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Show Ele.ctrlrlH.iis UIovm. Tha Electric Laboratory of Pari haa been carrying out recently a aurle of experiment bearing on tho Insulating qualities ot electrician' glove. A a result Uis member having tha matter In charge havo arrived at the conclu-lon conclu-lon that Insulating glove cannot be considered a affording elflclent protection pro-tection against the danger connected with high-tension currenU, and state that In tholr Judgment It would even be better to pruucrlbe their use altogether alto-gether rather than to roly upon tholr efllclency In contact with dungerou connection. It U prudent, thuy ny, to consider them usoful only for working work-ing with those pari already Insulated from tha line, such ttr example a the aon-motalllo hnd Df switches, Philadelphia Time. |