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Show Clraat B.U la History Lord Oeorge Uentlnck, In 184, In betting on bl borne Gaper, for the Derby, atood to win 160.000 ($720,-000), ($720,-000), but auTed himself upon Cother-atone, Cother-atone, and netted 30.000 (1144.000). At another time a bet of 93.000 ($432,000) agalnat 30.000 ($144,000) waa booked between old Lord Glasgow Glas-gow and Lord George Uentlnck. The Marquis of llastInK bet and loat 103.000 $4!M.4('0) on the Hermit' Derby. Hell A Co. of Wall atreet. In August, 1900, had $250,000 placed In their band to bet on Prenldent Mc-Klnley'a Mc-Klnley'a re-election, at odds ot 2 to L Their offer wa absorbed In fraction. frac-tion. Lord Dudley bet 24.000 to 8.000 on Peter In a race at Ascot with a bookmaker named Morrta. Peter wa beaten. A ayndlcate bended bend-ed by a man named Lambert won 60,000 on Don Juan In the Cesare-wltch Cesare-wltch at Newmarket In 1B83. New York Uurald. |