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Show Billed Slsty-Rlghl Dies. , One Shot The duck shooting season baa opened up In thla portion of tha coast country, says tha Galveston Dally Nowa. but the prevalence of mosquitoes mosqui-toes Is making the aport leas attractive attrac-tive than it otherwise would be, and Is also detorrlng the "pot shooters" from spending as much time In the lakes and marshes as they would with to do. However, the Bablne market Is being supplied with ducks, and they are plump and Juicy, having fed and futtened In tho rice fields along the bayous to tha north and weat of the city. Several yeara ago, when driving the mall and passenger stage between Bablne and Galveaton. on hla return home one afternoon, Joe Marty killed 203 ducks In one of the lakea along the route In two hours and fifteen minutes from the time be began shooJng. A. H. Rest, who Is In tba |