Show Fights Polio Battle Linda Still Has Hopes Despite Handicaps I B By Joseph R. R L. L Sterne Stop Youre You're going to eat me all up Kathleen gi giggled as her little sister Linda pretended to bite her The children burst into peals o of laughter Nice scene isn't it But if you looked a little lower you'd see heavy leavy iron braces holding holding holding hold hold- ing ing- Lindas Linda's legs rigid from the soles of her shoes to her hips The little girls girl's grin ignored them An attractive mother watched her daughters and smiled with them There was a feeling of fighting optimism in that family its it's not easy to forget May Never Walk alk The doctors tell me Linda may never walk again without the help of braces said Mrs J. J E. E Ockey 1950 East But we wont won't believe it She's made such wonderful wonderful won won- progress even since she left the polio wards Linda got sick last July but m my husband husband-a a tire salesman salesman- and I never suspected infantile pa pa- She had a cold ran a slight fever feer and was very very cross Weren't Verent you dear she said glancing at her golden- golden haired old year daughter 4 5 When her legs started to stiffen the doctor quickly diagnosed diagnosed diagnosed nosed the case and we took her herto herto herto to the hospital She was there for days and I could see her only once a week week for for only an hour On Christmas we were allowed four tour hours and what a box of presents we took her Wonderful Care I cant can't tell you how terrible a athIng athing athing thing it was for me ne and my hus hug band There arent aren't words to describe describe describe de de- de- de scribe the agony in my heart But when I saw the wonderful care she was getting and how pleasant the nurses made life for her I felt better Hot packs and hot baths were her daily routine Her legs stomach stomach ach muscles neck and arms arns were stricken but only her legs were badly affected We Ve are going to have a walker made for her herand and do everything possible to get those leg leg- muscles working again The March of Dimes is responsible for or the fine tine care she had and we will never be able to show how grateful we arc are Especially to those wonderful national foundation workers at the hospital |