Show PIONEER celebration MS LARGE CROWDS TWO D SPORTS AND RAGES RACES s y races and broncho busting features were best ever staged at the local fair grounds according to those who should know the san juan county american legion post are to be congratulated chagi atu on the success which met their e en deavors in staging this years plo pic ner celebration considering till the industrial situation it was one on e 0 of jhb best attended attilis of the kind that has been staged in eastern utah and ana the he program pi of wild ft lid west stunts and racing was carried can led out fully up to tile the expectations of 0 those who came here heie for foi the event the weather was wap ideal although a little warm t to c those inured to our high and rai idled atmosphere those who came from other places were profuse in their of our oui climate then the program of sports was s ol of the t h e hillet I 1 order the aggregation 0 of bucking horses that had been round lound ed up proved to be as vicious a bunch of f outlaw equities ns hid had ever been s seen een cit at out oui rodeos tile rhe outstanding feature of tile the races was vis the showing made by local bred bled colts that were entered compared with the outside horses that came in to compete for the splendid purses offered feied of they gave an account fic coun of themselves which will spread their leput xe atlon to the four winds and it can be depended upon abai that when other horses come here heie from tile the outside in the future they will be the cream of racing stock following Is a the program of sports arts os as carried out kid pony tace race there were oni two we en teries in this race as tile the volt ou of the race lace was that only own ert should ride it was won by niel christenson on tits his day bay doi boy cayll 13 birton running him blin a close second cowboy relay race in this there lh m were till ee strings of hofses entered leon adams with ills his tran jiing of flatin ei shirt colts taking first money with clarence rogers rogeis string from aiom blandini A gull bull riding exhibition was staged by claud thompson which was vas a fine lenion of riding and furnished I 1 i fine ll diversion emlon two yeat cearold old hall half mile race in tills this race there were vere only three etta ett A alt alf youngs bay colt taking with guy colt coll second elmer baileys colt ran lan wide on the turn euins else it would have push ed the others close and ma may v havu chan changed ed the results ol of the race the broncho busting exhibition was pulled oft off between laces it proven to be one of tile the most exciting ehl billins of the kind that thai it has as evet ever been seen een here or anywhere any heie else the 1101 noises ses with scarce sc uce an all exception were unusually vicious and of the seven seen riders that entered tile the contest kiil 0 vo o stayed will heir horse D black was vas dismou dismounted disinclined dis inclined ned in six s jumps landing on its his face and stomach and receiving an ugly rash gash on the chin his wind was vaa completely knocked out of henby lilai by the till fall t ill blondy allen alien may bo be called the unlucky one of the tide he drawing a horse that only ran leaving him out of the count lor the money andy D delancy of colorado only stayed alth with tits his mount three jumps bud evans stayed with hla his horse for the regulation ten jumps but before lie he could be taken front from tits lila mount by the scampers swampers sam swam pers ills his horse hoisa ran lan thio uh h a wire fence at ahr south end of the track and threw him u sitf f young stayed with hi its horse loi for eight jumps being shaken un ui to hard to stay tile limit Adello Adel idao aci gon con 7 bales iles only stayed one jump ills big saddle addle glit girt breaking and giving him a leasty nast spill bud byrne of cedar point rode lode ills his horse hoise in a rine line exhibition the four foul best riders were bip selected for foi the second days daa roman nornan race nice tills this rare inre only ent aisted of two entries and was ft as one ot of the poorest exhibition of the v liole program dwight oliver won von tint tho continued on rae page 4 PIONEER amm LARGE 2160 continued from pase page 1 race his 0 opponent ray Simp soll dropping to ills his horses back on oil tha batic a and riding astride until di bost around the lh ahn ali n eddit banding on dahis his team one half mile free borall this race was the event of the day da yf th e being six horses lio entered enle red 1 it was one of the prettiest and most hotly al y contested races ot of the enter meet but unfortunately it was vas started b by y he horse of dwigh t oliver bursting the tape before it was si snap aap iap neil ned by the strater giving the perkins pel kins horse ridden by marlon marion hunt quite til of the other four fou A marion farion hunt came out first in the lie race with leon adams on its his three year old lindy a close second the judges declared declai ed it not a race and rave gave I 1 the be riders forty five minutes in which I 1 to 0 run it over oer the decision caused quite a bit of feeling by those inter eted in the horses but seemed to b hae ave met the approval of a big majority of the crowd when the race was run over only four borsis boises entered allper came in first with john hedda wagon tongue second leon leon adams lindy flew fiew the track on oa tile the back turn and did not finish finlin the calf roping proved to be verav very I 1 ita tame n I 1 c while there was some excell excel lent e ailt roping loping the ropers seemed to be I 1 I 1 hoodoo ed when it came to tying their culves the contest ended with tony irony wats winning wit ft