Show For Envoys Sunday Fefes Set y Soon to be serving their church as 83 missionaries a number number number num num- ber of members of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Latter Saints will be honored at missionary missionary missionary mis mis- farewells Sunday prior to their departure to missionary fields Leaving a position as office manager at Moore Butcher Supply will wm be belIss Miss lIss Glad Gladys s 's 4 Moore daughter daughS daugh daugh- S ter of Mrs L Luella u e ell 1 1 a A. A S M Moo Moore o o r e 2011 2 Sheridan rd 4 S f when she goes S to the British mission field S She will be S honored at 5 S pm p.m. in Monument Monument ment ent Park war ward d chapel East and T Miss Moore Herbert a a v e. e 1045 South St. St Miss Moore is a graduate of East high school and the University University Uni Uni- of Utah having completed com corn studies for a degree in I education To serve in the land of dykes an and i windmills Richard Shaw son of Mr and Mrs B B. B E. E Shaw 37 H st. st will be honor honored d dat at 7 pm p.m. In South Twentieth ward chapel 2nd ave and G st. st Mr Shaw served in the navy three and one-half one years He isa isa is isa a Vest West high school graduate Orville B. B Petersen son o 0 of f Mr and Mrs P. P Melvin Petersen Peter- Peter sen sea 48 W. W North Temple has been called to the Canadian mission and will be honored at 5 pm p.m. in Seventeenth ward chapel W. W 1st North A graduate of Vest West high school he completed a business major at the University of Utah t J G I II JJ I r J Mr l Shaw y l Ih Petersen t. t S |