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Show FOB WOMEN AND HOME ITEMS Or INTEREST FOR MAIDS rND MATRONS. Cltrla' Away from Home Traits Character Observed In Those Who t...lhit In a l"s Hoarding Ollll.a A WAV PROM 1IOMR. " I lived for some time In a boarding house for girls exclusively, where a hundred made their homes, engaged In offices, stores, schools of music. and public schools and medical and dental collegea. As most of those girls speut their evenings In the house, frequent opportunities were afforded for obeerr-Ing obeerr-Ing tho effect produced by sympathetic songs, the talk of home, or perhaps the recital of an accident which occasionally occasion-ally bsfell some unfortunate little newsboy. Such Incident!., whlla trifling tri-fling In themselves, served to remove the outer shield snd sterner mien with which many true girls must of need envelop themselves while making their way In the world. 1 Those girls appreciated and sympathised sympa-thised with the little newsboy's efforts In getting his pennler together each day. They also loved the songs of home, the sentiment seeming to reach and afreet the hearts cf those who, through the force of circumstances, wero separated from home and Its surroundings. sur-roundings. An sgreement was entered Into by thn glrla lu that houas that, when on crowded cars, they would surrender sur-render to age, Irrespective of sex, seats they might be occupying, and when not very tired, or If they had .been sitting a greater part of the day at their work, thon the seat should be surrendered to laborers with tin palls going home after a long day of hard labor. llolplng tha t'rrhlua. One of the girls, who wss engaged In keeping books In a large wholesale bouse, and whose work kept her long hours, (from 7 In the morning until 6 at nlgbt), on coming borne In the evening eve-ning always brought the paper with her, bought ot the llttlo newsboys on the street. Asked why she did not have It delivered and pay for It by the week, a It would be cheaper than buying It on the street, she replied that she preferred pre-ferred paying as she did so the newsboy news-boy could get their little rake-off. . Of course. It was only a penny or two, but It was a good deal for tha boys when they worked hard for It, This girl, wben any of the other glrla were unfortunately out ot a situation, always tendered assistance, sometime paying their board for twd or three weeks until they could procure am- i i I nloyoant As her situation paid her ao salary, she was quite Independent, Independ-ent, and thla. by some not well ae-qWt.d ae-qWt.d with her, was misconstrued Sruanltesiatloh ef boldness and the ,aoJo uf wtmanl gentleness and rej-OsiiafLt.t-Exchange. , VfcLVkVr MOWN. Stnisji.d and corded with tha same. Half. fitted Eton, finished with silver buttons. The skirt Is In seven fore, !& habit back. IINIII.E l.lrlt NOT I.ONRI.V. ' Ths man's heart may he restless and unnamed, but that Is not always tha chief evil ot life In the masculine heart The lack of power , to mend and lake the Inability to produce an atmosphere of homothe wretchedness wretched-ness of being 111 with only stranger wotnm, timid of approach and chary of sotthlng snd smoothing touch the want of Instant aa to what alls discomforting dis-comforting trifles, really make on feel taat the old maid has greatly the advaitage In the single-handed combat com-bat with life's Ilia A Soman Is never alone while she baa I work-baiket and her knitting, and ike must be desperately 111 If she cannot tell the dullest attendant how to a hike up her plllowa and make a cup ef tes. The physical man, In hours of distress, cries out for a eom-paaalnoatlng eom-paaalnoatlng hand, no matter what his mental atrcngth may be; the lonely womaa knows Just what she wants, and tan find the right spot for an achlnf bead, says the New York Eveuhg Post |