Show TATAL STABBING mm OCCURS IN ii STORE AT DOVE BOVE GREEK CHEEK I 1 I 1 ODER HER CLOSING OF WELL ON RANCH C 30 of dove dene creek hiis ts stabbed t to 0 death late a week ago tuesday tuesday eve evening n ang in a tight fight in the dove creek store and A U G mcgee 50 of cortez Is being held by the dolores county officials as his slayer an inquest was conducted into the killing billing wednesday at dove creek by coroner dr geo of dolores doleres county who Is being aided by ass sent als district brict attorney Atto iney tiles thos G E Tl iggins of durango and assistant district attorney frederick henar of cortez the fatal stabbing according to given the record resulted from a disagreement over the closing 1 of a water well on mcgeen mcgees ranch I 1 roith th of dove creek which was be in af UPI d by and othe neighbors mcgee is said to have hae entered ent piert the dove creek store where several per bons eons were assembled some of whom used water horn from the mcgee well veil and dor dollard lard all vou ou follows fellows naia ft ill havu havi to leave my well alone I 1 have locked it up lip to ti this Is rittenhouse answered id ia like to see you stop us from getting W it 11 mcgee then declared that is my private property propel ty and you ou have no business tres trespassing passing on it and I 1 can stop s ter youl you mcgee Is then reported to have pu pulled ailed 11 his I 1 5 pocket knife from lit his trousers trouse is pocket and stabbed rutten house h ouse in ia the right side just below the nipple the blade entering the lung mcgee mcge e also cut the muscles tn in alt teva right arm rittenhouse turned and walked out oui onto t the he porch of the store mcgee Is report reported ed to have followed him say ing ng have you ou had enough or in do sou y 0 u want some more moiel rittenhouse did not answer but in a few moments fell over dead sheriff john gage and coroner dr G eorge of dolores county v arp called and a arter otheir arival was wag placed under arrest charged with the murder of ritten aliouse tint and the dead mans mais body haq removed to the ertel mortuary Moi luary in cortez coi rittenhouse at t t eliouse is survived by ills his bride of three months mcgee has a wife and two sons james postmaster at rico and miss Gyi Gy enne renne who works in the farmers drug diug store stoie to in cortez mrs mis mcgeo had and daughter were wera at pinkerton in the th rines erinea when the trouble occur eu james mcgee came to durango after mrs mis mcgee and miss aliss tuesday night the jury before whom the coroners coro neis inquest was conducted into tile the slaying ot of alfred rittenhouse at the jim posey tore store wednesday evening found that rittenhouse came to his death as the result of diee ahree wounds inflicted hy by a kill knife fe lit in the hands of A G II mcgee cGee mack posey assessor of dulores Dul 1 county and bi other brother or ol the owner of the posey tore stole was vas the only eye witness to i the lie annay afnay ire he testified at the inquest according to coronet coroner dr di george er of dolores county that si ind and mcger qu quine tri aled led in tho the stoic ov el ei mcgee hiving having criticized the mat mab ner nei in which Ritten houses father inlaw was vas cultivating a field rented from mcgee rittenhouse knocked mcgee down three times according to poseys testimony te s tini ony and mcgee then took a pocket knife from ills his trousers pocket opened it and stabbed rittenhouse three times rittenhouse walked out of the store onto the porch and a few mo ments later fell dead other witnesses outside ot of the store stoie testified that rittenhouse st stated a it was vas not his fault that lie he had ino io reason to quarrel quail el with mcgee E evl I 1 lence ance was ds also introduced to the elfert that mcgee followed rittenhouse to tile tho porch an and paid ald have you ou got enough or to do you want some more it was also brought out at tho the in cups that mcgee hid had had considerable trouble with rittenhouse and ills his jather inlaw i nl over a water vater well on mcgees mcgeee ranc ranch it first degree murder charges were against Ilc mcbee rlee lie he was relea le leasel wednesday night under bo bond n d to appear tor for trial at tile the next net term lof of district court in montezuma Monte zurna caun county |