Show COMPLAINT IS FILLED jj COOPERS THURSDAY A complaint was nas filed in justice V L millers Milic ts catt in last athars day morning charging charl ng first degree murder against jesse coop r 40 and ills his wife ife leah cooper 25 of enid oklahoma in conecpion with ft ath the death ot of coopers 10 year old son william who fell over a foot precipice on battle lerock le rock early saturday m rooming orning 3 J downey donw ey a attorney foi for r the lie defense bense e objected to the cintr introduction 0 of certain evidence which I 1 the he sought to place before the cc cobit u 1 t t I 1 ls morning and after consider considerably abl e arsu ment judge wilier ler took file he matter under advisement until friday icorn biorn ine in if judge miller derides decides at the pre pie hearing dilday riida thil that tile the evidence justifies tesse jesse cooper ind and leah cooper will be bound over td the next net terni tenn of district court for formal arraignment and trial on charges of first degree murder TOe grams received by mis irs cooper from her ter mother in enid okla revealed lee aled to the officials of monte zurna yuma county th that it cooper and tits his wife ind had made application for foi lire large sums pt pl insurance on the boys life and that they the obtained insurance in the iha amount of it was vas also learned by the officials iliac coopers income Is only per month which aich the officials contend 1 would not liae have permitted poi gilted milted him to support I 1 his family and to have copt up the premiums on the large sum of insurance applied for 1 tile the remains of the boy were paired ab aboard 0 ard the eastern in duranso durango thus thua d dav y morning to be taken to ills his mother mrs opal Do bostell zt at campbell neb interment will be made |