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Show fries of Boer Soars. The retail price of meat In Chicago I blgber than for year, aay th Tribune. The housewife, the restau-rantkeeper, restau-rantkeeper, and the hotel proprietor all are feeling the effocta of the , drought which extended over the country coun-try last summer. Scarcity of corn and other feed for fattening stock I th reason aaalgned for th Increaaed price ot all meats. Within the laat few months beef has been advanced from two to three cents a pound, tha hear- ' lest Increase, in price being on tha Oner On-er grade and choice cut. Although those who can afford to buy the better meata are bearing the bulk of tha burden, bur-den, even the poorer consumers ara BHOWINO INCREASK ON DIFFERENT DIFFER-ENT PARTS OF UEEF. finding that their money goes only little way In a butcher shop. There It only one consolation for the consumei In th general rearrangement ot prices. ' Tha high prices of corn and feed If oinpelllng the stock raiser to ship bla beot to the market before It Is fat enough to be clnsaed as ebole ffrad. As a result, the advance has been moderate In th price of poorer grades ot beat. : n. |