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Show Hlbboa atoehlngs. Illhhon stockings ar on of th lat. eet fads of Dam fashion and clever glrla who Ilk to keep In the forefront of t drwa pruce slon. but who alto have to count the pennies carefully, ar mnklng their own. Th foundation founda-tion for the rlblion trimmed Blocking la a plain black stocking, silk or lisle. Hands of rlbtnn h .If an Inch wld and thin Incite I iik. each end no-iKhrd no-iKhrd with a little loop, are fastened upon tha stockings In such a way that they form a gradually wllcn d figure. At the anklu Ihe rlblion binds ar side by aide and aim at touch, but at th calf, whore they terminal, with a small blnkle, they are two or thru Inches apart. This gives a pretty ahape to the ankle and make a flit leg appear round. The most rrflnsd of there rtbbon-trlmmed atocklnga ar of fin black lisle, trimmed with black satin ribbon. The handa ar fastened to the stockings with very small safety pins or with tiny J weird pina. Another An-other atixking novelty la th black on trlmmid with a very large rthhog bow, which la fastened upon tb In step. A low- cut allppnr, absolutely plain, la worn with thla atocklng. Th foot looka extremely dainty dreaaed In thla amnll black Hipper and tha ribbon bow upon th Instep make th latter appear high. Philadelphia Inquirer. |