Show I i MOUNTAIN INTERMOUNTAIN WEATHER DATA i For Forecast nat fur for Salt Snit Lake City andI and I 1 Vicinity VIcinity Partly Partly cloudy with snow flurries over the mountains Saturday Saturday Satur- Satur I da day afternoon becoming clear to toi i partly cloudy Saturday night and i 3 Sunda Sunday Colder Saturday night Utah utah Partly Partly cloud cloudy to cloudy I Saturday afternoon and night A few snow flurries In north portion Saturday afternoon S Snow n now o w and drifting snow In south portion Saturday Saturday Sat Sat- afternoon Snow flurries Saturday night Clear to p partly cloudy Sunday Colder In It Inest est est portion Saturday night Low temp temperatures tem tern p Sunday morning 5 above to 10 below and near 18 In Dixie Wyoming Occasional sn snow w In north and west portions spreading to southeast portion Saturday and continuing east of the continental divide Clearing In southwest portion portion portion por por- tion Saturday night Partly cloudy Sunday with occasional snow flurries flurries flur nur- ries rica In mountains Strong southwesterly southwesterly south south- westerly wInds In southeast portion portion portion por por- por- por tion turning to northwesterly andi and i decreasing S Sat Saturday a t u r d day a y afternoon I Colder In north and west portions I Saturday and southwest portion Saturday night and southeast portIon por per I tion Sunda Sunday Nevada North evada-North North and central porI portions por por- I Occasional snow Saturday i clearing Saturday afternoon In j northwest portion and elsewhere late Saturday night Fair o on Sun Sun- day Followed by snow Sunday night Colder Saturday night I South portion Partly cloudy with witha a few showers Saturday and Saturday Saturday Saturday Sat Sat- night clearing Sunday Little Lit Lit- tie tle change In temperature Idaho Southwestern Idaho Southwestern p portion o 0 r t I Ion o n partly artly cloudy with scattered light snow showers Saturday Clearing and colder Saturday y night In Increasing increasing In- In creasing cloudiness Sunday Southeastern Southeastern South- South 1 eastern portion Snow showers 1 Saturday Partly cloudy and colder cold cold- er Saturday night and Sunday I Summary Summary-A A storm moving from tram I the northwest entered southwestern southwest southwest- I ern em Idaho Friday forenoon and I moved r I rapidly a p I 1 d I Y southeastward reaching Salt Lake City about I 2 am a.m. Saturday morning By am a.m. Saturday morning It had reached central Utah Amounts of or j precipitation ranged from 05 to 15 of or an Inch except at nt Burley where 39 of or an Inch was reported for the six hour period Southerly I winds as high as 60 GO mph were reported reported re re- ported In west vest central Utah DriftIng Drift Drift- Ing snow was reported over most I of the state Minimum temperatures temperatures tempera- tempera temperatures tures In western Utah and Nevada were 14 to 19 degrees above zero but were below zero In eastern Utah except In extreme southeast portion Most stations In southern i t Idaho reported a low near 10 above I Alto Alta Weather Road Weather Road Is closed I Possibility that It would open about noon Snowing Saturday morning Decreasing snow and wind Brighton rl We Weather V o a t the h e r Road Is r closed to open some time Saturday Satur- Satur day Snow dC depth th Is II 88 82 Inches with 6 Inches of or new snow Temperature Tempera Tempera- ture at am a.m. Saturday 2 de- de greel grecs line Lift runs new powder over r ski packed Skiing excellent I Other runs new w powder over ski sid I packed Skiing excellent Some Somei i avalanche hazard Lifts Litts are 7 f opI op op- Crating Precipitation Data For Data For the 24 2 I hour period to midnight trace I. I r 4 total since Oct 1 2 normal excess Sun will set Saturday at 50 and will rise Sunday at Moon will set Sunday at am a.m. and will rise at 1128 1123 am a.m. Following Follo are the high and low tern tern- P s and precipitation amounts amount recorded re recorded reo re- cord corded d during the hour 24 period ending Saturday at 30 am a.m. as M reported by wide nation weather HIb HUh Low Pre Pee Albuquerque 41 22 Atlanta 54 39 Bl Bismarck marck 3 21 Bole Bolle S 8 08 OS Butte 23 3 5 01 Cheyenne 25 4 Chicago 30 1 er 33 7 Detroit 22 Tr Las Lai Vegas 42 30 Logan 28 8 21 Lot Los Angeles 55 45 01 Miami 81 63 New York Tork 4 42 38 Ogden e 2 27 18 03 Pocatello 19 19 11 14 Portland 37 37 30 01 Provo Pro 3 34 18 38 Tr TI Reno 38 23 Tr TT Rock Rork 45 18 Salt gait alt Lake Airport 28 19 12 Son San Francisco 51 43 60 Washington ton D D. C C. C 50 so 38 02 West Yellowstone 15 4 32 |