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Show tnr.at rta rAii to i.owkh mahh. Cresceu failed In hi attempt to lownr hi record of 2 02 at th old Plmllro course. Daltlmore, but h weut a most creditable mile, considering th weather and the alate of the track. It rained heavily the nlgbt before and th track waa dead and several seconds low. In addition a cold wind blew up the back stretch, holding the bora back for mor than half the coura. After three alow warming-up mllea, tha laat In t:tl. Cresceua ram down for hi trlnl. On tha fourth score he waa sent away with a running horse at hlsquarter. Theflrst quarter was made In thirty seconds, a two-minute clip. Rounding Into the back stretch th cold wind struck Creaceu squar In th fat and held him back ao that th aext quarter waa made In 0:32. Th second clip wa kept up to th three-quarters, which waa reached In 1:84. Aa the horse squared away fur th drive down the stretch hla running mate closed up on one side of him and another runner cam up on the other. Between th two, nose and none, Cres-oeus Cres-oeus cam down th stretch out to tb last nunc, passing under tho wire In 1:0614. After th performance Mr. Kelcham aid b considered It on of th beat miles th horse evor trotted, considering consider-ing tha condition. About 10,000 people saw the trtlul. CANADA TALK t'lMIJ.RMtlg, The defeat of the Hhamrork II. has revived, both here and In Ivmdon. the talk about a Canadian chnllengo for th America's cup, says a Montreal paper. pa-per. There are two group of men who hav evinced Intention of challenging. On I headed by Commodore Gooder-ham Gooder-ham of Toronto, the presiding genius of the Hoynl Canadian Yacht Club of that city, lie Is wealthy and hla sporting sport-ing diversions run to fine horses and yschta. Former Commodore Jarvla of Toronto would bo the manager of the boat The other group la composed of former Commodore James Rosa of the Royal 81. Ijiwrenco Yacht club, the millionaire street rallwny king, and with him would be connected President Whitney of the Dominion Steel and Iron company of Ryrin.'y, Cape Ilreton, and a number of Ita shareholders. The Toronto syndicate would probably prob-ably hav It boat designed In Kng-land, Kng-land, but the steel eyndlrat would have Ooorge II. Duggan design and manage Ita vessel. Duggan lately dells-nod a forty-footer for anil water which haa beaten all the boata In Nova Wcotla, Now Urunswlck and Cap Dre-tun. Dre-tun. KINO IIOKNB R:N TIIIKU. J. B. Plaatt'a bay colt Plelrmrlt-burg, Plelrmrlt-burg, by HL Hlmnn Sea Air, won the Jockey Club stake of 10.000 sovereign sover-eign at Newmarket lord Itoae-bery'e Itoae-bery'e Kpaom Ijid waa aernnd and King Edward'a Diamond Jubilee third. Klght horses ran. Disguise II., with klslier In th aaddle, started favorite at 79 to VI agulust, but half a mile from home the horse began to swerve and finished sixth. Plctcrmarltzburg won In a canter by tlx leugths. Four length separated second and third horse. The betting was 4 to 1 against I'leUrmarlttburg and Diamond Jubilee and I to 1 against F.paoni Lad. manias "ri iik-' oi'Tt LaasKD erne. Frank Erne received another setback In hi pugilistic career when "Rube" Ferns (who, In spile of hi name, is a lighter of tb first water) put th Buffalo Buf-falo boy Into tha land of dreams In the ninth round of the contest at Fort Erie. Erne administered much punish- "HUllK" FKRNS. ment to Ferna and had hla faco bathed In blood, but his blows did not have th necessary ateam to lay away the Hansen. Two hard Jabs on tho Jaw In tha ninth round took the lire out of the lightweight champion. Kmc, however, till rotalns hla title, us Kerns belongs In th welter-weight i'I vision. "Rube" ho not long beta known to the pugilistic pugil-istic world, but il it lng hi ahort ring career he ha succeeded In whipping the best men of hla weight In the country. coun-try. Our cniuavlng of him la from a copVrlKllU j l'l:'"r" K- K. Fox. 1) ANflKKA or rooriiAi.i, Tha Northwestern University football foot-ball squad appeared on Sheppard Field yesterday afternoon for practlee In a vary dnaptfatcd condition. ajrg th Chicago American. Several nra on the hospital lint on account of alight Injuries received In the game Wednesday, Wednes-day, and Henry Hansen, tne Purples star tackle, waa Injured in th practice yeaterday and will be laid up for anv-eral anv-eral weeka at least. If not for the rest of the season. The llglmenta of hla ankle were badly torn, an! he will be