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Show oo i FARMER KILLS I WIFE AND SELF I I Mother of Large Family Meld I Against Hot Stove and Shot Three Times. f B"Onvjlle, Ind.. April 17 Pushing - j his wife. Mary, 2 ears old nsainst r a hot stove in his home here today. I William Folsom. 52 cais old. lorm- t erl a inospe:ouh lanuer. held her I J while li' fired two shot., into her heart, killing her Instantly. Hp tOen shot himself three times in the breast. r j but doctoi Bay he will recover. t T.ie shooting came after the wife's H i denial ol infidelity . it is 6aid. and her refusal in BUrrOnder her wedding ring. j The Folsoms have te children, rang- i ing ii age from three to $5 j jars. F |