Show TAKE MY WORD FOR IT By Frank Colby Phoenix Morgan Beatty on ona ona ona a recent newscast pronounced the constellation name Orion as ORyan Since when has this Orion been Irish Ive I've always called it OR ee OR ee Mrs Irs J. J P. P Answer Sorry Mrs J. J P. P but Beattys Beatty's pronunciation is correct RY oh In Greek mythology Orion Onon was a gigantic hunter After being slain by Artemis Orion was transformed into the giant Little Rock What's this D Colby You recently spoke of ofa ofa ofa a good many broadcasters Is that the opposite of ot a bad many many many-F. F. F F. F Answer S Sorry o 0 r r y a good many is idiomatic and arid very good English See many page 1499 Websters Webster's New International International International Inter Inter- national Many a large or considerable number as a good many came Aside to Gabriel Heatter Soon Is 18 not OON see blue is not OO blee too is not tee 00 OO See any dictionary Omaha Recently Omaha Recently in discussing discussing discus discus- sing the pronunciation of the word pamphlet you ou stated of course ph always has the sound Bound of ot f I Colby youre you're wrong How about the ph phin in shepherd and Scottie Answer There is js no digraph ph in shepherd and The words are aro syllabified shepherd shepherd shepherd shep herd and whip In English English Eng Eng- lish the digraph ph is pronounced pronounced pro pro- as f I as in pam parn to pho-to-graph sylph etc A di digraph digraph dl- dl graph is two letters that have havea a single sound as the gh of ot rough the th of ot youth the ei el of ot freight the rig ng of ot sing |