Show machines adin that are almost human by E C C TAYLOR the wireless eleis light TT T WILL not be many years scientists 1 predict before we will go home press a button a and nd a crystal globe having no wires inside aside or out will cast a pleasant light in our homes this alila wireless light Is I 1 now a tact fact and Is used in several robots that surprise us by their humanlike human like performances for mances the new wireless light like a crystal sphere when not lighted it has no filament inside it to burn up and ad break and has no metal inside or out it contains gases rendered highly luminous by a high frequency electric current in a beai nearby near by coll coil of wire in homes of the future mec mechanical hanica age these colls coils could be placed in the tha walls and no lighting apparatus or wires only the tha crystal lighting blokes would be exposed one of these wireless lights a huge one operated by radio recen recently t ly was mounted on a tower in schenectady N Y and it threw ot off sufficient light to read a newspaper two miles away these wonder lights cost little and give oft off almost no hent heat T the lie n new deiv magic lights ore are similar t to 0 the neon tubes used for tile the new type of outdoor advertising lights hut cast a soft glow instead of the glaring red or blue of the neon outdoor tubes the neon nenn tubes need wires but the mag magic c H light ht has no wires and the crystal globes could be curried carried from one place to another and set down where one wants it this magic wireless light utilizes the principle of the ordin ordinary nry electric doorbell where by pressing a button a current of electricity Is sent through ft a coll coil which repeatedly pulls a ham mer ta tant at rings the bell scientists discovered tant in the neighborhood of a rapidly changing chi ngIng magnetic genetic field electrons in a gns agns charged bulb started first one way and then another thus producing light the wireless light can be used only in proximity to changing magnetic polls for home lighting these colls would be placed in walls and they could be started agitating by pressing it a button just as the doorbell Is made to ring this principle of magnetic colls coils Is used to make a robot work in the united states government assay office in new city that robot literally picks gold out of the air A considerable quantity of gold formerly was lost in the fumes that passed off during the smelting smelling sm elting process la the 4 assay office now these fumes are forced to rise between two metal plates these plates are charged with a high voltage electric current the gold particles I 1 in n the fumes become electrified and settle on the nearby near by electrodes then they lire are shaken into a collecting chamber below hundreds of ounces ot of gold worth many thousands of dollars have been recovered in this way by the robot another magnetic robot now used by railroads detects broken rails and pre prevents vents accidents the robot Is housed on a small car resembling a handcar that la Is towed slowly over the rails As it passes along tile the rails it sends an electric current through the rails directly beneath the car when a break in a rail Is encountered the current Is interrupted a and nd the robot squirts a dail of paint on the spot where the break Is indicated tills this device detects flaws of so minute a nature that they could not be seen by the human eye countless railroad accidents have been averted by the use of the robot the magic light Is helping to perfect television that remarkable device that brings pictures of actual events along with sound over ever the radio scientists have progressed so far in this that six foot font screens have replaced the fourteen inch screens of a short time ago and many more persons now can see the radio talkies tallies and movies than formerly with a development of tile the new magic light it Is predicted that two way television will be speeded demonstrations al a I 1 ready have been made showing both parties to a telephone conversation and it will not be long say scientists before you can see the person you are talking to over the telephone you tou also will be seen though A 10 31 petern newspaper uvion colon |