ath h a time of 34 seconds with ray young second his time being 53 seconds the lays days festivities were closed with a big lance dance in the auditorium at night g the spacious hall being morl more I 1 than filled with the lovers of the dance SECOND DAYS PROGRAM the second lays days sports spoils began at the fall fair grounds with a half mile dutile muli race between kenneth and Wall Wallac act nj dailey bailey in which kens mule came in first one fourth mile free for all there were five entries in this race it being a beautiful demonstration of equine speed tony ridden lidden by M mabion rion hunt came in first wit will claud youngs squatty a close second the others being pretty well bun bundled clied yard root foot nice bace there were wei three entries in this race lace black og ol 01 blinding copping first money with butler of cortez colo a alc close e sc seq ond three r eights mile pony race were eis only two lo 10 entile in tills till dacej ince it being neck and neck cleal clea around the course couise with bruce frosta Fro str I 1 pony necking out on tile the Wasil lurl pony 1 i il A diver diversion sidn was here heie cl eaten when a race was flage Ft l lie distance il behia yaras and turn lun a stake non ken nalle bailey was aalbu irinne jn in this braoo then chick hawks haw Us shou shouted t ed t to lynn hyde who was acting as one ol 01 J tho the judges that lie ho could thio hini him donn don for fi the fie e dollars dol lais dyni took off his hat and placed it under tho the megaphone mag aphone phone and cl imbed climbed out or of the he judges stand the two I 1 loff off ti to pad each other and after a lell littly iti 1 0 and horpe hoie play tangled tang 1 ir p i true wrestlers wiest wrest leis lers fasi ion soon cc ed t to 0 have t the ie better of the muscular argurn ent lor for a minute or so but lie iio did not lint count on lyans science lynn working around and geating a lead head I 1 lock on hawks and rolling lolling bilm in ovel 1 and pinning him before lie he realized leali zed what was vas going on it created no end of merriment I 1 rree nee roi for all ail mile race ther theitis were four entries in this race it a great exhibition of equine endurance dui ance and furnished fuini shed no end oi lot satisfaction to local spoils men henry roses hoses dickey winning the event by a good margin with lloyd gallo ways horse second the tha borsa dickey altho being classed as a fast bior boise had never before won non a race lace on the he local track though having been entered several times beffie he always getting olf to a poor stare staid or being left at the post hunt rode loda the winner which accounts for tile the good performance j I 1 rree for all relay nelay rare race 1 chere I hero W a as 1 much ii interest Inte iest in this event there be beisig 1 ng Illo only cily to entered the dwight olivet oliver colorado Coloia do string of pro fes ional stay lelay i horses and three loc local al flannel shirt colts handled by leon adams tile the race lace was a walk valk away any for adams he bringing his string through by beating oliver to tile the change at each half and his horses just naturally out running lunning the olivet stiling g horse for horse there were four entries in the he cau roping tommy watts taking first money and al M stevens second the broncho busting was one real exhibition in n contrast conti ast to tile the day before vernon young first came cable out on hell to sit anti anil making a grand 1 ilde ide next came dave guyman on skyrocket with a little better fv of buckaroo oo horsemanship lie he was followed follow ed by bud byrne on du buckaroo 0 baroo Sno iter giving such an eahl exhibition that he copped faist money anit without ko u t a question lie he being follow follower eq by B dud u d evans on weeping willie the ane horse malting making hini him do the seeping keepin in n five jumps Fol following loNIng this dud bud byrne topped weeping willie riding bareback with feitli only cir cingle around ilia his belly anti giving it a beautiful exhibition not to be outdone out done andy delaney topped oft ell a vicious outlaw riding slick by only holding to the outlaw mane it was a grand pi and exhibition of nt horsemanship next came a pothine i rac aci with alth pig fit en entries tries which wa va won by lou loii luller wl filfli h hav young second one of the most exciting events of r tile tho day da was the purse pull pi 11 it was wah bv four uto ute Indi lindlang lins arid adl four white men A purse containing contal five sliver silver dollars was buried in the ground in front of th grand stand stana and tho the contestants were to lide post past on and pull it out of 0 tile tho ground then the lucky man must t 1 carry it aroun around d the race track A k to carff the le judges stand before it became ills his it IE another could take it away 4 1 froin iii min him and bring it to the ne could desp k beep 4 the one of thu indians Int lians pulled it up and the race was on pretty soon eoon a white roan man had it atil then another indian at J vas several everal tf nl minutes before the suiying sui ging m mass ass of horses andeen ind men got around ahn he track first one olie getting the purse land therl lien another ano finally an indian go ga it and allen ln in atte attempt pim ing to pull the indian from his hia h horse 0 arse J and secure the first hini himself self dismounted a mass of horses hoofe passing over him though he got out luckily alth only a few bruises the indian got ot away in the and came through winner of the event An another lance jance at wound up the celebration celeb rallon all voting it one of the best that had ever evee been staged in eastern utah |