Show BLANDING NEWS NOTES NOTE S pioneer day celebrated with parade and sports arts for both old and youn g Bl andings pioneer day celebration which began with the junior an adult dances the evening of 0 the was as held acco according iding to schedule anti and the enjoyment ot of young oung anil and old un till the fateful accident which result ed cd in the untimely death of 0 anali redd a in one ot of the races the friday program was Iou sly started stalled with a parade how the children were dressed up tip and what floats of course there were pioneers sea gulls crickets and miss then the ie presentation ot of nations spain japan mexico calr I 1 land etc there were gypsies in deans and pirates and some very ery I 1 good floats ot of uie the grayson GIB son Coo cooperate Cooper in 11 I 1 and grayson garage blanding bland ing in I 1 1905 the edwin bridge and avei i eo 60 luany any more the judges james r F cartel hattle hattie R barton and atton afton stoven had bad a diff difficult time in da 18 aiding who should be awarded prizes the winners were chosen from three classes the best pioneer the best nationality represent alon and the most artistic float entity emily rowna rowena and john hurst huist received first prize they had a real J liand hand cart had and their costumes were almost perfect pel feet second prize was waa awarded to rogerson who was dressed da as a navajo garl dragging the ramp camp equipment Jast fastened ened bettein two poles tile the desert shall blos isom som as a nose portrayed ayed by jessie rind and colleen redd won third place their doll buggies ware decorated I 1 ind the girls wore crepe paper dress es to match the parade was led by milton rogers and beverly bevel ly perkins as aa uncle sam and miss utah tho parade was followed by a pro gram in keeping with the day opening song by assemble dge high on the mountain top invocation pros pres wayne H redd orchestra selection director R W mccallister McCal llster recitations horn from miss bliss utah anti and uncle sam utah trail was sung b f denton carrot carrol and norwood porter address on our oui utah pioneers Pione eis by A R lyman than then from the back of the hall came six weary pioneers pushing handcarts hand liand carts they were singing come come ye saints the pioneers one none other than gene young marva jones vella washburn Wish burn georg anne hurst huist rene and ellen lyman after one more orchestra chestia oi select loi the he meeting was dismissed bishop bishop 11 D bayles pronounced the benediction lunches were served after tile the pro gram and at one the ch bens en dance began at two they had cheli races and other sports spoils these were really the very best fe e hnyp one of the special events was climbing the ho grease fedea iolj many diny bieg tried tiled it but none were ere able to accomplish the I 1 jete fete alone at last melvin hurst i and eddie addle Elchan berger joined farces f aps cps and eddle reached the top mounted on ion tile the shoulders of melvln melvin mhd prize was split fifty fifty each boy a halt half dollar tho DIP r ices and games for foi the growl grow ups deiy almost o doiy ery one joining in elliot redd was riding the winner of the pony exir race IACO rulon roget rogeis s jouit 10 out ahead in the relay lelay feie a aid I 1 rae perkins won the saddle horse hoise race lace the potatoe race was one of the most exciting eci ting events of the day wesley bayles came out victorious with fill george lyman running a close second then came the chicken pull tor for which there were many entries it was wag this race that brought to a si swift aft anil and tragic close the festivities ot of the day miss bliss ronia roma barton Is tier her grandmother giand mother mrs airs ellza eliza redd hedd lc I 1 rs salt lake city while lier liei sister ister miss donna is enjoying a two weeks vaca aca tion alon with h her er pants nir mr and mis frank barton miss bliss donna was accompanied compa compan nied led by tier her brother harold who has been in provo guntor johnson has gone to indian creek to work mr air and mis airs johnson are aie visiting fi lends relie leho ashton harris returned satin from a short visit at salt laek city mr and mrs P F J adams were among those who visited salt lake tor for the pioneer day celebration darrel young who has been at indian creek for several we weeks e k a wa was 9 biome iome for a brief visit and attended the file pioneer day celebration at monti cello july being the birthday of mrs myrtle ayi tie palmer and tier her daughter viola the palmer families assembled at pine dale ranch lanch to celebrate there were fifty three merry makers present two big bon fires lighted the scene of the party games were played and every one joined in sing ing A bon fire supper bean beam potatoe salad bread and butter fried chicken pickles ice fee cream and cake was served the fun continued far into the nl night ait mr air and mis airs harrold hanold butt are tile the parents of a baby girl born july at cortez colorado I 1 demar and heed daylee have finished their work at la sal and are home for or a while the sunday evening joint program for august will be vey interesting thosa 1 who II 11 ito thought the july program a little e too long will ind find this on one a a deligh delightful taul contrast the kirchener Kar chener fa families nilles held an outing one day last week as aa there are so BO many of 0 them together they IONA eo eci bluff tora fola amini after which t they hey plen iced it at tile the well plans for a lilg and botter better wt at ing lor for mothers and daughters day are am under way all the mothers of the blanding ward should keep thil athla in mind john i D rogers and wallace duru hani ham are hauling wheat from monti cello miss lela rainier palmer left recently for or los angeles where she will visit ile her slater sister mrs ardell johnson A party of young people spent last las pek end at the bridges it Is hoped that the weather was not so hot out there as it was here ROSS fillerup evan carrol carrel frost black ila jones und anna bre finholdt with mrs airs livva fillet fillerup up as chaperone after the danco friday night another ot tier sleepless party was held at the home of 0 lucy harris miss jerry young entertained at a slumber party july at al tier her homo home refreshments were served miss helen rogers was hostess at al a delightful pajama party and supper tuesday evening camping is very popular this season mr air and mrs parley redd took their children to a camp tire fire party one evening last week at the west water arld e mr kedd dc ill hia ability a a cook and a good t time into was had by all mr and mrs jolin john D rogers mr and mrs airs marvin lyman and families e enjoyed joyed a camp fire supper monday july j u ly at west water spring |