Show I. I Loss to Utah and to Our Medical School Dr John A. A Anderson professor in the University of Utah medical school and head of the department of pediatrics both at the school and at the Salt Lake General hospital has bas accepted a similar post at the Stanford university medical school He will leave his position here her as M of September r 1 This Is a distinct loss to the state of Utah as aa well as to the university medical U J school Dr Anderson in the more than five years he has been connected with the institution has won a high place Inthe in inthe inthe the esteem of the people of this state along with th national recognition for his work in the field of pediatrics generally with particular emphasis on his work Inthe in inthe inthe the treatment of poliomyelitis We are sorry to see Dr Anderson leave but we recognize that this is a major step him in his chosen field and we can only congratulate him and wish him well weIl in hi his new position tIon Incidentally the fact tact that Stanford university would come to the University of Utah medical school for one of or its key medical school professors is Indicative of ot the fine work which has been done In bull building dIng an able staff at the Utah institution institution tion in the few years since a full fledged medical school was established here It ItIs Itis Itis is of course regrettable that we cannot always hold able personnel but it is commendable that we wo do apparently know the secret of selecting and developing develop develop- ing men who are outstanding in their fields |