short ft op of the Pirate. tion of being the greatest tipster in the TieWagner is given credit as beine the champion batter of the National leasue the past world, and the demand for his informaand is considered th best all tion was exceedingly large, his subLeach la a player in tne country. scribers being almost assured of three abound baseman ai,ii Is second only winners every day, besides those that third "Jimmy" Collins w ould win some of the other r? 2s. The result of all this jobbery was the death of "D'ttle Pete," who was shot down in a barber shop while being CORNELL MAN WILL shaved in the section of San Francisco known as Chinatown. "Pete" was said COACH HARVARD CREW to have been one of the most intelligent Celestials in the country. No one ever doubted it. for any one who could Harvard has nt last lurnrd to Cornell cover up tracks after fraud in such a dextrous manner is surely entitled to for help in developing a crw that will the credit of some intelligence. stand a chance of beating the hardy oarsDavis, the star performer in the more men of Yale. recent ca?e of jobbery, is a member of the Cambridge Capt. Dillingham o the Metropolitan Turf association in crow, roct'iitly announced that F. this city, and last season did business 'Varsity on the Eastern turf for soma months. D. CoLson of the Ithaca college, had been He was always a congenial sort of man. asked to aid the Harvard men In turning r man with a winning itrht. No land obliging. It is claimed thrt he was out fX(( ption nf Cl'.arl.s Courtney one of the few bookmakers who could th pintlecould jTobab'y bo found to d boast ol retiring from the scene a win- himself, Cornell's racing methods in the Cambridge ner on the Eastern races. oarsmen. While at thf Ithaca collepe Col.nn Being ruled on the turf in San Francisco means that the ruling extends served, three jcars iis coxswain of the all over the world, as there is a recipro 'Varsity crew.crewIti his s nior y.tr hf from the coxswain's captained the cal feeling existing between every jock- seat. ey club. No help can come from the four he has roachrd "Mets" any more than was extended to thfFor Hia last n trews of Cornell. Hi? has c'.ns-lMark Reardon when he was ruled off associ.itr d with for his alleged complicity in the pulling always Co'iirtney wl:i! at Cornell, and the Litter of Wax Taper at Sheepshead Bay. In regards him as a man who thoroughly understands the Cirir-.e-methods In Reardon's case it was another illustration of a deceitful friend. He was ex- rowing. posed by one of the party turning Giim's Flying Visit. State's videru-pIt is the general opinion here that Davis will not be allowed Jack Grim. S.ilt lake''s the privileges of any track until the manager, was in th" i t y ;i thort time California Jockey club has lifted the yesterday, on his way east. ban, or he has proven his innocence. $40,000 If you want a trsauln X X bargain In real estate. It's a HmU matter tlb Tho Talrrra OaJSlfi4 Coi- touch ie If, i I i 'i ," ;'' ; : X s. 1 1.T. r t, tear-pl- f h a mIt.i Pi s ac r. n?. rrn ii CASH RrOISTFES. nptw on iNr.ifANn rA?M TnApr and 14th Srt jth. OSTEOPATHY. EOAPJ) AND ROOMS. liOA III) AND IlOOM, at ii V. lai North. JX-O- J PBH MO ItfTr.a alkro tlT9. 'ITion.a- tvirr fr.r. Liaalnttioci frra.UV; riWDc, xv -- n nAviF.n. iv lli. . - ei .r i-- ?.'! kaitf Ms.iiio,!! rvi! fa. 7J0ARDER3. nvr.n t ATi:iw.,oAltjij;j. tu-u- ;. JT5 ;Ti AvD U. trJ PM. |