unable to even walk around for some time to come, to aay nothing of getting back Into the game. Johnson. Klenger. Srhelner, O. O. Dleti and Captain Diets were not out for practice, having been excused by Holllatcr. Johnaon and Schelner are both unable to play, while th two DletB brother and Fleagcr ar till and bruised. Holllatcr waa extremely "wrathy" with th jmen on account of the sluggishness slug-gishness and fumbling ahown In Wednesday Wed-nesday contest with th soldiers, who ought not to have been able to atop the 'varsity. The "silent little coach" put th squad through the aevereat prartlr It haa had this fall, and for a time at leaat the men ahowed th effect of hi harp criticism. Only one-half of twenty minutes' duration wa played, and In that time the 'varsity cored two touchdowns by dint of bard Una plunges. TO riKt'l.K II 1.0 11 r AWIIKKU William M. Smith, a graduate of the University of Georgia and a resident of Atlanta, who Is pednllng awheel around the world, left hla home on hli long Journey June 24, during which time he haa traveled more than 4.000 mile. Th cyclist la 22 yean old and la on of the aoulh'a most promising young orator. He la making mak-ing the trip for educational purpose. Smith, since he left Atlanta on his bicycle, haa visited almost every large city In the east lie trsvuled through all the coast states and went aa far north aa Maine. From there he passed through the greater portion of Canada, Can-ada, through Toronto and itoppsd for overal day at Huffalo. He Intend WILUA SMITH, to go around the world and 1b making hla expense! en route, having left homo without funds. jKrrHir.s amd rithlin. Jeffries having poated hla forfeit to meet Gua Ruhlln everything aeema to be In ahape for their coming championship champion-ship battle. Jeffries' recent tug-out with Hank Grlflln, whom be essayed to put away In four rounds, but did not finish the Job, la looked upon by aom aa Indicating that th champion la going go-ing back, that he Is on the downward path Hint so many of the fighters before be-fore hi in have had to follow sooner of later. Hut whou mnttera nro carefully looked Into, thla performance doea not detract from Jeffries' ability aa a slug- ger, OrlHIn remained the four rounds' simply for the reason that he kept away from Jeffries. Gvory time be did get In range nf the champion's mighty tints he went to the grass. Jeff ! not a sprinter. One more punch would probably prob-ably have Buttled Orlfhn. WOMAN UCTg A RKIOHO. At the meeting of the Island Tark Driving Asoclatlon at Albany the other oth-er day Darlel, driven by Mlsa Nina Phelps of Wntervltet, N. Y., beat the world' record for lady driven by three and one-quarter seconds. Th home trotted th mile In 1:094. Th beat previous record for a lady driver waa 2:12Vi. Connor, driven by Al T. MacDonald, trotted a pacemaker. Mia Phelps wa preaented with a large bouquet- OTIIKH BrOHTINO MATTKHH. Yale haa a young football giant named disss, who wolgha 217 pounds and standi 6 feot 4 Inchea In height-Jake height-Jake Gaudaur, the oarsman, la anx-loua anx-loua to try concluilona with Towna, who took the championship from him not long ago. Gaudaur haa evidently seen hla beat daya aa a sculler. He la getting well along In years, and It I better that he retire with th laurel that he haa won than attempt to row agalnat a younger man, who can easily defeat him, and make a apectacl of himself, Harvey Parker, the light-weight champion wrestler of th world, returned re-turned this week from Kngland where, following the example of American boxers, he defeated the best men the "tight little lilo" could produce. Parker Par-ker lias a busy season mapped out for him by his manuger. It I not Improbable Im-probable that be will meet "Dob" KlUslmmona or Tom Sharkey, who have made their debut aa wrestlers, In which event Parker will endeavor to throw either one of them twice within an hour or loae the match. Frank Kramer la tha cycling star ot th aeason. Aa a sprinter ha ia th superior su-perior of either Ijiwson or Major Taylor, Tay-lor, and that he can also show his heels to tho best of thciu at the middle distance dis-tance mark waa proven lust Saturday when he captured the 25-mtle race at Vallsburg. N. J., In the world's competition com-petition record time of 68 mlnutea, seconds. The match was ot tha asiisatlonal order. It was a hammer and tongs affair from start to finish and Kramer won out by but half a length from Floyd McKarland at th finish. |