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Show WESTERN CONGRESSMEN. WILL ACT IN CONCERT. Will Aak Application of Receipts Vrom Uovsrnmrni lads to lletlalnilng J Arid Hgl.. Western members of congress propose pro-pose to devote the earnlnga of the United States Laud Ofllca to the eatab-llahment eatab-llahment of a complete Irrigation system sys-tem in the arid west. While pasting through Sioux City, Iowa, Friday, on hla way east. Senator Dubois, of Idaho, announced that all the congressmen congress-men of California, Idaho, Wyoming, Monlaua, Utah, the Dakota. Nebraska, Nebras-ka, Colorado and Nevada had practically practi-cally agreed to a concerted plan of aollon In aupport of thla to aecure an appropriation for Irrigation. "Th receipts for th sale of government govern-ment landa above expenses are to be used to build great reservoirs and canal ca-nal to catch th water that come from th anow on the mountains," he laid. "Yon aee, government Irrigation will permit landa now uutised to be re- I claimed and sold to liomescckers, which will each year raise mora mon-y, mon-y, and In thla way the ayatem will be virtually self-supporting after It I Kartell, the reservoirs, which must cost millions, will be built aa fast aa the Income allowa, "Thera are 100,000,000 acres of land to ba reclaimed lo this way, i:,000,0u0 In Idaho alone. In Snake Ulver valley, val-ley, where ,Suo miles of ditches have been built by private ownera, 7,000,000 ere have been made fertile and are raising from too to 300 bushels of potatoes pota-toes aod 15 bushel of wheat to the acre," |