Show THE SPEED HABIT I 1 the most unfortunate thing about the increased speed at which most automobiles are run in these times in utah is not the speeds that are developed out in the open country many drivers operating at 50 and 60 miles achour an hour on some open road are in less danger of making trouble for themselves and others than they are when they run through cities and towns at much slower rates the trouble is that the speeds in cities and towns that once seemed too fast to such drivers do not seem so any longer A driver who formerly ran his car at 25 miles an hour would probably cut it down to 15 in passing through towns but if he acquires the habit of running his car at 50 miles in the open country 15 miles an hour in a town seems to him like a snails pace he is much more likely to run at 25 or 30 through a thickly populated place and at that rate a hundred chances of accident may present themselves in a days run the great majority of accidents occur in cities and towns there are so many unexpected things that happen there children run out from behind parked cars and other concealed places cars emerge from driveways they come tearing out from some concealed intersection the habit of planting bushes and hedges at the corners of lots conceals the view at many street intersections at many intersections the buildings are so close to the street line on one or both sides that it is impossible to see a car on the cross street until one is close to the crossing crossin with all these chances threatening the motorist at every block in thickly settled cities and towns his idea of how bow to operate cars in such centers needs to be modified in the majority of cases unless conditions are very open in a city or town street so that walks and driveways and lawns can be seen a good distance ahead 15 to 20 miles an hour is fast enough and faster rates take chances |