Show UNIQUE THINGS MONEY CAN BUY an advertisement app appeared erred in a newspaper off ott ering cring for or a shapely finger of a healthy woman for grafting purposes lie owner of the finger was not to be more than forty he five years bears of arze ace would you lou sell a linger finger for 1100 1007 that some borne people at any rate are quite willing to do so BO s proved by the fact that within the next net few days the advertiser had no f fewer e than 27 replies it appears that in amerl there Is a regular tariff for tills this sort of thing A thousand dollars was recently offered tor for an ear to be galen batted on to the son of n wealthy ma man n while human skin for grafting fetches on an average 10 per square quare inch in old days the bodies of royal princes were supposed to be too sacred to be touched ba b a cane j each prince had a whipping boy who was paid quite a good wage tl t act as proxy and take t the lie beatings which the princes princa III condet had merited this sort of thing still persists fists in tunis where ne ir one rl A h enough to afford a substitute world dream of going to prison it if proxy imprisonment were ble in england one wonders what the price would be for doing six mon months hs hardi hard there Is n P tory ory that the groat great sir francis drake in a pt of rare rage on 3 cut off the head of a cabin buy boy and that the mother of the boy sot set a curse upon the drake family saying saving N no 0 o male child will be born in the drake family until a member of the family lives in tile the dungeons d of the home of the drakes for seven cven f years or a stranger for 14 years the present head of the family mr edward drake has four daughters but no sons and 1 t la Is a fact that the squire recently recent lj receiver a letter from a stranger offering to d time in these dungeons for 14 years the price demanded has not been made public belgrade has a newspaper the list the editors of which had so BO often been imprisoned for political offenses Tenses ol that at last the owner issued the following artise ment whoever wishes a snug berth in this cold weather oather can call at cur ur office f for r the post of 0 responsible edi I 1 tor at 12 a day chy we will see that he be Is ta supplied with alth rood good food during his stay in the state prison next morning a brov crova I 1 of nearly BO men was nas waiting malting outside the office all eager to be imprisoned tit at fa V a day you might hardly imagine that any woman would agree to call herself ugly yet listen A firm of florists in st louis mo afo could not keep a pretty girl its as cashier because bac in turn got married after losing seven girls in two to years the firm in desperation advertised for an ugly calle cn caf lle 11 the salary offered was 30 0 0 a week within three days they had no fewer than applicants for the post one more proof of how money talks london mall mail |