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Show 'residents of One Nina The accession of Vice-President Roosevelt to tha chief maglstry adds another to tha list of presidents who bad but one Christian name! Of tha twenty-five presidents, but six, tha younger Adams, the elder Harrison, Polk. Grant. Hayes and Arthur hid two. Mr. Cleveland since tha death of ex-President Harrison Is the only living ex-president There have bees but three other Instnncea where there waa but one aurvlvlug. In 1836 whsn Madison died. John Qulncy Adams alone aurvived; In 1874. when Fillmore Fill-more died, Andrew Johnson, and In lHHfl. whon Arthur died, Hayes. There have been but two occasions when there waa none surviving during the term of John Adams, when Washington Washing-ton died, and during the second tern of Grant In 1876, wnen Johnson died. Louisville Courier-Journal. |