Show Resident Can Recall Years of Events By Melba M M. Ferguson on Sometimes when I think of the thelong thelong thelong long and satisfying life Ive I've lived H I have to let off steam Mrs 1 Mary Susannah Sleater sighed Saturday as she recalled many in incidents in- in happy happ happy and in sad sad in her years of full living And she did a good deal of letting letting letting let ting off steam reminiscing about her early school days when she attended school with Brigham Youngs Young's children the times when her best beau came sparking and they spent the evening dipping dipping dipping dip dip- ping and making tallow candles her marriage in a dress I fixed to look like new with a few yards of store ribbon her career as a dancer and singer in the chorus in the old Salt Lake theater Mrs Sleater whose memory is sharp razor-sharp who still sUll retains the ability to laugh at herself and who can still read without the aid of spectacles will Ill celebrate her b birthday i r t h d day a y anniversary on Feb 11 Open House Slated She will be honored at an open house on that date from 4 to 8 pm at her home E. E 2nd South Mrs Sleater was born Feb 11 1849 in Uti Utica a N. N Y a a. daughter of Thomas and Elizabeth Stowe Higgs and came to Utah by ox team when she was eight years ears old Sho She recalled they arrived in December December December De De- De- De cember in weather just like it has been this year ear and were marooned in Emigration canyon where herc rations got bot so low Jow we e were vere existing on one tea biscuit a day I 11 re remember ember coming down Big mountain she said be because ause it was as so slick the oxen had to sit right down and slide elide down And AndI I remember coming up the other side because the wa wagon on tipped over and we children had to sit on a quilt in In the snow while they turned it right side up again Recalls Leader Lender She recalled Brigham Young who was a close family friend as asa asa asa a nice looking man and pleasant pleasant pleasant pleas pleas- ant to talk to Married sometime In 1860 to Robert Sleater Mrs Sleater was the mother of ot 11 children five of whom are arc still living They are Thomas B. B and Albert R. R Sleater Salt Lake City Mrs Mary Lewiston Lewiton Ida Mrs Roberta Venice Cal I and Mrs Elizabeth Robinson Salt Salt Lake Lae City She also has two girls raised as daughters from the time their mother died Mrs Nellie Caffall Caffall Caf- Caf fall Salt Lake City and Mrs Louise Louize Yar J Los Angeles Cal She has 26 grandchildren 50 V V V i 4 4 great grandchildren and seven se gre great a t- t grea t- t gra A brother W. W J. J Higgs 89 o of Mayfield and a half-brother half Alfred Alfred Al Al- fred Jedediah Higgs Salt Lake City are also living she said Her grandfather Thomas Higgs lived to be she recalled Theres where I get it from she laughed And Im I'm the only one in the family Still sentimental she keeps the picture of her husband taken a at 21 while he lie was a lieutenant Inthe in inthe inthe the northern armies during the Civil war The picture is on her dresser where I can see it Mr Sleater died in 1914 |