Show EIE booy INI TEg TO basket P ac N IC at DEIL canton THIS EVENING mm BT chamber of commerce invites all to come and ana have a good time brin bring g the kiddies kiddie sian and d come y yourself is the invitation tile big basket clente of the san juan hian county chamber of 0 I 1 com commerce merce will 11 be held at devil devi canyon this saturday evening at 8 this promises to be one of tile the best pic bics alca that has ever been held in san puan county from the number of people who lave expressed themselves it would woula lippearl that about everybody in the bounty will be present the officers ikpe that this Is so as they want a a ilg big turnout the chamber has haa some warts plans and with the help of the people they cart can put them over and they wilk be for the benefit ot of all the people of tile the county there Is no reason why the chamber cannot do a lot of 0 good for the county and it only needs needa the help ot of the ahe public to do it i san juan county has many natural advantages that as yet have gone un developed and scenic wonders that should be made capital of 0 it needs a live chamber ut of commerce to in dr tills this and now Is the time that it should get busy and do something i i i |